

Wednesday 27 January 2016

UK News: Did She or Not Win? £33 Million Lottery Ticket

There is a continuation of a story being run in the news - speculation is rife in UK about a £33 million half share of the winning numbers of the Lottery. 

The story published in the Daily Mail  might be a distraction from what is happening in our land and in the world, but it is reported for a reason.. Not all claimants are.

Mother-of-two Susanne Hinte - the woman who claims to have washed the £33million jackpot ticket in her jeans' has submitted her ticket to Camelot.

Read full article with more photographs here. 

Washed out: The image of the photocopied ticket. The draw date has been obliterated by a tear. The barcode at the bottom and the ticket's ID number have also been ruined. The numbers, however, are still visible

A photograph of the battered ticket is published so we can see.

Holly and Phil - television presenters have taken the challenge to see what happens when they put tickets through the hot and cold wash....a rather predictable outcome.. 

Did she or didn't she - win of course, this is the question.

Natu Patel, owner of Ambleside News, said he remembered Miss Hinte purchasing a ticket in the 24 hours leading up to the January 9 draw 

Natu Patel, owner of Ambleside News, said he remembered Miss Hinte purchasing a ticket in the 24 hours leading up to the January 9 draw 

  • As a record exists of where every lottery ticket is purchased Camelot checks if the winning ticket was bought there

  • The 'winner' is quizzed on the number and combination of tickets purchased and whether any were Lucky Dip

  • The time and date of the purchase is checked against the claimant's story

  • If legible then the barcode is double-checked'

  • Available CCTV is studied and the retailer who sold the ticket is questioned

  • Claims have to be made in writing within 30 days'

  • Read more: 

  • 'Another source said the disputed ticket was photocopied by grandmother Miss Hinte, 48, before she posted it to Camelot for verification on Friday. 

    The source added: 'She has been careful to tell people that her win has not been confirmed, yet on the other hand she has been waving this ticket around with the winning numbers on it. It is all very odd.'

    The image emerged as lottery bosses warned yesterday that anybody who maliciously attempted to claim they had won could face fraud charges.

    Camelot has already revealed it has received hundreds of submissions from people claiming to have lost the winning ticket for the January 9 draw – with the numbers 26, 27, 46, 47, 52 and 58.'

    Does this mean all these people will be prosecuted?
    Only last week I was thinking, there is a vast amount of money that 'goes somewhere' when ot claimed and the research into this is not fully explored. But I wonder how many people 'forget' they bought a  ticket and do not even check their numbers. 

    What is certain about this story - the people involved have become famous overnight...What will be the next chapter to unfold in the story? 

    Mrs Hinte is separated and not divorced - so even her ex has something to say about this. 

    Miss Hinte separated from her second husband, Nick Scott, 44, around 15 years ago, but the roofer told reporters on Monday that the pair were not divorced. 

    He added: 'I'm hoping she's won…technically I could put a claim in for half.'

    The Daily Mail has published a photograph of he house the lady lives that is rather alarming,  - whatever the outcome.  With armed robberies taking place and lunatics around, personally I think this is absolutely irresponsible....But if Mrs Hinte has won..I am sure she will be house hunting quickly to move somewhere else. Time will tell what will be.

    Lottery winners have the option for publicity and it is quite possible, if this lady is a winner, she has gained much publicity in the process. Has a contract been made for this?

    Lottery numbers

    According to the BBC 'The operator had the discretion to pay prizes in respect of stolen, lost or destroyed tickets only if the player had submitted a claim in writing within 30 days of the relevant draw, a spokesman said.
    If the player could provide sufficient evidence, Camelot would investigate and determine "at its discretion whether the claim is valid, and is able to pay the prize 180 days after the draw".
    Perhaps this might explain the hundreds of claims -..

    There is always a story behind a story...

    What else is relevant to know?

    Camelot Group[N 1] are the operators of the UK National Lottery. Camelot Group was awarded the National Lottery franchise in May 1994[1](though the lottery did not start until November 1994) and was re-awarded the franchise in 2001 and again in 2007.[2] The current franchise period started in 2009 and runs until 2019, with a possible extension of up to five years.[3] The Government body the National Lottery Commission is responsible for deciding who is awarded the franchise. The way the franchise was awarded to Camelot in 2001 caused some controversy because state-owned Royal Mail had a 20% stake in the Camelot Group.[4]
    In March 2010, Toronto-based Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan announced that it was buying Camelot for £389m
    On 31 January 2009 Camelot's third licence period started, which increases the money given to good causes, and increased retailers' commission from 5% to 6%. The third licence is for a ten-year period with the option to extend by a further five years.
    Camelot have cut costs by 25% seeing numerous redundancies throughout the company.

    1.  Camelot is a private limited company; its entire share issue is owned by a single shareholder.
    2. Jump up^ The National Lottery brand is owned by the Gambling Commission and licensed to Camelot as part of the franchise agreements under which Camelot operate The National Lottery.

    Each pound (100p) spent on the National Lottery is split as follows:
    • 50p Prize fund
    • 28p Good causes
    • 12p Government
    • 5p Retailers as commission [7]
    • 5p Camelot
      • 4.5p Camelot for operating costs
      • 0.5p Camelot for profit

    Reports published about shareholders in 2009 and 2010

    Sometimes a story comes to light for us to consider what else are are we meant to know,. Camelot is often associated with the legend of King Arthur but as William has also been given this name, he has many loyal followers - with a revival of the film in the making.

    Peace be with you
    Pauline Maria

    1 comment:

    1. Very interesting investigation and analysis. I think she's a crook to put it mildly. The second half of the jackpot was claimed by the real winner. The story gives another reason to play lotto online, the tickets will be safe-kept at Icelotto review
