

Friday 6 October 2017

Zenophobia: Racism, Hate, Injustice & War

Do not believe everything you are told and sold in the media.

Do not be part of fueling hate between people of a different nationality, or colour of skin. While there is lust for power and war with bloodshed in our world - it is people who perish and some of us are not wired up to be murdering pawns in wars and twisted power games.

In the course of history rules have been made where people were not to fratonize with someone from an enemy state. Fortunately rules have been broken. Many marriages have also taken place - marriages with love and freedom from fear. Love unites us all. Fear and hate divides us.

Let who you give your trust to prove themselves. 

Why would anyone kill or be willing to be killed for members of a royal family when God forbids killing? Something we just cannot ignore!

So many people are caught up in the political chaos and confusion, even feeding the chaos and confusion. Why justify war and expressing hatred for absolute strangers who have done nothing whatsoever to cause you harm at all?

My suggestion is people need to rethink their personal process. Who you give your loyalty too? Whose gang do you belong to? Who belongs to God? 

As the threat of escalating wars prevail and nations rage, fortunately there are also people active in loving people and uplifting humanity too. 

If man is willing to give up his life for an agenda that is rooted in diabolical evil then his choice. But I remind yet again. the Holy Covenant is written with promises made to people and if this is not accepted, perhaps this is why God is rejected too. 

Some of us are born to be people of peace..yet some want to fight in wars and there are no winners whatsoever in this final battle. 

Any man wanting to fight a demon needs to look in the mirror and fight the demon within himself. 

Those who are hating so much any people - are you really angry and in pain? Do you really care about people who are hurting and suffering? 

People have shouted about injustice overseas = while blind to the injustice in this land they live in. 

As a church that asks for prayers for just one person, what about the masses other people who are suffering? 

Everyone is revealing their true colours. 

Finally every attempt is made to show war is not the way to peace in our world.

 Image may contain: one or more people, meme and text

This is my message with concerns in our world. 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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