

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Private Dentists Keep Silent on The Bigger Cost

There is an article published in the Daily Mail of importance.

Cosmetic dentistry carries a huge price beyond what we pay.

This is a subject I wanted to write about some time back after having first four veneers and than 6 crowns to replace them...The dentist said I could not have veneers would be better to have crowns. Then the dentist said I might lose my teeth - where he would be removing them completely -I did wonder about the 6 crowns, when in this time being shown in visions 6 Crowns (worn on the head)...something else.

Thinking back that over the course of time people have been identified by their DNA (well that is being tampered with today in a big way) but also dental records are used to identify people.

If people have cosmetic dentistry or their teeth removed, there are no records that can be collected ....and something else, notice how many people colour their hair. Is that messing with DNA too.

There are ethical dentists who also know of the damage people do to their teeth ie with bulimia the acid is destroying the teeth in a way that cannot be prevented. They surely know of other conditions too.

But if a dentist is motivated to make money - a population who are focussed on appearances and perfection - the dentist will have a solution..and the cosmetic surgeon too. We see so much butchering taking place and people having work done that is irreversible, instead of realising we are made as we are meant to be.

While studying Counselling, in my class was a gentleman who specialised in reconstruction surgery - people who have been in serious car crashes and had cancer eat away at their face. People who are profoundly disfigured with scarring - I can indeed see who there is such a valuable service in this specialised area...but we have become so vain without considering consequences - more money will need to be spent.

As a young girl I met a few young women who had all their teeth removed - it did not make sense. Also when moving to Bolton - the dentist was deemed a butcher drilling for fillings - it is not known if these were even needed. I learned that the dentist went to prison - he was the cause of my distrust of dentists.

Everyone has their own story to tell..

When we go to see a doctor or dentist, we surely must be able to trust these people...What if we are being ill advised? We might not be and yet some people are. Are treatments damaging teeth?

But if the finances allowed cosmetic dentistry and a nice smile - then suddenly dry up or income is prevented to afford the treatment that cost thousands of pounds - what then? False teeth or gaps?

Sometimes we do not look in the mirror and see the person inside. We might see beauty in other people but if this is plastic and false - what is the point?. Friends have said I have a beautiful smile - not really...I did not like my teeth before because one was chipped at the front and smaller...What is now is false.

Another friend has a set of false teeth that look good...but what happened for her teeth to be taken out is not known. Is this what will happen to so many people in this generation too?

Perhaps people will opt for those titanium implants, to replace crowns. The tooth can come off from that too. The stumps that are drilled down to place a crown are not strong and secure either....

Veneers can break and so can crowns too....

Looking back, I wish I had just left everything alone...We are many who have had bad experiences with dentist and that should be enough of a warning to decide if we really need work done.

When vanity speaks louder than natural practicality - when there is social conditioning and influencing for cosmetic dentistry - you can be sure that this is not just related to teeth that are unnatural.

We can gain knowledge to preserve our teeth regarding brushing and flossing,....but we are not all informed of the erosion of teeth, when to brush and when not to...All the chemicals people are drinking with the sodas - are these really good for the teeth? If we see what coca cola does, we will think twice.

Ok lets get to watching something with short term results.

Reading some of the comments about people in the newspapers - I shudder when people openly declare that someone needs to have work done on their teeth or plastic cosmetic surgery. It is necessary to straighten up peoples minds who might be insecure to point the finger to another's seemingly imperfections.

If we remember every day we are God's creation, we would not seek to change this. If we know God loves us - why would we do what causes us hurt and pain. This is what is written:

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. Psalm 139:13-16

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:3

My time is sometimes spent with older people who in their natural beauty their heart and soul shines. If we pile on a few pounds - evidently we are fortunate to have food to eat while so many people are starving in our world. Our loved ones value who we really are and not what we look like - superficially.

People who are trained to conform can be easily exploited.

We do not always have all the facts...and also we are not always told the truth. Not all treatment is necessary and not all tests are necessary too. As for dentist much do we really need?

We are moving to a time when it becomes the responsibility of ethical professionals to inform people of preventative care and preservation of teeth by some simple advice ....and from a personal perspective, consider what effect these soda drinks are having on teeth - what about inside too?

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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