

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Windsor Australia Boy's Penis Cut Off: Cover-Up Exposed

Well a thought came to mind earlier, King George' looking at the news today and being distracted....only to discover this....the report requires careful reading and a mind that is gently lifted from illusion.

WARNING: Disturbing content
A MAN who alleged his penis was cut off by a male staff member at a Sydney boys’ home was one of many children who were mutilated and severely abused at the facility, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has heard.
Daruk Training School in Windsor was home to hundreds of state wards and juvenile offenders from 1960-1991.
Gordon Myers, 50, told he was 13 when he was sent to the institution for the first time in 1978.
In his submission to the commission, Mr Myers said he was raped and bashed by various staff at the home on a regular basis over the five years he lived there.
He said a male staff member who “didn’t like little boys with foreskins” used to perform illegal and botched circumcisions on the children at Daruk.
“He cut my penis off,” Mr Myers told
“I had just turned 13. He took me into the clinic and said ‘we have permission to circumcise you’. I said ‘no you don’t’.
“He knocked me out with a needle and I woke up in the middle of it and there was (a second staff member there as well), I screamed in pain.
“Because I was so tiny, he probably thought, stupidly, ‘don’t give him as much anaesthetic to put him under’.”
Mr Myers said there was “blood everywhere” and that he was sent to Windsor Hospital where a surgeon “sewed (his) penis back on”.
He claims the hospital “covered up” the incident.

'A spokeswoman for Hawkesbury District Health Service — which replaced Windsor Hospital — told there were no records of the incident because they had likely been destroyed.'

'Dr Ruthven could not be reached for comment yesterday.
Mr Myers said he was not the only child whose penis was severed by the staff member at Daruk Training School.
“Every now and then he’d grab a kid to rape or circumcise and I was one of them,” he said.
Mr Myers said he was returned to the boys’ home following surgery.
“(The staff member) wanted to have another go and rape me a second time,” he said. “He raped me heaps of time before that but I wasn’t going to let that happen again.
“I just lost the plot and flogged him. I turned very violent.”
Mr Myers said dozens of boys were brutally, sexually and physically abused by staff at the home and that the perpetrators hadn’t been brought to justice.
He said an extensive cover-up linked to a VIP paedophile ring had protected the offenders and prevented them from being investigated.

Why did this news report suddenly hit the headlines NOW?

Are those who are working ethically for the people speaking out now? Child Protection services would be involved in these schools  - were any of those service employees involved too? Just thinking.

It is time to get naming and shaming. The perpetrators are being exposed. Who is involved in the present time in rituals - paedophile rings? Are these the same? With silence on Satanic Ritual Abuse being enforced by the British government; with the help of Tony Blair. Was he involved? Who was/is involved?.

The unholy practice of circumcision in this way is abusive and psychologically traumatic.The impression given is more than the foreskin was removed by what is written in the article..

Windsor named in Australia is situated in New South Wales.,_New_South_Wales

Prince Charles and the Psychological Recovery Roundtable.

Read more: 

In this article, photographs focus on 'affection' and what might be deemed as inappropriate touch but as the British royals are human beings, people who have ease with putting hands on any member of this family in an affectionate way, perhaps have some sort of relationship with them to excuse this. The people behind steel barriers as if they are animals - are happy to be placed in this sad this is.

No one really knows anything about the British royal family other than those who serve them, to keep their positions, whereby maintaining their own. Are these people putting the people first? Really?

If The Game of Thrones is anything to go by, after what is revealed in the newspapers so far, perhaps it is better we do not know their private activities. We do not know their true heart. Moving on.

We do know that there are paedophile rings and to allow a foundation where those who have been abused, violated and need to talk about their experiences, this should not be silenced. 

Being contacted by someone some time ago who spoke about sexual abuse taking place in 'noble circles' - Whoever he turned to he could not get help or support who knew what was going on. 

Perhaps Charles and the Psychological Recovery Round Table was set up to address the healing need of those involved in Satanic Ritual Abuse. Keeping the lid on to silence the truth does not.

It is highly likely that Charles knows what is going on...The Satanic Rituals, Child abuse, Human Sacrifice and all the evils - with the evoking of demon spirits too....The Queen knows..Do you?

We are living in the time of the APOCALYPSE..

Apocalypse - revealing what has been hidden.

There is much foretold for evil and for good of us all.

The above article shows that there are people no longer willing to be silent any more.Once this happens, the door opens for people to speak their truth. Be careful who you vote for - if you vote at all.

With Satanic Ritual Abuse, anyone involved who gets help from someone who is connected, or under the influence because of professional loyalty or obligation, presents conflict of interest. There are reports of conflict of interest and also identification of false memories, that get in the way of healing.

The reason why the silence on the abuse that is taking place, is because those who are involved are loyal to their masters...and oaths of loyalty helps to keep the lid on things for only so long...Paedophilia is often about power and control over the vulnerable. 

As this diabolical act is also revealed to be connected with Satan and Rituals - if people are being influenced by those who serve Satan, this increases risk for children.

There are Good people in our world in all places.

All it takes for evil to flourish is for good people to be silent.

Let the voices of the victims be heard.

Survivors of Ritual Abuse - Be Brave and speak. write or even put your pain in songs and poems, after all this is a way that many people are expressing their feelings.

If someone threatens or intimidates expose them!

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 18:10

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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