

Saturday 2 January 2016

New Years Eve Fire Philippines 1000 people injured Why?

A disturbing death - warding off evil.

A man was killed in Manila after a firecracker which was described by the Philippine National Police as “like a bomb” blew up in his face.

The victim was identified as Ronald Vericio, 45, from Buenos Aires Street in Sta. Mesa, Manila.
According to witnesses, the victim was drunk when he lit and hugged a firecracker called “Goodbye Philippines.”

As the report is written, did this man choose to sacrifice his life? Or as the firecracker being named 'Goodbye Philippines' a message that coveys a sinister agenda. 

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The Daily Mail published a headline revealing more.

New Year's Eve turns to carnage in the Philippines as locals use firecrackers to ward off evil spirits leaving hundreds with horrific injuries and 1,000 homes burnt to ground 

A group of young boys were forced to run through a back alley as fire spread through a residential area in Manila

Quote A group of young boys were forced to run through a back alley as fire spread through a residential area in Manila

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Only recently there was a crowning of Miss Universe where an error had been made, after crowning Miss Columbia this was actually to be awarded to Miss Philippines.

I did not take the crown from her,” Wurtzbach told reporters after the pageant concluded, saying she wished the contestant from Colombia well and hoped the Latin American community understands that “none of this was my fault.”

No coincidence that Miss World resides in London for her annual reign - Miss Wor;d  CEO Julia Morley was seriously injured in Haiti - Port au Prince while on tour with Miss Philippines when the floor of an orphanage caved in. 

Prince is a title of a Monarch.. 'monarch is the sovereign head of state in a monarchy

Monarchs, as such, bear a variety of titles — king or queenprince or princess (e.g., Sovereign Prince of Monaco), emperor or empress (e.g.,Emperor of EthiopiaEmperor of JapanEmperor of India), archdukeduke or grand duke (e.g., Grand Duke of Luxembourg), or sultan (e.g.,Great SultanSultan of Sultans). Prince is sometimes used as a generic term to refer to any monarch regardless of title, especially in older texts.'

The firecraker is named with a very specific intention - 'destroy Philippines'...with firecrackers being used to ward off  evil spirits-is there evil ruling over the lands in Philippines?  Misguided ruling..

The Daily Mail wrote more in the article to know.

A large religious group, Iglesia ni Cristo, said it set off more than 700,000 pyrotechnic devices to try to break a Guinness record for the largest fireworks display. 

Tens of thousands of church members and other revelers watched the spectacle in Bocaue town in Bulacan province, north of Manila. 

Meanwhile, an annual procession of the Black Nazarene - a wooden statue of Jesus Christ - was held a day earlier than usual on New Year's Eve to prevent injuries from mounds of trash and unexploded firecrackers.

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There is a big difference to set off firecrackers with intention to ward off evil spirits...and that held by a church to beat a competition and be listed in the Guinness book of records.

If there was faith and sincere prayers, would not evil be diminished and even banished from this earth...What is any church doing to enter a competiton to be the biggest winner on artificial displays..that is ego based ...That is like having a poor princess who is dressed in rags being overlooked by someone wearing designer clothes looking pristine for the camera.. 

With Miss Philippines being crowned Miss Universe,Is the Miss Universe title real and  important! If anything the title in this is just for the year perhaps to prevent anyone else to claim this ...

Revenge is also very real in our world - is this connected?

An important message is written in the Bible for us all

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. Romans 12:19

As the 7 churches identified with crowns in the Holy Scriptures were located in the Roman Province of Asia. The people are scattered today, truths and warnings are given. 

Philippines is in Asia...Israel is in Asia too.

The Philippines was named in honor of King Philip II of Spain

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Crown of Asia came to mind...with a housing developer named Crown Asia. No coincidence. Houses are built on land and occupiers of houses have to obey the law of the land - so we are told. With the fire reaction - What is happening regarding the land in Philippines?

With Miss Columbia crowned only briefly - I could not ignore British Columbia being named too- or that Washington is in the District of Columbia...Is The Crown removed?

Learning more - New York based Miss Universe pageant is organised by the Miss Universe Organisation - and it is revealed that Miss Coliumbia is in the process of suing the pageant organisers. - Suing is this not a form of revenge?

Recalling  the Stolen Torah Crowns in New York connected with the Torah - The Law so they are important. Did a crown get stolen in real life in this time too?

With stolen crowns and laws made to the detriment of people in England -  flooding in YORK England might relate. New England is named in America too. No coincidence...

The truth of what really happened in Manilla ( in the Dubai fire people escaped) might never be known. - Murdered beauty queens also came to my mind now.

Just seeing now another article - this we really cannot ignore:

A BEAUTY Queen who took part in the Miss World competition has died after plunging off the side of the mountain in a tragic running accident..

Former Miss Austria Ena Kadic managed to phone her brother as she lay dying after tumbling off a cliff edge and sustaining devastating injuries.

A wise man once said to me 'Nothing is just by accident'

So what evil is at work to cause these deaths?

This destruction is yet another to  wake us all up ...

It was with the Philippines coming to light some time back  that I discovered more reading about the Iglesia ni Cristo - But what took my attention immediately is this photograph.

Seal of the Iglesia ni Cristo

Notice the white sheep is sitting on top of a book and two scrolls..The Book of The Law has been built and maintains the original two scrolls - bringing the two together. Above is the compass and the scales - often associated with the scales of justice..and above this the dove symbolising the Holy Spirit,

Notice how the energy lines manifest in this image

From the Holy Spirit this is also radiating out in all directions...and also from the centre point with the early Holy Scriptures written on scrolls and since in books...It is with the reminder that the Holy Spirit of God is for everyone and so the sharing of any information or New Revelation is for everyone too.

We are not prevented to knowing the truth. We must find it.

 In 2012, Globalization and World Cities Research Network listed Manila as a global city.

Manila celebrates civic and national holidays. Manila Day, which celebrates the city's founding on June 24, 1571, was first proclaimed by Herminio A. Astorga (then Vice Mayor of Manila) on June 24, 1962 and has been annually commemorated, under the patronage of John the Baptist. Locally, each of the city's barangays also have their own festivities guided by their own patron saint

What happened to John the Baptist is reason why everyone should consider very carefully anyone who is to be in a position of power as a ruler over lands and people...Who is protecting the people?

We do not know the cause of fire, death and destruction. God does.

Innocents killed - a fire, holocaust by a power associated with evil spirits. ..

By the power of God, in prayer we can ask for protection from Evil. This is what we are instructed to do. Not man's by hands or by weapons of war, bombs, or spells, or witchcraft or black magic etc...

If we set out to do something - we cause a chain reaction. When anyone sets out with intentions to destroy - they are inviting their own destruction. Let the almighty power deal with the evil spirit...

The reason I am stressing this is because it came to be known that if anyone exorcises a demon, that entity might enter another host...In the ancient times the demon possessed beings were exorcised - the demons were banished to occupy the pigs who then ran into the water and drowned. Perhaps that is where the acts of drowning people accused of witchcraft began - today black magic is being promoted.

Laws have been enacted to protect those who make them.

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:10-12

Do not combat evil with hate...all this will do is allow evil to succeed in turning you away from God and perhaps doing something in vengeance that will cost you dearly in your soul life.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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