

Saturday 9 January 2016

Telegraph Today: Clinton Fears for William and Harry

While in a store today, I walked around the newspaper stand, most were sold. One folded paper caught my eye 'The Telegraph' front page wrote of Clinton Fearing for William and Harry.

Thinking to locate this story back at home on the internet, another thought came to mind ' Telegraph' people used to send Telegraphs to convey a message at the time...Is this story relevant now?

As it requires purchase to access the online news report, it is not an isolated reporting today. Other news publishers have also presented this same story, along with the communications between Bill Clinton and Tony Blair. The reports focus in the past, with publishing some transcripts too...

On Google search of theTelegraph a quote is published here:

Barack Obama warns American dream is in danger of becoming a 'myth'

The Daily Mail shows a couple of transcripts, wherein is published that Bill Clinton 'protecting another million acres of land' ....

In more personal moments, President Clinton asked how Mr Blair was preparing to become a father again, to Leo in 2000

In the Daily Mail article a day ago, the first few lines are written:

Tony Blair told Bill Clinton that the death of Princess Diana was 'like a star falling' in a series of extraordinary private calls between the two leaders, which have been revealed for the first time.

In the hours after her death almost 20 years ago, the former British prime minister and US president also shared worries about the future of Princes William and Harry.

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The Sun Newspaper published the headline 'She was a falling star' : Revealed touching exhanges between Blair and Bill Clinton after Princess Di's death

The Independant published another headline to notice:

Tony Blair told Bill Clinton that Diana's Popularity 'gave her problems with royal establishment'

The People wrote with the headline

New Transcripts Reveal Bill Clinton and Tony Blair Spoke of Concerns for Prince William and Prince Harry After Princess Diana's Death: 'She Was a Star for Them,,20395222_20978299,00.html

The Mirror wrote in their headline

Tony Blair's shock at Princess Diana's death revealed in candid phone calls to Bill Clinton

Marian Hyde of the Guardian wrote an article with headline:

A very fine bromance: when 'Bud' Bill Clinton and his mate Tony Blair ran the world

Another article in the Guardian writes the headline

Blair and Clinton transcripts reveal global concerns of two buddies.

At the top of the page it is written :'The Guardian enjoys rare freedom and independence. Support our Journalism;

It is possible that this story is just released today and each news report publishing variations of the same story - or are they trying to suggest something else is going on...The news reports, report..

If I recall, William was furious at Tony Blair for some reason relating to his mother...Just looking now, The Telegraph published a headline :Has Prince William personally banned Tony Blair from the royal wedding?

The Daily Star wrote 5th September 2010 with photo

Prince Williams fury over Tony Blair's 'betrayal'

Prince William is angry that Tony Blair revealed details of private conversations

This picture - to imagine I was only 12 years old when my mother became paralysed from the neck downwards and miraculously she survived...If Diana had survived the car crash, I wonder how the royal family would have handled that...Would they be ashamed of the disability...I am not!

Those most terrible distraction to the world prevails.

Another headline caught my attention online and I cannot help but notice that there are some media reports that just do not come out with the truth of what we are meant to know. Still there are ways and means for the truth to be known...We are being spoon fed bits of information...perhaps to make us hungry for more. Or perhaps to get people to take in what is being said and piece together everything else..

Since William was born the oversell of this family has been with books writing of a boy who was born to be King..and now the same oversell with George too...Perhaps they do this to maintain popularity.

Quoting an independent article that published this photograph

William and Harry are said to be hurt and angered by claims in a new book claiming that their mother is still alive 
According to the Feb. 25th print edition of the GLOBE her sons are fuming. They claim to know without the shadow of a doubt that there’s no way their mother could have survived the impact of the crash and they believe that this is just another attempt to make money off of her legacy. William has vowed to have the book banned and to ensure it never sees the light of day. Mind you, William hasn’t had much success at keeping Kate’s pics off the Internet nor will he be able to suppress this book. Harry is more of a renegade and those close to him feel sorry for whoever has actually written this book.

Do you think there’s any chance that Diana could have survived?  Would she choose to never see her sons again in order to protect them? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!'

Who is this intriguing lady at Kate and Williams wedding?

Bear in mind this has taken place inside a CHURCH that is supposed to be a House of Prayer to we can assume that God also knows what is happening inside too.

My writing is not in anyway for being malicious...what I detest is listening to the God mockers in this land and that includes police and lawyers who have no idea of the evil that they invite by their refusal to do right by the people..This is going on for decades.

It was indeed quite an unexpected dream after the car crash to see Diana and her communicate a massage that strangely made no mention of her boys whatsoever. But in this dream Diana took me to see the Queen inside The Palace who acknowledged 'US BOTH'

Dreams have a reason and purpose...all of them.

That is all for now from me on this particular subject

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended.

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