

Sunday 6 December 2015

Two Corrupt Police Officers Jailed Four Years for THEFT

Is this a sign of the times that police are no longer getting away with their crimes? The Daily Mail published this one I will just share the main points given...Not sure if they will be out in two years.

Two corrupt police officers who stole at least £10,000 in cash during a raid on a suspected drug dealer are jailed for a total of four years 

  • Investigation into suspected drug dealer Jayden Luben was called off 
  • Mr Luben said a cheque given to him was £30K short of the money taken
  • Corruption investigation was launched into the South Wales Police officers
  • Stephen Philips, 47, and Michael Stokes, 35, were found guilty of theft 

Read more: 

Does this mean the drug dealer was stolen from?

The investigation into the suspected drug dealer called off?

The article is actually worth reading...

Prosecutor Peter Griffiths QC said: 'There are a few bad apples in every organisation and this police force is sadly no exception.

'This a case of police corruption.'

Corruption is a form of dishonest or unethical conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority, often to acquire personal benefit.Corruption may include many activities including bribery and embezzlement, though it may also involve practices that are legal in many countries.

'Grand corruption is defined as corruption occurring at the highest levels of government in a way that requires significant subversion of the political, legal and economic systems. Such corruption is commonly found in countries with authoritarian or dictatorial governments but also in those without adequate policing of corruption

The government system in many countries is divided into the legislative, executive and judiciary branches in an attempt to provide independent services that are less prone to corruption due to their independence'

'Systemic corruption (or endemic corruption) is corruption which is primarily due to the weaknesses of an organization or process. It can be contrasted with individual officials or agents who act corruptly within the system.
Factors which encourage systemic corruption include conflicting incentivesdiscretionary powersmonopolistic powers; lack of transparency; low pay; and a culture of impunity.[9]Specific acts of corruption include "bribery, extortion, and embezzlement" in a system where "corruption becomes the rule rather than the exception'
Quite a few officials have said to me 'the system is corrupt' when over 10 years seeking redress and correction for the crimes that took place by lawyers lying in a court of law - with justice obstructed too this is a crime. Of course we could say an overhaul should take place. If there is the removal as in the abolishing of the monarchy- all the officials who take oaths of allegiance to them would be then obliged to serve in whatever way their official role requires. Local police took an oath to serve THE QUEEN, often the family are referred to as THE FIRM, a term used for a corporation, and Mafia too.
I asked if this is Queen Elizabeth in her name...not all know.
There has been Queen Anne, Queen Catherine, also Queen for Zara's name chosen by Prince Charles apparently, all that talk the children of Anne will not have titles, the name Zara means Princess. The brand name Zara is not exactly unknown with high street stores named.
Everything is happening accordingly for a reason...
Sitting in silence while officials boast of corruption, allows evil to thrive. When police stated 'this land is ruled by dark forces now' - if this is the case, the power over the police might not be one that makes decisions, raids and detrimental actions towards the people. Neither ethical or just. People are being breath tested for being under the influence' - we must ask what influence police are under.
There is no time limit to prosecute crimes...
Injustice is a serious crime against humanity..did you know?
Thought the article and additional information was valuable to share..
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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