

Friday 11 December 2015

New-New Zealand Flag - If they Ditch Union Jack

The Daily Mail reports quoting:

'New Zealanders have chosen a silver fern on a black-and-blue background as their preferred flag design if the South Pacific nation decides to dump Britain's Union Jack from its national banner, officials said Friday.

The design beat four other contenders in a nation-wide referendum, according to preliminary results released by the New Zealand Electoral Commission.

Simply titled 'Silver Fern (Black, White and Blue)', the design will go head-to-head with the existing flag in a second referendum in March next year'.

Read full article with images

The above image is taking from a Daily Telegraph article:

In New Zealand Kate wore a fern brooch borrowed from the Queen’s archives. In Australia she is expected to wear a wattle brooch that the Queen wore on her last visit in 2012.
But Royal biographer Claudia Joseph, author of Kate: The Making of a Princess, said there were a couple of fashion tips Kate still had not picked up from the Queen.
Royal Collection TRUST shop is identified selling a manufactured version of the as the monarchy industry is a booming business - we cannot ignore that there are many who  would buy just to be like Kate (eek)

Quote@ Inspired by Her Majesty The Queen's New Zealand Silver-Fern Brooch, in the form of one of the most important and widely recognised national emblems of New Zealand. The brooch was given to The Queen on behalf of the women of Auckland, at Government House on Christmas Day 1953.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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