

Saturday 28 February 2015

Putin Condemns Murder - A Contract Killing?

There is a headline today in the Daily Mail....

Shot in the Kremlin's shadow: Russian opposition leader gunned down in 'politically-motivated attack in front of his 23-year-old Ukrainian model girlfriend'

  • Politician Boris Nemtsov, 55, was one of Vladimir Putin's fiercest critics
  • He was shot four times in 'politically motivated' attack near Kremlin 
  • Nemtsov was walking over bridge with Ukranian model Anna Duritskaya, 23
  • Russian opposition leader had been due to take part in protest tomorrow
  • He had been working on report about Russia's involvement in Ukraine
  • Hours before death he condemned Putin's 'mad and deadly' policy of war
  • Father-of-four's mother, 87, had a premonition that he would be killed
  • Putin condemned murder, saying it may have been 'contract killing'  
  • Hundreds of mourners have lit candles and laid flowers at site of murder 
  • World leaders including David Cameron have condemned 'callous murder' 
Sharing this article to show that the leaders in our world are no longer being silent about the contract killings taking place. And as shown above, even though the politician Boris Nemsov was one of Vladimir Putin's fiercest critics, he has condemened the murder and identifies it may have been a contract killing.
Just from these headlines he condemend Putin's 'mad and deadly' policy of war'. This is written but unless we know this to be fact, we cannot see this as truth. What is reported to show someone has been killed and we are told contract killings are taking place. Who gains by these wars taking place. What is the truth?
The Daily Mail writes in the documented report:
Nemtsov had publicly expressed concerns for his life earlier this month and was outspoken in his opposition to Putin, pictured at a media rally in Moscow in 2012
Quote 'Nemtsov had publicly expressed concerns for his life earlier this month and was outspoken in his opposition to Putin, pictured at a media rally in Moscow in 2012'
Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was gunned down in a 'politically motivated' attack in front of his 23-year-old Ukrainian model girlfriend, according to reports.

The former deputy Prime Minister, 55, and fierce critic of Vladimir Putin was 'under surveillance' by his killers before he was shot in the shadow of the Kremlin the day before an anti-Putin protest.

He had been out for dinner with Anna Duritskaya, 23, at a restaurant inside GUM, a department store in Moscow's Red Square in the hours before his death, and the pair then went for a walk.

The married father-of-four was shot four times by assailants in a white car as the couple walked across a bridge over the Moskva River at midnight on Friday, but the 23-year-old model was unhurt.

'The murderers knew Nemtsov's route, he was spied on,' said a police source. 

He had been working on a report presenting evidence he believed proved Russia's direct involvement in the separatist rebellion that erupted in eastern Ukraine last year. 

Just hours before his death, Nemtsov told Ekho Moskvy radio that Putin had pushed Russia into an economic crisis through his 'mad, aggressive and deadly policy of war against Ukraine.'  

Married people hire detectives to track their spouse too. 

Did the man have protection being in his position?

There will be people who know the truth about this murder.

Leading Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov was shot dead on a bridge in central Moscow at just after midnight on Friday, pictured (centre) is a body bag with Saint Basil's Cathedral in the background

One of the published images is showing the bridge with what looked to be as named the Church of our Savior on spilled blood. Our Saviour being Lord Jesus Christ....(concern is when reading that Prince Charles sees himself as saviour of this world...with a statue of him with wings is made to be displayed in Brazil)

The message is very clear 'We should say No to War! We should say enough idiocy! We should say Russia and Ukraine without Putin! Russia and Ukraine without Putin!'

Notice the voices of influence over the masses are many.

Nemtsov and Putin discuss the prospects of administrative reform at the Kremlin in July 2000 

Quote 'Nemtsov and Putin discuss the prospects of administrative reform at the Kremlin in July 2000'

'Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was shot dead in Moscow at the age of 55.
His 87-year-old mother Dina had a premonition that her son would be killed, according to the politician.
He told earlier this month how his mother warned him: 'When will you stop cursing Putin? He'll kill you for that.' 
Nemtsov studied physics at State University of Gorky and earned a PhD in Physics and Mathematics.
In the wake of the Chernobyl disaster, Nemtsov organised a protest movement in his hometown, which prevented the construction of a new nuclear power plant in the region. 
The liberal reformer rose to prominence under Boris Yeltsin and became a fierce critic of Vladimir Putin.
Nemtsov first gained an international profile after being spotted by former British premier Margaret Thatcher as a future leader of Russia........(read more)

Are the British placing leaders????

Did Vladimir REALLY have anything to do with this?

What I really think is there is a far bigger picture involved than being portrayed in the media. Also in Russia there is a new Imperial Crown that has been made - a replica from before and while it is made, it might be with JUBILEE LAWS in context.

In Russia there are people who understand HOLY ORTHODOXY in context. Recalling another Daily Mail news report Vladimir Putin is very clear on his faith - He also knows that the former Patriarch of Russia, who was divinely guided and spoke in the Pauline Symposium in 2008 not long before his death took place too.

I am not able to know or to say the truth about what is happening, only to share some thoughts and perspective. If I wrote to Vadimir Putin - would he be interested to know what I have to say? It is necessary to bring an end to all the wars taking place in our world....It is necessary for leaders to come together in peace...It takes courage to reject the wrong way of being influenced. Do not bow down to false idols!  

We do not know who the assassins are..Assassins are hired killers who can be hired by anyone from any place but it is a dark mentality and mafia control mentality. The meaning of mafia being a criminal organisation, also known as THE FIRM. Is it a case of eliminating any future successor in advance....Of course this is a possibility.

There is a pattern that takes place...It is psychology!

Quoting more of what is written in the Daily Mail:

It has been reported that Nemtsov angered Putin's government two years ago when he charged that billions of dollars had been stolen from funds designated for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, his hometown.

He has written more than 60 academic publications about quantum physics, thermodynamics and acoustics and designed n of antennas for space apparatuses.

Jewish advocacy website AJC named Nemtsov as one of the most prominent Jews in Russia thanks to his mother's heritage. 

In his 1997 memoir, The Provincial Man, Nemstov revealed that he was baptised Russian Orthodox in secret.

He leaves behind his wife Raisa Akhmetovna and four children.

The former research officer of the Gorky Radiophysical Research Institute with his daughter Zhanna in 1986
Who will take control of the patents of his designs? 
Being Jewish...inspired with the intelligence that is beyond the realms of conformity, Being baptised Russian Orthodox, serving Christ in His Kingdom.Belonging to Christ. All these points consider.

Government officials, corruption...not new. As shown with every death and catastrophe reported in the news there will be something else relevant to know. Was this man a progressive thinker and inspired individual - as was Nikola Tesla that we all have free electricity? Who really wanted to silence him?  

Who wants to take control of his 'academic knowledge'?  

Is Vladimir a weak conforming puppet. I think not!

Is Vladimir oppressing people in any way? Is he telling people they must accept future generations of God mocking wizard wand waving royals ruling? I think not.

Also finally, the name Vladimir means 'Prince'.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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