

Monday 1 January 2018

Grace: What IS Most Important in 2018?

What is most important now? Well. while we all have different values, abilities, strengths and gifts...if we are neglecting our purpose, and reason for being born, what did we lose? When we are distracted from what we must do. this is delayed even abandoned for yet another day until completion is unfulfilled. 
Nothing is by accident; even my stumbling and falling too. So, if you had a difficult year last year, may you also be made strong in your spirit to endure and proceed boldly for what God has already planned for you. 
Let love be real love and friendship be sincere..Let family ponder on the meaning of family and decide their role; And let Humanity realise we are related in some way or another - whether we like it or not. 
Let the Hope of the Holy One of Israel, Jesus Christ who is the Messiah shine in truth. He who was born in the Levite line of the Prophets and the descendant of David, King of the United Kingdom of Israel who was chosen too. 
Jesus the risen King was identified as the New Born King by the heavenly realms; the Son of God too. Three wise men travelled with gifts (shrouded in mystery)
When Queen Elizabeth II had the crown placed on her head in 1953, people were to be preserved in Christ The King - not the antichrist. 
May truth and understanding be made clear for peace and tears of all who are suffering persecutions and terror be wiped away. 
As we pray for Global Peace and healing, striving for His Peace and Justice, a growing spiritually hungry people openly declare they belong to Jesus Christ; so In Christ be Blessed in 2018 full with God's Grace! God bless you!
 Image may contain: drink and food

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
the people he chose for his inheritance.
From heaven the Lord looks down
and sees all mankind;
from his dwelling place he watches
all who live on earth—
he who forms the hearts of all,
who considers everything they do.
(Psalm 33:12-15) 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria 

More personal revelation messages, dreams, visions, scriptures and the law that protects us all on Facebook - Jesus is alive - Uniting Humanity to Him

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