

Wednesday 11 November 2015

The Lessons For Humanity, 2016 & 2017 Prophesy

Having already written about this, someone else has been given the understanding to share. Not everyone is ready to consider there is an antichrist figure, or as in history powerful magic is being used to keep people under a spell...For a few years now, God has been awakening people. Many are still sleeping.

How quickly people will learn their lessons, will determine how quickly they repent from wicked ways. There are prophesies that evil will be destroyed...My question is to ask, how much suffering are people willing to go to, before this takes place. Look how many people at ease with inflicting of hurt, loss, injustice, hate, destruction, violation and even killing people for gains, after all - blood money is also named.

Stop giving your personal power to the evil one...

Stop training your children to hate...

Two generations could clear up the evil in this world.

Adnan Oktar has a few short videos with subtitles work looking into. I posted one in an earlier article on my page where he speaks of Jesus and the Mahdi working together in this time.

'It is God who shapes the course of history, not politicians. Secret servants shape the course of history . Theses secret servants shape the course of history through inspiration from God.

'God creates great things from very small ones'

'The system of the antichrist has a lifetime of 40 years'

We are coming to the age where it will give up its weapons'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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