

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Former Detective Sergeant 'I Believe Ella' Sexual Abuse Children Epidemic Proportions

This will be majorly triggering article, read with caution.

 What started off as a question yesterday in a message, I was asked what happened to the child who had spoken out about Satanic Abuse with her nan...Well to be honest I do not know.

There are not isolate cases. There are countless incidents in UK and the world. What the people must also understand is anyone involved in Satanic Ritual Abise is not going to go against those who are involved and expose them.  Fear and secret oaths keeps abuses silenced.

Also it must not be ignored that even Christians who work as officers in the Police aso officers in Courts are scared because they do not know the power that can be turned against them.

But there are people who ignore and are told to turn a blind eye and all this contributes to a bigger and growing problem that ultimately is destroying the childhood of masses of children.

We do not live in a safe society.

If right at the top of the pinnacle of earthly power there are people involved with Satanism and abusing children - this is the influencing factor that prevails over society.

When in households of diverse faith, extreme strictness and abuse of power is detrimentally impacting children, then we cannot collectively ignore that lives are at risk with this too.

The most diabolical evil has entered into society and being exposed. The children and adults who have been exposed with their experiences cannot be silenced, not even by a court. The court does not have that right. If we were to discover a court judge has silenced Satanism happening in the past, ie with the Hollie Greig case, then it is quite possible those involved can do the same again.

In that particular case Police, Social workers and Politicians were allegedly involved. So no surprise that the utterly evil and selfish would want to protect themselves but in the realisation that God really does see and know everything that is going on - it is also written in the Holy Scriptures too.

Truth is truth and truth cannot be silenced.  What is hidden will be brought to light because it is meant to be made known.

It is written in the scriptures..

They make shrewd plans against Your people, And conspire together against Your treasured ones. Psalm 83:3

Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!' Matthew 7:22-23

There are people in society even in a professional role, who are speaking out for the safety of children. Who is warning parents to watch over their children. Protect your little ones.

When children speak about something they are terrorised to keep secret, they should never be ignored.

The abuse that is said to have taken place involving children who have spoken out in graphic detail of what has taken place is with their also saying there were other children involved

If people remain in denial they will not understand why there are people speaking out and why there are concerns. But also if you want to heal a problem, you must heal the root cause of the problem. Who at the highest level in society is serving Satan. Do you really know?

God knows...People can also renounce Satan too..

What if people involved in the most diabolical acts were brought in as children, so they were not involved out of free will. Are we to condemn these innocent ones? 

If one child  lives in a home with love and tenderness, and another child lives in fear and terror - the children are being exposed to these experiences with an impact on their psychological and emotional development. A child who has been abused - as an adult understands others who have experienced the same and so they with their healing process can recognise others with healing too.

There are Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors who are fully aware of what is going on. Perhaps they were born to see that they might be instrumental to bringing the abuse to an end.

Fear of safety to expose these goings on will be very real.

To silence abuse of any type, protecting abusers allows the abuse to escalate. There are twisted adults who actually gain power with abusing children - they thrive of terrorising the child and adults. As there are those who seek a child with affection, even sitting on their knee, they are ripe for sexual stimulation too. The mind of the abuser is twisted - stunted in some way, perverted in devious ways.

With Satanic Ritual Abuse with the calculated act to impregnate - the people in attendance know. With sexual intercourse - a baby can be conceived and never registered, only to be used as human sacrifice in ritual later one..that is not ignorance. Teaching children this is not ignorance.

I learned of SRA going on at a high level in Buckinghamshire many years ago. I was told there are children born and whatever I am told really does not merit any credible evidence. When the victims of the abuse and the people involved who are witnesses speak - that is credible evidence.

It has surely been known at a high level in the establishment that I am born from a Greek Orthodox mother and so therefore cannot belong to Satan...It is as simple as that.

The two children who are speaking bravely are born to a Russian mother and I wonder if they are Russian Orthodox for is that is the case that will also make sense...

God knows what is going on and those who are involved.

There will be a time when there will be evil no more.

There are people from political and royal families who have been born into generations of abuse. These people might not be directly involved, but this sinnister secret remains like a scar.

We must allow the healing of people to take place - we must not ignore what is going on. By speaking out the truth is the beginning of healing...and that applies for children raised within families even at a seemingly high level in our society too.  The lust for power is great in this time...

There are people involved in rituals to gain and maintain power.

There is no one who has any power over Jesus Christ.

Not everyone understands the all seeing and all knowing God.

First there will be the revealing of the evil - then the destruction.

We are all given the Lord's Prayer to say for reason

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Metropolitan Police on Child Abuse


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