

Friday 10 June 2016

Royal Navy's Destroyers Break Down In The Gulf

An article published a few days ago reported of Royal Navy Destroyers breaking down in the gulf. Of course this caught my attention as it seemed odd - there is a plural reference. Not just one.

The Daily Mail headline reads:

What a fiasco... Navy's £1bn warships break down in the Gulf - because the sea's too HOT! 

The full article and photographs are published here. 

My first thought in seeing this headline was 'Divine Intervention' - is this what is really happening to halt the diabolical war agenda..
A deaf lady explained to me a few days ago, in sign language that she saw Jesus wearing all white and a crown - He was holding a fish in his hand. While 'MAN' is policing the waters, Jesus is King of the Seas. Love the way the most unlikely people bring the truth to us all. 
Most certainly I do not underestimate the power of the Almighty. 
If we look at the decisions made by man - billions if not trillions of dollars fund war, yet people in our world being impoverished. If you pay taxes to fund war, this is illegal. The war corporation is corrupt The war based on lies that endure is with innocents killed . No More!

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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