

Sunday 26 June 2016

Jesus Heart to Heart Soul to Soul 24th June 2016

Another personal revelation message.
This  message on 24th June 2016, started at 10:15 am when I was waking up from sleeping and my mind was still to hear clearly the words given. 
With my focus on God, I pray and spontaneously I ask who gives this word. The message written below in its entirety finished at 10:47 am. 
Related scriptures will be added at the end.
'Pauline I want you to listen to me'

'Jesus is that you' - I asked

'Yes I am here in the Spirit your heart hears clearly now. 
Pauline when you go out do so for purpose and not passing time. 
Time is precious now. 
I am waiting for the one to show his face and then it will be done as it is written. He hides from you so not to be seen. 
The evil one thrives in this time because the good keep silent and they are scared who know the truth. 
Do not mix too much in the company of people who do not understand. 
Be quiet in yourself and in your life so you can be open to listen to the Spirit Wind more within and without in the world.
Pauline what they build against me will be torn down and when they go against you they will not succeed. 
They have tried to scare you but place your trust in me.
The diabolical rule is nothing to do with me.
The one who thinks nothing to kill and instructs killing has no soul. He gave up his humanity so he can score a goal and succeed in his role as a king. But it is not of my doing.
The willingness to kill cold bloodedly is the willingness to do anything to keep positions and destroy any who oppose this. 
But they cannot destroy me Pauline. 
The Father wills my people to safety and the Prophets of old were given a hard time. They were tested severely too. 
We are under an obligation to speak the truth to preserve mankind from this evil plot of man; but if men and woman give up their evil ways and wickedness in the world - quickly can the Holy Order be restored. Now they do not want to.
Tomorrow might be a different matter, or the next or the next.
Those who plan the death of the people do not see their own.
Those willing to kill to climb the social ladder do not see their own destination either. 
You are not a follower of those who do evil - they have no hold over you. But there are many who serve the evil one and they can cause harm and loss to my people. 
My people are targets for the truth they tell but they will not be silent to the end. 
What is foretold is horrific and happening but what is also foretold is the promise of the Great Good and compassion from the Great God who will bring his people back.
He chose me and formed me for His purpose, for His voice was distorted and laws have been changed. 
They disregard His Authority and reject Him and so I let them see the force of nature they talk about - reap what they sow.
The earth has been washed so many times with the decisions to the detriment of mankind and it is not so obvious as to why. 
The double plans and actions taking place at the same time. 
The gathering to protect humanity has happened on the day a gathering to enslave humanity some more. 
The political confusion; the blame elsewhere. 
When people do not see the decency of people who are reserved and conscious - who go about their lives in a simple way of tradition and respectability, while they neglect their own; young people in your land are suffering and perishing for there is no life of hope, no religion of hope and not assurance of God the Father loving his children.
They still promote the false idols and celebrity.
What substance is there? What hope do they offer?
Let them give up their wealth and titles and the deals and deeds to preserve wealth and titles. 
Their homes can be opened to take care of the homeless and provide shelter to those in need. Do they?
The Father knows how a people cannot afford to heat their homes; yet how can these people afford to live? 
God knows and the way of preserving wealth to keep the wealthy is not a solution for all.
The way shown has been simplicity and not dependency on buying goods but in being able to help each other. 
Today in your land dependency on money is great and preoccupation for gains is great too in this time. 
You have been made financially insecure but learn to be economical quickly. Don't slip back to old ways for it will not serve you well. 
By being resourceful and being willing to update and change what is damaged and broken you will see you can transform too. 
Being able to adapt with the times to make bread with yeast or without is a matter of survival. 
Be meek in your ways of living. 
Richness of the soul does not come with indulgence. 
Trust in me dear. The father will provide. 
Have hope. Your prayers are heard and answered.'

The message ends with 'Have hope' and it is clearly written 'Your prayers are heard and answered. What I was to discover was not expected.

God is validating His Truth in the reality too.

In these days on the time of the Feast of the Pentecost, in Crete the gathering of the Holy and Great Council has been taking place. I learned of this and sought to find out more. In these heart to heart, soul to soul messages from Jesus, I am seeking also in the scripture and seeing now much that was given and written down over this time has also come to pass.

The message writes of two is the Holy and Great Council and God knows of the Unholy gathering..I did not seek more about this. 

Of the times of the message there are scriptures

And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Romans 10:15

The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” Acts 10:15

 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Mark 10:15

Does the ax raise itself above the person who swings it,  or the saw boast against the one who uses it?As if a rod were to wield the person who lifts it up,
 or a club brandish the one who is not wood! Isaiah 10:15

When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Mark 10:47

 Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? Acts 10:47

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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