

Thursday 18 January 2018

'NOW IS THE TIME TO SEEK ME' - Byron Searle Message 16th January 2018

Messages are being given daily to Byron Searle. This gentleman has been given a calling with seeing the devastation that is to come upon this earth. He has seen horrors that would leave me paralysed unable to write:

More than anything to understand the meaning of being Saved can relate to our physical salvation and yet most importantly our souls being preserved.

The actual date given was the day before this message - so it would have been on the 16th of January 2018. The message is shared exactly as it is written:

'This word came to me yesterday in prayer: NOW IS THE TIME TO SEEK ME, the Lord said this to me 3 times and the third time was with so much force and power it was hard to keep writing. He was speaking to those who call themselves by his name. The world is going down not just America, and nobody is ready for what is coming. If you are not setting aside a time to pray now is the time to start. Even if it is only 5 minutes to start, get alone listen to our Lord he is wanting to know and talk to each person. Jesus loves his children, just trust in him to lead and guide you. Jesus has never let me down, though I let him down by being stubborn and rebellious. He never left me always holding me in his hand. I thank God that he speaks to me everyday, I started out just praying and listening for 1 hour, now I'm am over 2 hours and it only feels like 5 minutes. God is good, but his judgments are going to Shake this world. Be ready, be prayed up.
Amen. Love y'all (that's Okie talk)
Byron Searle

Please read this message again carefully...

Byron is admin on Facebook group - 'Jesus is Alive - Uniting Humanity to Him'  You are invited to join and share there.

In my reply to Byron with appreciation of this message:

'.... during your training (and mine) we are being prepared to listen to take notice, you might not have realised the role long prepared you for: tried and tested. God loves you. God bless you.'

Some people are feeling envy and resentful of people who are given messages with instruction from the Lord....God has not given you this life so you feel envy towards anyone. You are not left out. Stop doubt and insecurity.

We have all been given the right to pray to God and we are told to address him as Father...We are not in a competition as children of God.

We are given warnings to repent...not all will.

This is not an easy path to receive messages and write them down to share with other people but when instructed we must - even if we are facing every obstacle to do so. God is warning of His Judgement upon this earth.

Years of chaotic media reports, terror, confusion, political arguments; pointless debates with no end to distract people from quiet time in prayer, is planned. The enemy knows what is coming and happening on earth NOW!

Salvation of our souls depends on our prayers.

We really need to trust God in bringing us through what is to come and it is not going to be easy. It is foretold many people will perish and be killed. While we pray for Global Peace and Healing - the warmongers do not want that.

The battle is already won by God...

And somehow God is going to reach his people! 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria 

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