

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Storm Barney - Barney is That Not an Argument?

Yesterday someone spoke about Storm Barney - my reply: Barney, is that not an argument? Thinking about this...I wondered, has some argument been taking place in this time...

Then a few days with these storms if dark forces are at work

Well the massacre in Paris was not holy at all.It was very dark indeed and of course there are also people who know...Are any of these connected - I really do not know. It could be though

Of the articles published about Storm Barney, one shows a building named Alexandra Court - there are bricks below the building that have fallen on a car. This has been photographed for a reason.

It appears as if the chimney has come off...The impact would surely have made a great noise too. The connection between the heavens and earth of a building is the roof and chimney. - Has this particularly damage been done to indicate that something else is going on related to Alexandra?

Notice the sign - Royal Blue Court - connected with a Law Court?

Force of nature: Waves and high winds hit the sea wall and lighthouse at Newhaven in East Sussex today as Britain is hit by more weather

This photograph shows what looks like an angels wing.

Queen Alexandra also came to mind when seeing using Google I did a search...'Alexandra of Denmark was Queen consort of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Empress consort of India as the wife of King-Emperor Edward VII'

Queen Alexandra, the Princess of Wales.jpg

Alexandra of Denmark, Princess of Wales, later Queen Consort of the United Kingdom.

A while ago a letter was delivered - thinking 'this is a con',  The address was from DENMARK WA. It could be indeed a con, particularly as the DOCTOR, presumably of Engineering, not an MD claimed to be good friends with my father having worked with him. He did not even know my mother's name...But he showed interest to get in touch with the second wife. Sack that - if the Courts are not interested to chase he up for her blatant crimes - I am most certainly not going to enter the trap yet again

Noticing that the land marks have been named..obviously monarchs are shown to be connected too. But in this case an King Emperor is identified..and his Queen. Stay with this if you will.

Queen Elizabeth II wore an Imperial Crown after her coronation. She is also - or was, if she has not passed this over to someone else - Queen of Australia and all the related other territories too.

Before sleeping last night, a thought came to mind - my own. Remembering reading a news headline: MP's Toast for Queen and Kaiser - the photograph published was of William and Kate.

Remembering also a snippet of the Game of Thrones - on YouTube. A series that I have not seen but thought it was odd - wondering if this is all happening in real life. One time reading a comment of someone who was 'eager to tune into the next episode'.......But it became more to my attention, after hearing of the military band of bearskin hats playing the Game of Thrones Tune outside Buckingham Palace.

Why would a band play such a theme tune...they are not there for entertainment purposes. Is the world being exposed to what is really going on behind closed doors. We really cannot be sure?

Now no one can ignore another slaughter of innocents has taken place - If yesterday in Paris, today or tomorrow it could be somewhere is. What if these are blood sacrifice killings for power?

Notice the rise of armed police - the Unholy World Order..

I am not entirely convinced these are just terrorists who are extremists killing people..They are too planned, too organised and even the police spoke of assassins being hired. I wonder, particularly with so many God mockers around, who would be willing to blashpheme the name of God and then commit such atrocities for whatever further an agenda for someone with a lust for power, under the influence..

So with that - as I do not know, I do know GOD KNOWS!

Returning to the original article - there is another photograph. .

On the ground: The 80ft tower at the Fort Shopping Centre in Birmingham is pictured today after being blown over last night by high winds

On the ground: The 80ft tower at the Fort Shopping Centre in Birmingham is pictured today after being blown over last night by high winds

It is written in the Holy Scriptures:

The Lord has spoken: 9In that day they will say,
“Surely this is our God;
we trusted in him, and he saved us.
This is the Lord, we trusted in him;
let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”
10The hand of the Lord will rest on this mountain;
but Moab will be trampled in their land
as straw is trampled down in the manure.
11They will stretch out their hands in it,
as swimmers stretch out their hands to swim.
God will bring down their pride
despite the clevernessa of their hands.
12He will bring down your high fortified walls
and lay them low;
he will bring them down to the ground,
to the very dust. Isaiah 25:9-12

How the sign at The Fort looked before it was downed by high winds

In the Daily Mail today another article of Kate Middleton regarding a rare speech wearing a dress with the label 2012, This year the Queen's Diamond Jubilee was held. But traditionally the Jubilee is this really about celebrating a monarch or in revering God and remembering HIS LAWS. Jubilee Law.

If the maintaining of the Holy Law - Royal Law in context, Sacred Majesty in serving and interpreting the Law of God and if divinely appointed,hearing the instructions from God this happening?

Add caption

Another tree ripped up in Barnmouth North Wales.

Looking up to find out what has happened recently in Barnmouth - another article writes of a decision to close down a bridge, saving it is written £31, 000 a year and in turn that will profoundly affect the economy..People would have to take an 18 mile detour.

As the title invested in Charles, The Prince of Wales has evolved from the King of the Britons. With being in a job share with his mother - does his son assume automatic succession...Charles had a televised ceremony as in 1953 the Queen;'s Coronation. Now brought to peoples attention, those who rise up surreptitiously - that can mean by deception ...Listen to Richard Chartres. Bishop of London.

 11"I adorned you with ornaments, put bracelets on your hands and a necklace around your neck. 12"I also put a ring in your nostril, earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head.… Ezekiel 16:11-12

The Daily Mail usually publish a generous supply of photographs, particularly of \Kate Middleton - this allows the observer to notice the different facial expressions. In this particular article, there are a few with her looking up towards the sky - while the wind is blowing her hair as over the place.

The event will include presentations from Headteachers working in some of the most disadvantaged parts of the UK

Of course, lets not forget that London has high rise buildings and perhaps some of her adoring fans, are showing positive messages to her. Reading the Daily Mail comments many do not respect her..

Have to admit, Kate sounds in her speech as if she has done several years of professional training, a life with a great deal of experience, insight with compassion; listening to many people to gain this insight. It is even suggested the script is her own...She has certainly chosen key areas to promote but she might be blind to the causes of the devastation to so many peoples lives by the system she chose to head today.


She added: 'These basic qualities are so much more valuable than the always changing material and social concerns that can seem so important to young people'

Place 2 Be logo is within a circle with a sun. Bank of America is identified...

With the American Currency having IN GOD WE TRUST and also depicting Lady Liberty - is there any connection, any association. Of course Kate will get many invitations. And if she was rejected from the top job, with being heavily promoted she would likely have to be placed somewhere else.

The Court of injustice..Indeed there is a reason why.

Prince William was today pictured signing the book of condolences. He has vowed to attend a football match between England and France in a show of solidarity with the French people

William and Kate were also photographed signing the book of condolences. Each took their turn. So many articles about the rise of an evident dark lord in our world - with the rise of armed police etc.

The heavy promotion of false idols...People were warned about. Now we can interpret all this as we wish as we can read into whatever is published in the news. We can also be told untruths because there is no law to prevent the media lying apparently. They can also only report a snippet of truth too.

As I began this article, while names have been chosen for the storms now taking place - I wondered, has an argument taken place behind closed doors ...Is there a power battle going on - revealed?

We do not know the truth. God KNOWS though!

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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