

Monday 25 January 2016

NOT Submissive Muslim Women to David Cameron

A recent article in the Daily Mail and likely other news bulletins identified that David Cameron has pledged £20 Million to help Muslim women in Britain integrate better.

'We are not #TraditionallySubmissive': British Muslim women post a list of their achievements on Twitter telling David Cameron that they DON'T need his help learning English

Now the article has several photographs with achievements - a reminder to Britons who do not know that Muslims are told to Submit only to Allah - God, (and this means not to those who go against him) Those who go against God cannot be servants of God - something to think about, said in context too.

A group of British Muslim women began posting images of themselves with a piece of paper listing their achievements on in response to comments said to have been made in private by David Cameron that British Muslim women are 'traditionally submissive'. Pictured Aasiya Versi

Aasiya Versi to David Cameron 'I speak 4 languages, how many do you speak?'

Quoting what is written in response to David Cameron's intentions:

'Dr Sukaina Hirji, a GP and political activist, said the PM's comments had caused many British Muslim women to be 'extremely hurt' and had worked hard to try and get the hashtag trending by re-posting the achievements of others. 

She told Femail: 'I wanted the Prime Minister to take notice that we, Muslim women, are diverse in our backgrounds, talents and roles, and are absolutely NOT traditionally submissive. 

She explains: 'We take our inspiration "traditionally" from Khadija; employer, businesswoman and wife of the Prophet Muhammad and the contemporary Tawakkol Karman, a Muslim woman who has won the Nobel Peace Prize.'

In a letter to the Guardian, President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the UK, Nasira Rehman wrote that Cameron's plans to help further 'integrate' British Muslim women would backfire.

Rehman wrote: 'Ahmadi Muslim women are an asset to Britain and policies such as banning all forms of gender segregation in public places and the hijab will prevent them practicing their faith; this is wrong.

'Without the freedom to practice their faith, the country will be deprived of doctors, teachers, paramedics and researchers etc. Educated women who seek to contribute to society but who also willingly wish to abide by the conditions of their faith will be stifled by the government. Not only will this hurt and frustrate the women, but it will also hurt the nation.'

The #traditionallysubmissive hashtag quickly took off with many women offering details of their successes. Pictured Fiza Azlam holds a list of her achievements 

Fisla Azlam to David Cameron writes: Muslim women are not the problem that needs fixing. 

Read more: 

Now the article has several photographs with women and their achievements - a reminder to Britons who do not know that Muslims are taught to Submit to Allah - God, (this means not to those who go against him) Those who go against God are they servants of God? The wizard wand wavers serve who?.

To  my Muslim sisters  may you rise up and be strong because women from the eastern hemisphere have ancestors who have had to be strong in faith and in deed - strong in bringing up children who are of faith and conscious so not to go the wrong way in life - to pray for the family and community too. 

Whatever agenda the British government have over the people, to place any people with real faith in a far higher authority to be subjects to those who do not, is blatant God mocking.

The British establishment who pray - if it is not with sincere heart and intentions, are these prayers being heard and answered.The few who stand up and speak out - who have exposed the evil that has been happening behind closed doors, are not doing this out of being weak willed conformists.

A few weeks ago I was guided to find this video:

Those who sit in positions of power in England know that the believers who are belonging to Christ are told, whatever they pray for will be answered...45.000 people pray for David Cameron!

King David was the King CHOSEN and anointed by God and King Solomon His Son was chosen while under that special anointing of God - even Britons are being denied understanding of this. 

Exploitation of the faithful Christian believers is given how here:

Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. John 14:13-14

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 1 Timothy 2:1-2

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Matthew 28:18

Those who seek the authority given to Jesus are blessed.

All Muslims wait for Jesus to return. Not all Christians do...but will in their awakening realise that actually, he has been making his living presence known to people even in England. 

When David Cameron is willing to serve the people in truth, he will also be serving God in truth but for as long as women are put down, even in this country, he is not serving God in truth.

As long as injustice prevails, the God mockers prevail.

For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations. Psalm 22:28

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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