

Sunday 27 December 2015

Christmas Eve Full Moon Storm Eva -Floods Why?

At different times of the year, the weather reports are given in advance but there appears to be something else - the knowledge of what might be causing weather to be stormy and destructive.

A number of photographs are published with a report about Storm Eva - with a photograph of the full moon on Christmas Eve - it is also traditionally a romantic time and love is an energy that flows.

There is according to research on the internet, a Satanic Ritual too.

Warning this will be shattering the illusions of many people..

Who is serving Satan and involved in these rituals?

Prince of Darkness is a title - so is the Bride of Satan too.

Sharing the full article where the headline link writes of Britain facing 100 flood warnings -why is the figure of 100 being given - is there something more to this middle England flooding taking place>

Hurricanes have now been named, it is not known why...

Eva means 'life' or 'living one'

On Christmas day there was also a full moon -

Learning of ritual killing on the full moon on Christmas Eve - we cannot ignore Christ the Born King whose birthday on Christmas day -  so as evil thrives with taking human life, God ensures people remember His Truth and commandments with being forbidden to kill - there is more to know too.

There are people who are asking for prayers because they are under spiritual attack - seek the protection of God the Almighty and ask in Jesus name that he watches over you too. What is sent out will return and whatever act has taken place to trigger this flood - it will be discovered and shared.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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