

Sunday 5 November 2017

Loyalty to God: Message 27th June 2016

This is another personal revelation message.

Whenever a word comes to mind, I write this down and then with focus on Jesus Christ continue. What comes from the Holy Spirit of Truth, that is from God remains the same in Jesus who also validates His Truth.

As documented. on 27th June 2016 - this message stood out again today. Time has passed giving another opportunity to contemplate the content.

Before writing the following message, beginning 12:27am and ending 12:54, these words came to mind clearly - documented as they were given on the same date:

'Loyalty to God'
'Those who stand with me'

Then 'Scripture' came to the above, there will be a scripture that identifies more.  At the end of the message scriptures are included.

Now the message with focus on Jesus is as written:

'I mean it  Pauline. The people are either with me or against me; their leaders are the same and the military leaders who are killing my people are not.
I had enough now. The confusion and scaring my people leaving them to suffer in this state so they conform - No More now. No More! 
They suffer because of man and not because of God. Man has his power removed now. It is no more. The man who takes my people to suffering is no more in charge of my people and the separateness begins in the world. The people must choose. 
The law will not be corrupted. My rule of righteousness will not be broken  by anyone.
They are killing my people, robbing my people and preventing progress  to stay in control. They cannot even control their own marriages and want to corrupt everyone else's. The bed is defiled. The sanctity of marriage lost.
He who is the hypocrite among the nations has no regard for the marriage law. Your land filled with fatherless children and many killed in  war. But they say nothing about that, I Father of the fatherless, I am the defender of widows. 
The one who pretends to be married - the prostitute who is not, she pretends to stay in her role. The actions to  laugh and the silencing of the  truth is not  enough. 
God knows, He wrote the script of life and the disorder created. He is the author of works of prophesy and warnings.  He warned and warned again and they would not listen. This wicked generation are worse  than before.
The people do not see; they do not understand.
The people who belong to God  feel it in their heart and soul.
The rebellious ones laugh and laugh until they will laugh no more. I will wipe the smile of their faces and then they will know I am the Lord!
I will know who is the cause of it all and who will repent; and then the Mighty Judge will cause all who defied me to tremble. 
NEVER will they be given trust again.
NEVER will they be allowed to permit murder again.
And NEVER will their tongues be silent in the time of abuses  to my people.
NO to witchcraft and powers given to those who are involved. 
They have no  power over my people.
The plots to kill and injure is on their own head.
The truth cannot be silenced any more.
Babylon Be abandoned by my people. She who serves the great Satan is exposed. She is fake. She is scared if people know. She fears for her life. But the Father will and has judged her soul.
How many people died for her?
The men who slept with her did their duty that is all. There is no loyalty to her who has used ritual for power over my people; and the men are made to live to know what they have done.
You are not perfect Pauline but I chose you to deliver this message. You are not a servant to She who made a pact with the devil.
Call my people back. Warn my people to choose  wisely.
You are either with me or against me.
The chains are broken; let the  people decide and let the lost sheep realise they have been taken into  captivity on trust. 
God the Father will  right the wrongs.
Repent people, repent all of you.
If you place your  trust in man and weapons of war, you will be killed.
My soul lives in all who love me and I can deliver my people for a time when they are willing to turn away from their wicked ways.
The knowledge on earth is abundant. Advanced technology too. 
Stupidity with foolishness to try defy God got exposed. 
So let them be to learn their lessons. Shame on them. 
The mighty will fall and the arrogant humbled.
The people of peace will reign with love and righteousness.
Take care of my family and (in) laws.
Preserve my people in prayer. 
Thank you dear one.

Related scriptures are identified with the following:

The Lord will Not Forget His People

For judgment will again be righteous, And all the upright in heart will follow it. Who will stand up for me against evildoers? Who will take his stand for me against those who do wickedness. If the LORD had not been my help, My soul would soon have dwelt in the abode of silence.… (Psalm 94:15-17)

But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven. (Matthew 10:33)

Thus says the Lord: “For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment, because they have rejected the law of the Lord, and have not kept his statutes, but their lies have led them astray, those after which their fathers walked. (Amos 2:4)

Of a truth, God will not do wickedly, and the Almighty will not pervert justice. (Job 34:12)

 Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.  (Revelation 2:10)

 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ (Matthew 7:23)

For the Lord your God is a merciful God. He will not leave you or destroy you or forget the covenant with your fathers that he swore to them.(Deuteronomy 4:21)

The Mighty One Calls.
He summons the heavens above, And the earth, to judge His people: "Gather My godly ones to Me, Those who have made a covenant with me by sacrifice"  And the heavens declare His righteousness, For God Himself is judge. Selah.… (Genesis 17:8)

 Image result for matthew 12:30

The Unpardonable Sin
He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters. Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be foriven men, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.  Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the one to come.… (Matthew 12:30-32)

"Away from me, Satan!" Jesus declared. "For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.'" (Matthew 4:10)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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