

Thursday 21 January 2016

Now You See Inside Buckingham Palace - Why?

A couple of days ago I shared a heart to heart, soul to soul message from Jesus - dated 19th January 2016. Just before this I asked God what he wanted me to know today, hearing 'Matthew 2'

Then asking again for a specific scripture, hearing 'Matthew 2:2'

Quoting what is written on that particular page again:

Going back to the scripture give before writing the above message - Matthew 2:2, remember that I asked God what he wanted me to know and in this scripture it is written:

'and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him." Matthew 2:2

Of the times revealed when this message was given 10:55

Ptolemy the king replied and said, “Happy was the day on which you returned to the land of your ancestors and took your seat on the throne of their kingdom. 1 Maccabees 10:55

“Therefore do not be afraid, and do not let your heart be terrified; but go in and see the splendor or the vastness of the building, as far as it is possible for your eyes to see it, 2 Esdras 10:55

Today in the Daily Mail the interior of Buckingham Palace is shown. The article writes with the headlines that might rile up people or the opposite. Who knows.

Through the royal keyhole: Google offers virtual tours of Buckingham Palace so you can be guided around the Queen's official residence from the comfort of your own home

One photograph identifies the secret door to the Queens private apartment suggesting that the other rooms in Buckingham Palace have been maintained in their glory and might even be used, for functions and when people tour too.  Does the Queen actually resides in less grandeur today? The fact is we really do not know the truth. Who is more comfortable?

To the left of the rooms fireplace, and what looks like a cabinet, is a secret door which leads to the Queen's private apartments. Above, Curator of Paintings for the palace Anna Reynolds opens the door 

This golden seat is strategically placed here for a reason.

A couple of years ago I had a dream walking through a lounge to meet with the Queen and have a cup of tea and talk. The  environment was not lush or lavish like this. The dream was not just highlighting this but the symbolism within the dream was revealing much more.

Since I wrote the message given tome a few days ago, at home the keyhole is blocked - unsure if someone has maliciously pushed something inside, or a fault. Anyway, the comfort many of us experience is knowing we do not have to maintain the palace, or do we?

Staff show users around the Throne Room, which was designed for investitures and ceremonial receptions of dignitaries. Her Majesty's throne is on the left and Duke of Edinburgh's throne is on the right 

While identifying the two throne seats, there is no mention of the seats to each side. In the Houses of Parliament Charles and Camilla were seated at the right of the Queen, yet two ladies are seen standing to her left hand side. So whose seats are on the left? 

One of the most extravagant rooms shown as part of the tour is the Ballroom, which was opened in 1856 with a ball to celebrate the end of the Crimean War

Taking a magnifying glass, this seating arrangement reminds me of a vision I had of Jesus standing inside a synagogue/temple on the centre of the floor holding onto a tall thick white pillar (it was not as this room) but the seating was structured in this way with men wearing black suits and hats. Jesus was wearing a long mantle cape and white kippah. 

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The secret door was out a few years ago. Family talked when William spoke about popping around to see his grandmother for a cup of tea. 2012 passed - 2016 is here.

Hidden passageways: A steward shows Ms Couric how to pass through a secret door in Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace  is the London residence and principal workplace of the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom. Located in the City of Westminster, the palace is often at the centre of state occasions and royal hospitality.
Originally known as Buckingham House, the building which forms the core of today's palace was a large townhouse built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703 on a site which had been in private ownership for at least 150 years. It was subsequently acquired by King George III in 1761[4] as a private residence for Queen Charlotte and was known as "The Queen's House". During the 19th century it was enlarged, principally by architects John Nash and Edward Blore, who formed three wings around a central courtyard. Buckingham Palace finally became the official royal palace of the British monarch on the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837.

Queen Victoria was the first monarch to move into the Palace.
The palace has 775 rooms, and the garden is the largest private garden in London.
The state rooms, used for official and state entertaining, are open to the public each year for most of August, September, December and January.
The palace, like Windsor Castle, is owned by the British state. It is not the monarch's personal property, unlike Sandringham House and Balmoral Castle. Many of the contents from Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Kensington Palace and St James's Palace are known collectively as the Royal Collection; owned by the Sovereign, they can, on occasions, be viewed by the public at the Queen's Gallery, near the Royal Mews. Unlike the palace and the castle, the gallery is open continually and displays a changing selection of items from the collection. The rooms containing the Queen's Gallery are on the site of the former chapel, which was damaged by one of the seven bombs to fall on the palace during World War II. The palace's state rooms have been open to the public during August and September since 1993. The money raised in entry fees was originally put towards the rebuilding of Windsor Castle following the 1992 fire which destroyed many of its state rooms.
In May 2009, in response to a request from the Queen to the government for money to carry out a backlog of repairs to the palace, a group of MPs on the Public Accounts Committee proposed that in return for the extra £4 million in annual funds requested, the palace be open to the public more than the 60 days it is now, as well as when members of the royal family are in residence.[89] In November 2015 the State Dining Room was closed for six months because its ceiling had become potentially dangerous.[90]
Thus, Buckingham Palace is a symbol and home of the British monarchy, an art gallery and tourist attraction'
The price ticket to advertise for entry to Buckingham Palace State rooms etc are found here. I am not promoting this - just sharing the information because it is relevant in this time.

In her honour: The Diamond Jubilee celebrates Queen Elizabeth's 60 years in power
Quote: In her honour: The Diamond Jubilee celebrates Queen Elizabeth's 60 years in power

Read more: 

The great fire at Windsor Castle happened for a reason - Why?
Are the news readers are on the payroll of The Firm?
Do you not think that God knew about the affairs of Charles and Diana and the duplicity towards the people - after all she was expected to keep a false face ....when actually royalty should imply integrity, this being that heart mind and emotions are integrated, being sincere with God is being sincere with the people too.
There is surely a whole lot more happening that we do not know about.
My writing this article is to show that God gave the biblical reference precisely 'hearing' in the Spirit to highlight the King of the Jews and Jesus is alive. His return is anticipated and also dreaded by some people too. Questions will be asked and judgement will be done.
But there are many here who reject the Holy Spirit of Truth.
From the time of the message given I discovered the scripture reference  'seeing inside the splendour of the building - as far as your eyes can see it' - then the Daily Mail wrote about this. Not only are we shown limited views internally the seat of the throne is shown too.
The precision of the Word of God is shown yet again.
Where there is truth there is also validation too.
While this is a personal heart to heart soul to soul message, this message that is being shared openly is validating that God's Love is for everybody. Who wants His Love?.
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria
No Copyright infringement intended.

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