

Monday 12 January 2015

One Voice: Paris Muslim Brother on Terrorist Murders

The headline of the video reads: Slain French Policeman's brother calls for Unity

"Devastated by this barbaric act, we associate with the pain of all of the families of the victims. 
 I must address myself now to all islamophobes and anti-Semites: one must not confuse extremists with Muslims. Mad people have neither colour nor religion. 

I want to make another point. Hold back from tarring everybody with the same brush, triggering wars, burning mosques or synagogues. You are attacking people. It won't bring our dead back and it won't appease the families.

Next, for the Kouachis, what would have done me good would have been to see their dead faces in front of me, because it is not two photos or shooting bullets that will do me good. I am happy that they are stopped. but would like to see them. 

Its not two terrorists, two madmen who are going to trigger....who are going to represent all Muslims.  We have nothing to do with that. My brother was a Muslim, killed by false Muslims, by two terrorists, there you go."

This Muslim bother says it all for everyone to notice..

The pain and rawness felt by so many people, when hearing anyone speak against Muslims is uncomfortable even to endure from a personal perspective. Having confronted people about their attitudes and false accusations, I also encourage people to check up the facts.

I encourage people to see people as people, not labels.

You cannot tell by looking at anyone to know what is their religion. What people believe is written in their heart. Not everyone speaks openly about their truth and usually because that is fear and confusion.

Someone who does not have right teaching of religion and ignores the law, how can they dictate to the world what people must do? Interpretation of the Scriptures and the Law has been given to successors. And not studying the Holy Bible cover to cover, I pray for my guidance and ask for what it is I need to know to be revealed. Sometimes this is discovering in the pages of the Holy Bible, Sometimes information comes my way that is relevant even on the internet. I can research for the truth and so can you too.

What mindset is turning people against each other - masses of people against masses of people? When people from all nations stand united together as brothers and sisters, refusing war, there can be none. The war mongers are not going to thrive forever. WE the people are the guardians of this world.

The gathering of people in different parts of our world in peace, has also seen officials come out armed and attacking unarmed people. To whom and what are they serving? They are being paid. And it is for officials to wake up to what they are doing to people - to their own brothers, sisters and cousins.

Divide and conquer is with devious rule...UNITE NOW!

This is yet another example of how people can come together and defy man who is in gross error in his ways and actions. There are people who will be paid to kill people...There are people who are influenced to kill. In the video above the Muslim brother of a murdered police officer wants to see EVIDENCE.

The media are demanding EVIDENCE now too. What little is available might be from what individuals have taken and posted on the internet - I really do not know. Evidence filmed by people can be more reliant than the scripted reporting that does not inform people of everything or what is really going on.

The media have placed emphasis on Muslims as terrorists; yet there have been mass murders by people who have no association with Islam or being a Muslim. Not everyone knows this - Orthodox Jews and Orthodox Christians are actually exempt from going to war and killing people. This is the ancient law.

And if anything I learned that Prophet Muhammad acknowledged this law too. Having discovered the written Charter around the time of learning of his night journey meeting the Lord. This was after a dream experience seeing Prophet Muhammad so I knew on discovering this Charter, it was vitally important now.

Point 11:

'Neither in time of war shall they take them out of their habitations, nor compel them to go to the wars, nor even then shall they require of them any poll-tax.'

Point 15

If a Christian woman shall happen to marry a Muslim man, the Muslim shall not cross the inclination of his wife, to keep her from her church and prayers, and the practice of her religion.

Point 17

Whosoever acts contrary to my grant, or gives credit to anything contrary to it, becomes truly an apostate to God, and to his divine apostle, because this protection I have granted to them according to this promise.

Point 18

No one shall bear arms against them, but, on the contrary, the Muslims shall wage war for them.

The document remains at the foot of Mount Sinai in St. Catherine's Greek Orthodox Monastery and Mount Athos, the most Holy Mountain in Greece. This official document is signed and concerns us all.

There is a mystery of history that has been protected. Within the walls, at the Monastery is a Fatamid mosque. We are bound together and this will have taken place in history when marriage has taken place between Muslims and Orthodox Christians Promises were made..

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No copyright infringement intended

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