

Monday 21 December 2015

Wrong Miss UNIVERSE Miss Columbia/Miss Phillipines

Interesting article just appeared to my attention....Writing about these CROWNS before and observing that there were incidents happening in connection with the crowns too. For instance, just by memory:

Organiser Julia Morley of the Miss World competitions, travelled with, if I recall Miss Phillipines to Haiti to
 Porto Prince where an orphanage collapsed. Julia was injured with a broken hip in several places and had to be taken to hospital....Did some adverse power try to prevent this title being given again?

Miss World resides in London England throughout her reign so I guess, just by looking what is presented, as long as there is a Beauty QUEEN crowned in London as Queen of the World, no one can take her place....

In this case the Beauty Queen of the Universe title...

With Miss Columbia we are reminded of British Columbia..

The article writes the headlines with some interesting revelation:

My mistake! Disaster on Miss Universe as Steve Harvey announces the WRONG winner - and Miss Colombia has to take off her crown and give it to Miss Philippines on live television

  • Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutierrez celebrated her victory for more than two minutes before the mistake was realized
  • Miss Philippines Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach was wide-eyes as Harvey revealed Gutierrez was actually first runner-up
  • Harvey apologized to the audience and said he had read the results wrong, holding the card up to the audience
  • In her first message to fans, Gutierrez said she is happy and 'everything happens for a reason' 
  • Wurtzbach called her crowning moment 'non-traditional' and 'very 2015'  

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So I guess with this article we are to remember something...

Expect the unexpected hopefully with good news...but there is also a reminder that many are selected and few are chosen. Someone told me years ago there can only be one Imperial Crown wearer - never really thought much about that but it makes sense. Who is actually preserving God's Kingdom today?

Miss Universe...There are other titles too - Miss Earth. Why these competitions...might be just based on shallow and superficoal beauty but somehow I think not....Everything happens for a reason.

My mistake he was written on the card..

We are reminded what is written cannot be denied. 

Miss Philippines Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach has the name Pia - a name connected with another Queen Maria Pia of Savoy. The German Philippines actress is a professional model, host and TV personality.

Pia was born in Stuttgart Germany and grew up in Cagayan de Oro Philippines. As a stage name Pia uses the name Pia Romero.

The name Romero is both a Spanish and an Italian surname meaning: A person on a religious journey or pilgrimage from Rome (possibly to Jerusalem); procession of elevated holy items.'

The name Romero is a Spanish noble title meaning Roman.

The name Wurtzbacher is revealed to have a meaning published:

'To express itself, you must follow the divine law of love. You have great persistence and hate to give up. You are a good mixer, charming, magnetic and intuitive. The spirituality is the key to success.Emergencies may raise your intuitive abilities in order to resolve conflict or situation. You become very creative under the pressure, and have quite original ideas to make the best out of it.
You are always looking for a chance to do your own thing, to be your own person, and to have things done your own way.'

In 2014 Miss Columbia won the Miss Universe title, Paulina Vega...

Please bear in mind that much of what I am writing is based on observation, personal perspective with perception to look at detail and beyond the superficial, not as some mystic but as presented above there are similarities and changes in geographical locations. 

We must examine what is presented, seek out credible research ...and in this contest these women are doubtfully just pretty faces with smiles...They are living their purpose too..

Truly beautiful people in our world who are also found at home and behind closed doors, often challenged, helping beyond their own capabilities, doing good works. A vast amount of people feel undervalued who care for other people, working in our world to make a positive difference, and those who give their time and risk their lives to positively serve mankind..

Promoting making a positive difference even in a small way, by reaching out and caring for someone in need - this is something that the media point out with focus on isolated few and promote these people as celebrities who are revered..for what exactly? False idols?

With our focus on the heavens, prayer opens our heart and mind to being divinely guided, choosing to serve God willingly and submit to His authority and guidance. We all have our unique part in this world - taking care of this world and caring about each other 

The title Miss Universe, why was it really created?.

This becomes topical for discussion and consideration because there is a crowning ceremony that takes place...and the is the real thing £30,000 diamond and topaz.

And fellow contestants were equally shocked as the card was displayed on the screen so the audience could see Harvey's mistake

Contest an event in which people compete for supremacy in a sport or other activity, or in a quality.
* engage in competition to attain (a position of power).
* oppose (an action or theory) as mistaken or wrong.

When first reading the headline of this original article in the Daily Mail I remembered an Opera what is connected with the Imperial Crown in Russia and cannot locate this since. It is a clip seen on Youtube where a crown is placed on one lady; then removed and placed on another shortly afterwards. - If anyone is familiar with this please share here. 

The 'Entertainment industry is keeping people occupied but what is the truth of what is really going on. Is this just a beauty contest - to be honest I am not quire so sure....After seeing the film Slumdog Millionaire and what has been revealed about other popular shows, that entail voting...not all is always quite what it seems - not in government or elections either....Sharing this today because of the title now being accepted, taken.and given again. 

Keep an open mind...This was we can learn what is relevant to know.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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