

Thursday 6 October 2016

Sept 2016 Power Cut - QUEENSLAND -New South WALES

As you may have noticed not all is being reported in the news but there is a lot that is happening in our world. The Godless are battling with the Godless- they ignored His Law and did not trust Him.

There are other biblical prophesies that are coming to pass in relation to the Book of Revelation.

The other day I came across this video and  it is revealing.

The news these days...POWER CUT OFF...QUEENSLAND - NEW SOUTH WALES.....In New South Wales NEWCASTLE is named. Already in 2012 Spencer Court named building Newcastle UK had repeated floods in this location before a landslide exposed dark pillars underground. The building had to be demolished.

Since this. heavy oversell of the young royals endure - wars based on lies is this with massive human sacrifice?

More to the point, what if we are all being tested with decisions we will make and being forced to consider all that we are told and sold is not truth-full - even with an agenda.

The three parent baby is legalised in UK - the justification given too

Notice the emphasis of someone who has taken the titled name 'His Majesty' - the media publish how easy it is that people are forced to address someone by a title even officials. It is also with willing compliance.

It is quite uncanny in USA different people were referred in the name King...Elvis - The King, Michael Jackson - King of Pop, Prince was named...Martin Luther KING...

One social media a few declaring legal rights and birthright to be king ...prince, princess, emperor and empress too.  All this became more apparent since 2012 and 2013,

Seeing Jesus in a vision yesterday is with also the reminder that he can quite easily wander around in our world and be largely ignored or not noticed because only a few wait for his return'

Sometimes there is a story behind the story in the media. In the video above we see the evidence of the power being cut in QUEENSLAND and New South Wales. Is the power structure being cut of?

Is there any connection with the three parent baby? 

The signs of the times show something is amiss...

The signs of the times remind us of the return of Christ.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Beautiful Message from Jesus. 'Do Not Be Anxious'

Sharing this video because it provides an important message.

Jesus asks us not to be anxious in this time.

This message was given to Monita Besita on 14th September 2016.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Powerful Message God is Faithful Even After 6000 years.

An powerful heart rendering message with a vision of Jesus praying for his bride. We are reminded that God is faithful even 6000 years. This young man shares his experience and identifies his ''saved by Grace gospel'

Published 24th September 2016

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

The Twelve Tribes of Israel are Identified Clearly

Tribes refer to a people and their descendants are their relations. Together they make up a family. The family are identified as the house of Israel.

Instead of a long winded article on this - here is a song.

Learn the 12 Tribes of Israel - their names, birth order, meaning of their names and mothers' names.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria