

Thursday 17 December 2015

Promises Sacred Heart of Jesus to St Margaret Mary

Thinking about seeing Jesus standing at the open gateway on 7th January 2013, he had golden light radiating from his heart - a pure and golden heart was seen crowned with all authority, My King.

Now if Jesus is my King then he is yours too. This I share openly.

It is in this moment that I just went looking for an image, to discover this article. The full article can be accessed via the link below. I did not know of the Promises Jesus made before.

Our Lord Jesus Christ made these twelve promises to those who honor His Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, a French nun, whom he called “the Beloved Disciple of the Sacred Heart” and the Heiress “of all Its treasures”, in the 1670’s. They show us how much he cherishes this devotion. 

Considering that the blood that redeemed us at Calvary came from His Sacred Heart and that so much love and light still exude from it, we can easily understand why! These promises were revealed in one of many private revelations that Jesus gave St. Margaret Mary. Our Lord promised the following: 

1. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state in life.
2. I will establish peace in their families.
3. I will comfort them in their trials.
4. I will be their secure refuge during life, and, above all, in death.
5. I will shed abundant blessings on all their undertakings
6. Sinners will find in My Heart an infinite ocean of mercy.
7. Lukewarm souls will become fervent.
8. Fervent souls will rapidly grow in holiness and perfection.
9. I will bless every place where an image of My Heart shall be exposed and honored.
10. I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts.
11. The names of those who promote this devotion will be written in My Heart, never to be blotted out.
12. I promise thee, in the excessive mercy of My Heart, that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion on the First Friday of nine consecutive months, the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in My disgrace nor without receiving their Sacraments; My Divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment. '

That is certainly interesting and also comforting to read. 

Here is a link with the letters of Saint Margaret Mary - this I will be reading over at a later time but they offer insight to the heart and mind of the person who Christ had given many revelations to, in the description it is written perhaps forty, these I will also identify

There is something else we might not consider that being as to why Jesus has chosen the sinner to reveal his truth. Thinking about this, other than being the most unexpected people, he reminds all who have sinned that we can all repent and be saved. Saving souls is what I am referring to here.

Painting of Jesus appearing to Saint Margaret Mary, Church of San Michele, Cortemilia, in Italy.
The First Revelation

The first revelation took place on 27th December1673; the feast day of St John the Apostle/the Divine. St John is one of the "beloved disciples" of Our Lord and recognized by the Church as the un-named "beloved disciple" of St John's gospel. During this first revelation, Our Lord invited Sr Margaret Mary to rest her head on His Breast, which she did, He then named her His "beloved disciple of My Sacred Heart." He said to her:
"My Divine Heart.. is so inflamed with love for men, and for thee
in particular that, being unable any longer to contain within Itself
the flames of Its burning Charity, It must needs spread them abroad
by thy means, and manifest Itself to them [mankind] in order to enrich
them with the precious treasures which I discover to thee, and which
contain graces of sanctification and salvation necessary to withdraw
them from the Abyss of perdition. I have chosen thee as an abyss of
unworthiness and ignorance for the accomplishment of this great
design, in order that everything may be done by Me."
(There is more to read that can be found in the link below)
The Second Revelation
The revelation is undated but took place in 1674. Sr Margaret Mary describes how, during a Friday exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on the altar, Our Lord appeared:
" sweet Master; presented Himself to me, all resplendent with glory, His
Five Wounds shining like so many suns. Flames issued from every part of His
Sacred Humanity, especially from His adorable Bosom, which resembled an
open furnace and disclosed to me His most loving and most amiable Heart,
which was the living source of these flames."
In his writing on St Margaret Mary, Henri Gheon includes that a Cross was placed over the Sacred Heart and points out that it was in accordance with this that Sr Margaret Mary drew the picture of the Sacred Heart which the Church venerates today. Our Lord expressed to her that He desired to be honoured in all places under the figure of His Heart of Flesh, as:
"a favour to men and to set them once more in these last ages - under the sweet
liberty of the empire of His love"
The revelations from Jesus Christ can be found here.
Being shown the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a vision, this was when very ill and extremely weak when laying down in my bed not knowing if I would have the energy to endure in life - beyond exhaustion; with enduring the legal corruption with blocks and even with repeated request for the miscarriage of justice to be put right, it never was. I knew that the persistent refusal with God mocking continues to take place, the wrath of God will be felt.
All I said before seeing Jesus, too exhausted and weak even to talk with him beyond saying 'Oh Jesus' when he was standing there wearing his crown..He was making it known to me that he is the one who has been given authority and to keep my focus on him.
My father's family lived in France and without knowing my genealogy, it has been revealed that it really does not matter....there is someone who knows - the tax collector. The census collector knows who is who too. In the destruction of official records with wars and fires, this does not change the truth that God chooses the people to help bring people to the truth and Christ is the revealer of truth that is given with what is known as personal revelation. If there is instruction to tell people is entrusted for this to be done.
Saint Margaret Mary was chosen in her time to share the message and personal revelation that the church heavily rely on to endure, because without this, those at ease with God mocking and fierce opposition to God being ever present are weakening the faith and this is why people easily become distracted and turn away from He who Saves us all. 
In closing a scripture comes to mind to share (I had to look up the detail and reference this so that you can read it for yourself about the genealogy in particular)
Warning against False Teaching
3As I urged you upon my departure for Macedonia, remain on at Ephesus so that you may instruct certain men not to teach strange doctrines, 4nor to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which give rise to mere speculation rather than furthering the administration of God which is by faith.5But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.…1 Timothy 1:3-5
Pure heart, pure intentions and with good conscience.
Sincere faith is everyone's right...God knows who is sincere.
Faith is not a competition. Everyone is given Free Will.

Mariologists refer to Saint Marguerite Marie Alacoque as "living proof how Marian devotion is linked to 'Christology'" and the adoration of Jesus Christ.

"And He [Christ] showed me that it was His great desire of being loved by men and of withdrawing them from the path of ruin that made Him the design of manifesting His Heart to men, with all the treasures of love, of mercy, of grace, of sanctification and salvation which it contains, in order that those who desire to render Him and procure Him all the honour and love possible, might themselves be abundantly enriched with those divine treasures of which His heart is the source." — from Revelations of Our Lord to St. Mary Margaret Alacoque"

When we are ready, God will reveal his truth directly and if he has called you to serve in a specific way, it is because you have already been prepared for this purpose. With 7 billion people in our world today, each and every soul has a purpose of learning and if each and every soul returns with sincere heart and focus on God, then he can work through everyone and God's Kingdom manifests in this way too.
Man  might want to be in control and rule the world. God rules over that man and as power is given so power is taken away too. The greatest crime in this time is turning people away from God. The deliberate and calculated act to deprive people of their God given birthright shows arrogance indeed.
What other people do - should not affect you or me. If you make a choice to do as we are all instructed to, since the ancient times, our right by ROYAL DECREE, this cannot be changed or taken away.
But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you. Matthew 6:6
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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