

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Jesus Heart to Heart, Soul to Soul 9th May 2017

In the middle of this message, an argument was taking place outside - and the Lord continued with this message.  Writing down word for word on 9th May, the message began 13:31 and ended 13:58

This message was initiated by asking Jesus is there anything you want me to understand today?

'You can if you will do this for me. It will not be a hard errand or anything like that. I will call you from time to time so you know to recognise my voice above all others and then when ready to give instruction impart this to you. So slow down in your speaking with others you encounter in this time so you know the interaction of my voice with you and your voice with others;
I want to show you this to show you how it was and is both in the ancient times when God the Father speaks with his messengers from the Spirit within. The Father also speaks from without;
If I can guide you in truth; the Father can guide you in truth for the Father gave me His word to impart to the people. 
There are people who do not belong to me yet and they who are upset because I revealed myself to you are still caught in insecurity and child agenda. If it a little selfish and yet Iknow you would share my truth to all who will listen and yet you have seen many who would not because their world is caught with trauma and drama that even devastates their lives. 
My people are perishing. My family are being killed andthe one I  am choosing here in this land to initiate the truth is being resented. 
See the battle that must be faced above all others is to help people rise above the drama - but this has happened before;
There are those in the past who said and thought 'Why him - why not us? What does this poor man have above us who have more and are more important than anyone else?'
Pauline I know their hearts and minds and such is the mind set on keeping people down to elevate themselves. 
They cannot elevate themselves to heaven because their ego will not allow it; 
They want it so much in their heart that they cannot
And so in the past the rejection of the heavenly order took place with the massacre of the innocent as it is today. 
As people hate and turn against eachother - the distraction from prayer and a holy life - without harming anyone, to do good to everyoe, to pray for their brother and sister, help parents in their elder age; as parents helped and nurtured their children as babies - even if discipline was hard.  
Today there is abomniable cruelty without love for children and there are adults who hate eachother not even knowing why. 
Strangers are being blamed for someone elses actions and agendas that are sinister are at large.
So the trickery and tricksters thrive easily in these times, the rebellious, magicians too. The illusory workd with all its glories and trinkets are on sale as a 'must have'. 
Will the impoverished become more poor?
There are people who have nothing at all who are rich if they have a blanket to cover them. They have not been looking to what is happening around the world. They do their big with each of their family. One prays, another sweeps the floor, one bakes ,another answers the door. 
The role of the priest is to keep his hands clean, not to be distracted from prayer; and when focus is on God the Father all of the time the Spirit of the LORD can work through him all of the time. 
For now this is training and before people can understand this sometimes powerful energy they must also understand self control and the meaning of bestowal too.
It is not because of only loftiness - it is because of humility - it is not because of fullness of being, it is becausse of emptiness - selflessness.
I have human emptions and cry and love too. But I cannot rage with anger because the consequences will be destructive for all even myself. So I remain selfless because there is nothing I need or want for myself. I have no ambition either. 
I am that I am. Just an empty vessel, a man of prayer who prays for the people. If all men would join me; together we can bring peace in the world.
I will not do what man must do alone. He has a choice to repent and return to the way of salvation or suffer forever more. 
The women of the world must be strong and some rise up and condemn abuses but they must be careful not to become abusers too. Love waits and flows into ready hearts. God bless you with love'

After this message 'The Spirit of the Lord is upon me' came to mind. 'So this is how you tell people is there a message for them'

There is the expanded scripture that identifies these words I will quote - the words were spoken by Jesus Christ himself and such as I focus on Jesus in my message, I am trusting His message is from Him.:

The Rejection at Nazareth

....the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him. Unrolling it, He found the place where it was written: 18'The Spirit of the Lord is on me because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim deliverance to the captives and recovery of sign to the blind, to release the oppressed,  to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”…(Luke 4:17-19)

 Image result for jesus isaiah 61

The Year of the Lord's Favor
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is on me Because the LORD has anointed me To bring good news to the afficted.. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, And freedom to prisoners. To proclaim the favorable year of the LORD And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn  (Isaiah 61:1-3)

Of the times this message was given the following scriptures are revealed

 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. (Mark 13:31)

So, when he had gone out, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him.
(John 13:31)

Image result for mark 13:31
Inspiring faith and prayer for by prayer this has come....

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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