

Friday 6 March 2015

Canterbury Crown Court 13 Steps: King Prosecuted

Thought this is an interesting article in the Daily Mail

Canterbury Crown Court has 10 steps to the entrance...reminds me of the Game of Thrones Iron Throne setting...though not watching this series, just a thought...was there a monster king in that too?

At first seeing the image, thinking about the Chakras....and beyond with the 10 steps..Notice the two built pillars at the entrance...the builders planned this well. The architect may have been inspired or instructed.

With the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Primate of the Anglican Church being the person who would be in thr ole to crown the next Queen, is appears that he has already said George will be King one day..He also spoke of the worldwide church...but he omits to speak about a church meaning a people.

Not smiling anymore: King admitted six charges of assault, burglary and sexual assault at Canterbury Crown Court and was sent to a Young Offenders' Institute for five-and-a-half years

No mention of Crown outside...

No royal connection either with the name King.

Jailed: Connor King, 18, went on a violent rampage after drunkenly staggering out of a family wedding

King admitted six charges of assault, burglary and sexual assault and was sent to a Young Offenders' Institute for five-and-a-half years.

Judge Heather Norton told him: 'You embarked on a course of conduct that night which must have been terrifying for everybody involved.'

You can read the article about this if you are interested.

The set up in Belfast where the Iron Throne is situated.

There was at one time the government and court of justice in the same building - God's Government and with 10 steps, and the pillars this might be a representable court for this...As all the Judges take an oath to serve the monarch in England, it is not known if this is a reminder to those who sit in positions of power that they are not above the law....Unless someone is divinely appointed by God, as Moses was chosen and as David was chosen and he was divinely guided, so he crowned Solomon..

Finding this image there are 10 steps to the iron throne on this set. 

In earlier articles I wrote how it appeared that Kate and William were crowed on the Solomon Islands..and waring the floral crowns is a connection with Asia...Whether the ceremony was carried out legitimately we can be sure with both Queen Elizabeth II and Charles having televised ceremonies they did not hide...but we do not know what ritual ceremonies took place, if any before they were publicly crowned.

Credit to MrsRegalEyes for capturing this priceless photograph.
It really would notmatter if people are being deceived because officials all have taken oaths of allegiance to serve the Queen, all her heirs and successors...but successors is open to interpretation.
Unrelated information but interesting to connect the dots.
Peace be  with you
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended.

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