

Monday 19 October 2015

Fatimah's Testimony Healing & Encountering Jesus

God will do EVERTHING and anything to bring people back to him.....and he chooses his instruments to share their testimony of truth, that validates Christ who the Father had prepared as the vessel to deliver his truth ....Back in the ancient times people were waiting for the Messiah, but not everyone was ready.

Fatimah's testimony is so profound in sharing her experiences of healing, seeing Jesus and being saved in her life. It is filled with the experiences to show the price that is paid and that is to give up everything to follow Christ, even family.....because sadly, families can and do indoctrinate and even hinder the soul from their evolving and calling .....but there is something else....a healing need in the global family too.

Notice that God has again shown a name that is familiar to Muslims and one that is regarded with great respect. Fatmiah is the name of the daughter of Prophet Muhammad. And just to validate this precision, Fatimah in the video testimony, is the daughter of father named Muhammad.

 There is nothing stopping anyone to pray and seek the truth.....and yet there are a great many people suffering now. Masses are facing life and death situations that make us question life .....and the lesson we are given is to value the precious gift of life that we have been given.

We cannot imagine most of us, any mother who would want to kill her daughter because she has become a Christian in her heart - ......but I wonder if there is a bridge that can be created to address and heal this control over peoples choices. It is NOT APOSTATE to pray and understand the true God. We can all of us, communicate in prayer and God has ensured that Jesus was born so that people can know we belong to him.

We are in the times of the antichrist and God is making sure with Jesus revealed in these times to bring people to the truth and to preserve the faithful - in whatever geographical location they live.

The testimony shared above is to show the power of prayer and healing that has taken place. As each person who is called to Christ and 'Saved' they all have their own unique experience.

The Father of Souls has shown through Jesus Christ that Fatimah was born for her role and that her life has prepared her to what she is called to do. She will encounter a great many people who are hurting, lost and confused in the Muslim and Christian religion. To be a follower of Christ is not blind faith.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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