

Monday 16 November 2015

Quote: 'Putin Tells Everyone Who Created ISIS'

There is one point I must stress, seek the facts and credible evidence. Always seek to listen to the truth, particularly those in positions of power who have the intelligence and know the facts, especially concerning the power game and deception being used in this time over the people. 

Vladimir Putin is very intelligent and not a doormat to walk over. He is fearless and will speak the truth - He knows who is sincere and who is not. No names mentioned.The same lessons presented again. Learn from this.

The video title writes 'Putin tells everyone who created ISIS' - it was not this that attacted me to listen to what Vladimir had to say, I have listened to him before. And I will listen to him again.

This is my take on the world situation...someone in a position of responsibility to preserve the people has also to have the courage to speak the truth..I do not believe that Putin is falling for any traps whatsoever - he refuses to cover to those with Imperialistic agenda. Now PLEASE do turn on the video and READ VERY CAREFULLY EVERYTHING THAT HE SAYS..and then you will understand more of what is happening in our world today.

The name Vladimir means Prince

Under the ORTHODOX CHURCH, Jesus is The KING.

Also something else - if our world had throughout ethical government, there would be responsible ethical individuals with the people working also not in primitive battles with sophisticated weapons and deception to the people..One year military spending can fund 300 years of programs to benefit people..We are in a time where there are ethical people in responsible positions but do not assume anyone is unless they prove themselves to be..If they take their oath to be a servant of God seriously they will not be war mongers knowing the cost and taking lives is forbidden.

the cost to the soul especially is very high

Never be scared to seek the truth because we need to truth to understand..and if we want to understand what is really happening in the world, we must be willing to seek out those who are speaking out and know.

Do not forget or ignore the biblical prophesies are unfolding now. 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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