

Saturday 20 January 2018

Apostasy Judgement, America War, King, Prayer Holy Spirit Bride - Byron Searle

Prophetic warnings sent to me by Byron Searle today.

As with all prophetic warnings - hope is given too.

What is shown and written in any prophetic warning that comes from God, will also be validated in the Scriptures. God is validating the scriptures through messengers today. And not all people are prophets of God even if they say they are. What is WRITTEN in the heavens will be shown written already too.

Not everyone who says they are saved will be. Not even I am sure of being saved even with being given the word of the Spirit of the Lord.  We do not write these words to hold onto our lives but to serve the Lord - as we are called to. And most importantly we are not seeking fame not false idol worship either.

The following messages are as given precisely with my boldly highlighting words - some revealed in messages already. Warnings given to Byron are not 'just for America'. Byron has been shown beyond the land America, he lives.

Take your time, read the messages carefully and in their entirety.

18th January 2018
Luke 19:41-44, 2 Chron 6:36 
The Lord says: My son, hear my warning now! Shout out an alarm for enemies are at the gates! Because my people have been blinded for so long and have refused to hear my words of warning from my prophets and watchmen, sudden destruction will come upon the land. The day will come when your enemy will be strong to the north and to the south and will take the land suddenly. America will be compassed about by her enemies. The bear and dragon working in harmony will take captive the people. My son, because my people are so blind to this coming attack, many will say, "How could this have happened to a great nation?" But I say because of the sin of this nation and a prideful, arrogant people, I will hold nothing back. Destruction will be quick, and many will perish. My son, had my people just listened to my warnings, they would have been ready. But, as before, my people have missed their visitation. My son, I told you before that when the judgments start, it will be too late, for the events will occur one after another. So great the destruction will be, that the whole world laments for America. But all is not lost, for during this time My Spirit will pour out across this once great land for a mighty harvest! Many people will come to me and be saved. This nation will burn with the fire of the Holy Spirit, then I will get my bride. Great will be the Word in America! Young people will lead the masses to victory! My Remnant will be strong! What a glorious time! My son, even though death and destruction will be everywhere, so will My Spirit and so will My Bride, washed in the the fire of revival and My Blood! Be ready, My Bride, for perilous times are upon you! Stay in My Word and on your knees. I will give you peace and comfort. My son, share this Good News. 
Messiah Jesus

19/18 Jonah 3:4-10 
The Lord says: My son, there has been much confusion in my body. Some say America will be great again; some say America will be doomed and destroyed. I say to you, read my servant Jonah. Nineveh was a great city, deep in sin. Every man's heart was continually evil. Corruption was bountiful, and the sins of the flesh were everywhere. Idolatry was rampant, and the worship of every creature was on the lips of all in the city. I had their wickedness come up before Me, and I pronounced judgment coming to overthrow the city in 40 days. The king heard the warning from Jonah and decreed a fast throughout the city. He made all, even the animals, to wear sackcloth and cover with ashes. My son, the sins of America have come up before me, but I have many voices shouting the warning, not just one. The corruption of the land, the sins of the flesh, and worship to the idols of baal and molech have overcome not just a city, but a nation. I do not see the king calling a solemn fast, nor is he doing all to correct the sins of this nation. There are pockets of my remnant praying, but not all of my people and not the whole nation. The king is not humbling himself before Me to stop the judgments that are coming. The things the King has changed are only superficial and have not gotten to the sin that comes before Me. Nineveh was spared the judgment for a season. America will not be spared, for America, my people, all my people will not repent! Thus saith the Lord, If my people will humble themselves and repent, I will hear them and spare America for a season. But I say, America, you will not repent, for your pride and haughtiness are great. The judgments are coming! My people, you are not ready for what is about to come upon your land. I tell my remnant, stay on your knees and seek me, for I will be your only strong tower. My son, get this warning out, for there is no time left. 
Messiah Jesus

17/18 Jeremiah 44:3-13 
The Lord says: My son, there is apostasy in my body, and this abomination has spread like a disease throughout every part. My prophets and watchmen have been swept up into this disease, who once heard my voice but now hear a lie. Beware of men who give themselves titles, but I have not called them nor anointed them in the office. These false teachers and prophets only speak to tickle the ears of the lukewarm church. They promise good health, good wealth, and good times, but if they really heard my voice, they would be lamenting day and night for repentance of the lost. My true prophets stay in the dark recesses of their prayer closets, praying and seeking my face for repentance of a godless nation. You may never know them, for they do not seek fame nor the spotlight. My prophets and watchmen speak only what they have heard to prepare my bride for my return. My son, many of my remnant are tucked away, praying for this nation. If it weren't for them and their prayers, the judgments would have overwhelmed this nation. I am a merciful and gracious God and have delayed much to allow more people to know Me. But prophecy must be fulfilled, and the times are now here. The Great Falling Away is happening now, but how many of my children even see it? They are too focused on a man making a country great again. I tell you now, as I said before, this nation will never be great again. No nation will be great again as all nations will crumble into war and destruction. Then the one who wants to be god will destroy delightfully and make all men, ALL MEN worship him! My son, the apostasy has begun and is likened unto a creature with many arms. Beware, beware, BEWARE! Seek me in prayer and stay in My Word.'
End of messages.
Only in these last couple of weeks Byron made himself known to me with a message. He was surely guided by Jesus to find me.
Byron proves long prepared people who are instructed to WRITE do not seek approval of men to be right or not. The Spirit of the Lord gives clearly; as an instruction - commandment to follow through. The Spirit of the Lord speaks to awaken - Sounding the alarm, claiming back God's people

Though all the evil that is foretold, one day in prayer a few years ago I read in the gospels there is hope for the rebellious house of Israel. The words stuck out more than anything 'Rebellious house of Israel'

If people repent from their wicked ways and turn their hearts and mind to God. sincerely seeking forgiveness for their sins, God will forgive and they will become his people again. There are those who will not. Their choice!
Byron has had experiences that I recognise to be from the heavens - ie seeing angels holding scrolls - scrolls of judgement.  Byron has been instructed from the heavenly realms to warn the people.

This is the validation of what is written from the heavens and it is from the heavens and so therefore God's Judgements!

Some time ago in a message - the words turned my stomach. I felt sick. Jesus said 'they have gone too far with what they have done' - I do not know what they have done. I know God Knows - EVERYTHING!
It is my hope people will seek the truth in prayer from God; not live in false hope, Be careful of being led into a false sense of security. Prayers are needed more than ever for God's Holy Kingdom on earth.  
We can ask for God to guide is and lead us rightly (and it will not be with asking anyone to be killing anyone) We can ask for protection - this will be for spiritual protection especially. Read Ephesians 6:10-20  for these times.

Once God places his armour around you, the demonic power cannot touch you only as much as God allows. The demonic possessed with insatiable lust for power thrive with deception, loyalty with causing fear and terror on this earth. Armies do not just rise up recently - long have people been manipulated to go to war...wars based on lies. God wins this battle.

Jesus says in Byron's message - 'I will give you peace and comfort' His comfort identified to me was being like a cushion.

God bless you and thank you for reading.
Your prayers are much appreciated.
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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