

Thursday 14 January 2016

Vassula Prophesies, Warnings; Fire, The End of Times

Sharing this first video again, because it explains much more.

In this video Vassula talks about being called by God and she is a living proof that in the way that God has chosen Vassoula, he is able to choose you too and this is paving the way for all of us to be saved.

When we see the destruction and suffering in our world today, of course it pulls at our heart and we will begin to understand that there is a huge price that is paid for rejecting God - for something else instead.

Mankind has to learn, God will always make His Truth known. God is communicating to women in this timeline for His reason. He is also communicating to children - bringing them back to HIM>.

'The last warning in the prophesies is the chastisement by fire. '

Vassula states:...'The last warning in the prophesies is the chastisement by fire. ' 'How big, if it is natural or supranatural - I do not know.But the fire will come. As you heard, he cannot subtract it any more. It's too late. It's too late but we can diminish it if we return to God, if we make acts of reparation, If we amend our lives, if we pray, he can diminish that chastisement of fire....It is going to be very bad. It will affect the whole universe. the whole earth, and its going to affect the good and the bad...there will be no difference as I have explained before, in Luke 13 when Jesus said, he has not heard any repentance from anyone yet as he wanted to hear'....

Last year another dream seeing Jesus at the end, was to show that he was warning. In the dream a great fire was sweeping across land - seen the width of  a field on my right side of where I was walking along an unmade country lane.. Running to avoid this, the fire continued - Next I was in a town square, facing an entrance what I felt was a train station, Once inside someone said my brother on his way to the airport to fly to South Africa - so I ran out and climbed in a cream jeep to drive reach him. The fire appeared over the top of a hill so I ran back again. Two men in light beige uniform shot three dogs, one was growling (perhaps warning). Running inside the train station, I saw people lifting up towards heaven. as if they were flying.Then my hand passed through a silver square on the roof appearing as metal  melted and I passed through 'as if' bodily....

Next I  was standing in a very large room, facing Jesus - His eyes were big and sparkling I thought from his spiritual essence, his hair long and appeared wet framing his long thin face, I realised he may have been crying for what was happening. He said in a very serious voice 'Now there are going to be killer dogs in Italy' - (there is a reason why this happened.)

There are scriptures about fire and killer dogs,

Jezebel the kings wife was killed by dogs 'for a reason'

The fire is foretold and not everyone will be saved.

The video addresses the antichrist..

 Vassula speaks of there being many antichrists. The signs of the times are written in accordance with this too. The wars, hatred and nation rising up against nation , a time when God is far removed from many people's minds perhaps because The Antichrist succeeds in turning people's attention away to destroy souls.

3 Never let anyone deceive you in any way. It cannot happen until the Great Revolt has taken place and there has appeared the wicked One, the lost One,4 the Enemy, who raises himself above every so-called God or object of worship to enthrone himself in God's sanctuary and flaunts the claim that he is God.5 Surely you remember my telling you about this when I was with you? 2 Thessalonians 2:3-5

The desecration of the churches is with transforming their use too.
Of the churches it is written ' there are probably several thousand places of worship all over Italy which have been deconsecrated and sold. The permutations seem endless: here a bar or a country house, an artist's studio or a garage, there the head office of a bank, a library or function rooms. But sometimes a whiff of incense seems to linger, as if long after the last mass the spirit of the place still clings to the walls.....'
On the 24th Anniversary the Lord called Vassula and she said he gave her a prayer, asking that this to prayed every day and ask his Mercy. 
The Lord said, Address me Father in this way
Tender Father lash not your wrath on this generation; lest they perish altogether. Lash not on your flock distress and anguish, for the waters will run dry and nature will whither. all will succumb to your wrath leaving no trace behind them. 
The heat of your breath will put aflame the earth turning it to a waste. From the horizon a star will be seen, The night will be ravaged and ashes will fall like snow in winter covering your people like ghosts. 
Take mercy on us God and do not assess us harshly. Remember the hearts that rejoice, in You and You in them. Remember your faithful and let not your hand fall on us. But rather in Your Mercy lift us and place your precepts in every heart. Amen.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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