

Friday 20 November 2015

Prince William Islamic Centre Manassas USA

Prince William Islamic Centre Manassas is named.

Manasses is one of the Tribes of Israel

Manasses was a son of Joseph, this tribe was divided into two half-tribes, an eastern and a western. .

Manasseh was a king of the Kingdom of Judah 

'Olive oil production and export played a big role in the economy of the time.'


Augustus meaning venerable or majestic. This title was first bestowed on the Roman emperor Octavian in 27 BC.

The Prince William County Bar Association was established in 1941. 

On the map Church Street is quite prominent..The Anglican Church after the birth of Prince George is referred to as the Worldwide Church . Traditionally a church refers to a people.

The Declaration of Independence of the States of America came to my attention to read in Spring 2013 - this was immediately following a disturbing dream about a microchip. 

The morning afterwards, reading an article about a 2000 year old rock with a microchip implanted was given to Barack Obama while on his trip to Israel. British Israel is also named.

Remembering another article in the Daily Mail 

The headline reads Prince William meets Obama at the Oval Office... and tells the President that he forgot to ask whether George was a boy or a girl when he was born 

Quote ;The prince, who also met with Vice President Joe Biden, discussed the 'special relationship' between Great Britain and and the United States. Biden discussed the ongoing efforts to combat ISIS. 

With Queen Elizabeth, so we were told, set aside by God for his service. Was this to preserve his church? With evident opposition and oppression of Christians...who is influencing this?

We do not really know what is going on. In America New England is named. Georgetown and Charlottesville too - those who assume power over the courts, also assume power over the people. 

The plan of man is carefully orchestrated....A great many people are on the payroll. The power of influence with mainstream media is with paid presenters reading their script too.

While Queen Elizabeth is still alive, masses of people are asking for a republic when she passes, yet the masses are also swayed and. influenced by the media too. Everyone can put their best foot forward and smile showing a pleasant nature, yet power and control can be with manipulation too.

There are many actors on the world stage....

Not everything is quite as it seems in the stage set up..

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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