

Saturday 23 July 2016

How Powerful is Pokemon - Do You Know?

The question I ask myself is - How powerful are video games?

As someone with an avid interest in personality development, also in self healing and empowering people - being able to guide and ethically instruct with self healing and to obviously empower people includes identifying the reasons why people are ill, and with low self esteem - also oppressed.

I was prevented from progressing to get a Phd after all that would give me an ethical voice bnt I did gain several professional qualifications in UK to assist healing and empower people. That which is ruled here in England by the power of dark forces- as the uniformed police officer stated, is a mindset that has evidently not evolved and the lust for power to rule over people, fortunately does not rule over souls. If you are eager  to bow down to your overlord Masters..that is your choice. But bear in mind masses of people take oaths of office to be paid their wages..and they are serving SOMEONE!

A few years ago I came across a video game 'Assassins' and while I might be considered not normal by a blind conforming and ignorant people - let me tell you how it is If you watch television and play games with violence, if you even watch in the home violence between parents - you are learning from this. Either you will avoid situations of conflict or you might copy - even attract violent partners.

I recall some years ago someone mentioning Pokemon - it meant nothing to me whatsoever. If I recall children had cards...such little interest that it had, only appearing to be another gimiky profit making collectors  tool - if they were my children I would have wanted to know, but they were not.

Yesterday someone posted a video that caught my attention.

Putting it up on Facebook it got a lot of attention with several people liking..a couple of laughs but my reason for posting it was actually 'being alarmed with what was being shown in the video'

As you can see hundreds of children are running towards what appears to be a sinkhole. With a few sinkholes appearing in this earth - I wanted to know how Pokemon works and just happened to  meet an adult who knows all about it. He explained that the mobile telephone tells you where Pokemon is and said it could be sitting next to me on the sofa....or a fence, or on a car, or in a field...etc.

At the time I posted this I had no idea how Pokemon works...since I have been informed. If you do not know - indeed ask someone to explain then this will make sense! But is this possible?

Do your children play video games> - how about games on their mobile phone devices? What games are they playing ? Do you know? 

Are your children exhibiting unusual behaviour?

Are your children withdrawn from real life, interacting with family and friends? 

Are your children lost to 'gaming'  preoccupied with playing video games or computer mobile phone games? What are these video games teaching your children? Do you know?

With around 1 million children and young people going missing every year we really do not know where but to eliminate children being lost by whatever snares them with these games is the reason I am writing this....It is the reason why I have brought to light some diabolical goings on too.

As I have said to parents and grandparents of young children, while they are glued to watching the television and their children play out on the road...'watch your children' - I am surely resented but I would surely be hated if I did not warn and a child got snatched and was never seen again.

As a person living in a society in a land on this planet earth - as you are who is reading this, if you are alert to dangers, would you ignore this or say something and perhaps save a child from danger?

As adults the propaganda news delivery is steeing people to think in a certain way and has the power of influence to voting decisions and justifying war. It has the power to influence taking 'legal pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines' and yet sounds out the real preventative care that does not involve toxins - it has sounded out the knowledge that would be largely ignored today because we are not living in a eutopian society that is ready to realise higher consciousness as the norm.

Seeing people walking and even driving while using their mobile devices - tunnel vision is an understatement. If this is how adults are captivated by this device, what about the children?

Who has placed their baby in front of the television - facing the television - while they do something or go off in another room. Training children to be taught by the 'goggle box' is not a good idea.

Sharing this with concern...

Open up dialogue with children..listen to them..and if something is not sounding right, it probably is not. What televison does your children watch? What LYRICS of the songs you listen to are also being listened to by the children? What is the message that is being delivered? Do you know?

You may think I am over- reacting...Hopefully not!

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

P,S.  If I had a dollar from every concerned parent that would measure into a pile...My concern is how few parents are aware of the dangers their children are facing today. Please share this message.