

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Forgiveness of Sins - Why Salvation is With the Jews

A difficult question that at some point so many people will ask....If we have the capacity to forgive we can do so...and if we cannot, then asking for forgiveness is to free ourselves from the pain, hurt and being stuck in a place that prevents healing and life growth.

Life might present a difficult situation that endures - God knows. Our life is serving a greater purpose for lessons to be learned.

Read what is written about what happened to Jesus. Evil at work is shown. We learn of a plot to set up an innocent man, torture - no mercy was shown when he was crucified.

Who stopped .the killing of an innocent man?

The Jews knew the commandment not to kill..they were silent!.

God tested Abraham - of course he was going to be putting the Jews to the test too. It was nothing personal - God has carefully selected people over time who he can entrust overlooking souls on earth.

God already tested these people in history but we must learn from history today. The future leaders of people are tested severely because if they are servants of God they will be obedient to Him.

Still injustice is rife in England (and elsewhere too perhaps and knowing from personal experience) there is refusal to work for justice for over a decade - so what will God do? In history the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed twice..Will he destroy again? A few floods, landslides and earthquakes are reported.

It is written in the scriptures that God will forgive the wicked ones so let Him. Wait and see how. Do you not think the wicked ones will beg for forgiveness too? Are they trembling yet? Are they wailing yet?

Let God judge those who go against him and do not be shocked when evil is utterly destroyed.

There are egos who want to climb to the top of the spiritual ladder yet have not even taken the basic steps...There is no short cut. Jesus knows who is sincere and who is not!

Someone who has not evolved cannot rule over people who have already been prepared long ago and promises were made by God. They have no power over Christ - never have and never will.

When an inheritance is given by God it cannot be denied!

Jesus Christ came and reinforced that God given birthright.

On the cross Jesus said; Father forgive them for they know not what they do' - Jesus knew the heavy price to be paid for sin. The Jews look back knowing they went against God and admit they were disobedient.

Over the course of history warnings have been given.and again!

It is said 'Salvation is with the Jews - Jesus Christ is Jewish.

Jesus was resurrected from dead to being alive...He was raised up and it is with our spiritual connection that is known with our soul, through communicating with him and knowing he is hearing and loving us too.

Jesus is filled with love. Even in pain and anger, Jesus loves us.

Jesus taught that love is healing and water is cleansing souls too.

If only people knew how greed, hate and vengeance is destructive.

We are told the meek shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5

There is much to cry about now...but there is also hope!

Remember everyone is learning lessons.....everyone.

The return of people to pray and suffering difficulties, brings people to prayer and something else. God allows evil to happen because we have forgotten to learn to trust him and seek his protection.

Something has happened that places multitudes of people in danger but.....God has his plan and no matter what devious man plans, in some way he will bring people back in the right way. Not all will see.

There is difference between God the Father and the Son Jesus Christ. The Father and Son are connected -the Spirit of the Father is within Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit cannot be defied or controlled.As one person is anointed with the Holy Spirit so this can be given to someone else. It is not man's choice.

Great effort to distract people from God and prayer, deny Jesus Christ now explains the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in this time. Being reminded that there is a higher authority ruling over us equally is timely. .

So he said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty. Zachariah 4:6

Ephesians 6:17
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Put aside the religious arguments about differences and seek the truth. If everyone is reading a different book then there is going to be misunderstandings but I have been shown different prophets are sent for the people because this was necessary at the time. Prophet Muhammad took instruction from Jesus too.

1 John 3:8
The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria
No Copyright Infringement intended.

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