

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Power of Faith Ministries & Jesus Faith Prayer Church India

Today I checked my email from Facebook to discover some photographs waiting from India. In Christian faith revival, people are being renewed in their study of the Gospels with prayer; and long prepared for the return of Jesus Christ.

Since a young child I felt a spiritual connection with people in India - In recent years learning of Jesus visiting India long ago, is with seeing him in visions to be in close proximity - so I KNOW he has love for the people in India.

Palivela Madhubabu wrote to me recently from India. Since he read my personal revelation messages - each documented here with identified scriptures. While I declined permission to publish these and dreams in a book - the dreams are not documented in completion - just written here to show how dream revelation is given and demonstrate there are reasons; with relevant scriptures too.

However permission has been given to discuss these in context in ministry; as the messages amplify the scriptures and can enrich people in faith and prayer focus.

Not all dreams are seen as dream messages from God (and I have many dreams) - just when seeing Jesus, angels; even with seeing Prophet Muhammad; that was immediately after prayer. These extraordinary experiences are 'gifts' of the Holy Spirit and yet discernment can be with warnings too - with learning from Jesus. Notice how Jesus gathers, not scatters. When God warns, indication is given in a dream/message of His warnings. Persecution is foretold. Judgement is foretold.

Jesus revealed himself in India sitting outside on a small simple wooden chair , with his foot outstretched to a short man who appeared to be a local from India/Asia. The man appeared to be giving Jesus a foot massage - a mystery.

Jesus appeared to be very calm. The water was still too.

Seen visually as a dusky early morning, by the side of a river - with buildings the other side - I got the impression of the River Ganges on a paved area (while this might not be that exact name location - it could be another river in India)

The presence of Lord Jesus Christ in physical form was again seen clearly. In another experience, inside a huge palatial white room with pillars, face to face a smiling bronze tanned man was sitting comfortably on a raised area, as if the lotus position on cushions. His smile lifted my heart spiritually. 

In recent years I noticed a book at my friend's house 'The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ. Asking if I could borrow it to read, inside I discovered it is written about Jesus life and learning. He spent a time also in India.

In these locations and others  - God knows; Jesus has made his living presence known for a reason. While guided to write 'for him' as instructed. This is without knowing who will read the personal revelation though there is an international readership. In Christ we are all spiritually connected.

So to return to the church in India to share more:

Jesus said 'When two or more are gathered in my name...

Of the scriptures to quote one verse it is written:

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20

Photographs with the short message from Palevala Madhubabu are shared as they have been sent to me. The prayer request asked is the focus that Jesus has indicated to be the most important. Unity to Christ in His Peace.

We are praying for going on crusades i our area we prayed for you also in this meetings you please pray for our unity. Our pastors are all liking your messages.


Thank you for these photographs and for your prayers.

If these messages bring people to gain a better understanding of a personal and spiritual relationship with The Lord - our faith is enriched. Today I may pen a chapter, in the beginning only a few words were given with each and every message - these were validating what is written in the Gospels'

In an updated message I asked for details of the ministry and work taking place in India. Reply from Palivela Madhubabu:

Praise the lord sister thank you for good reply yes our pastors and believers also are liking your messages so you should tell your revelations. I also believe in the holy spirit reveletions. We are both same in spiritual thinking so god mingled us. Gods plans are great in our lifes to save people from hell. I never stop my efforts for this gospel with my strong faith I can reach the goal as paul said. Please pray for us and for our ministry thanking you sister.

Second reply asking of the name of the church:

 Power of faith ministries and church name is Jesus Faith Prayer Church and 3 branches activities are Faith Youth Bible study and out reach gospel tracks distribution and food and cloths distribution to the poor old and widows. Whats app ministry for daily early morning prayers and messages. Face book live messages. All abidences you can watch on my face book. I am really thankful to you for writing article on me its a great blessing for me. Sister I cant repay for your kind love and concentration on me. Thank you somuch.

Join with "Palivela madhubabu" on facebook where more images are accessible and please pray for the people who are belonging to Christ by choice.

Long long ago the people in India were given knowledge of our evolving souls. prayer AND meditation; teaching to attain enlightenment. Prayer to God is the way. Aim for the top and discover the reason why God entrusted us to Jesus His Son; with realising Jesus Christ is not misguiding anyone at all.

Long ago Jesus visited India - are these the people who made him feel at home?  The white palatial room is a mystery to me...I know it is somewhere. Will Jesus return to a loving spiritual people who made him feel welcome again?

Sometimes a picture tells a thousand words. Here we are reminded of divine timing with the clock time shown:

Image may contain: 3 people, text

And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. Matthew 9:35

One man in India guided to find me on the internet - not here but on Facebook;  seen to be active in his ministry in India.

In this image notice the hand of Christ raised behind Palivela Madhubabu, while his heart and intention dedicated to serve Christ in India where he is living. Jesus has said he has chosen the most unlikely helpers. Here is another dedicated helper.

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Of this lady it is written: 'Her name is kantamma she was not have any sources for feeding so we gave some food materiel'

Another reminder that God really is all seeing and all knowing - an elderly lady in India without resources to feed herself. 

Praying sincerely to God in Jesus name is what we have been instructed with Jesus as Our King; He is the One who knows Our prayers and if our hearts are sincere too. The least I can do is pray for these people in Christ; in Jesus name.

Dear Palivela, May God bless and guide you in His Way with the precision of His Truth as revealed in His Holy instruction for the Church and in any one place where believers are gathered, may your prayers be magnified to Glorify God. May the scriptures revealed by God clearly inspire faith and hope for the people in India. And may each person be a light of faith to radiate his light in this world  - In Jesus name I ask God bless each and every one of you. Amen.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria 

1 comment:

  1. Praise the lord woman of god wonderful article it is not written by you but I believe that Holy spirit inspired and written this article. What you written is real and profetic because you seen in visions and wrote this. I realised that the river in your vision is River Godavari which is near to our church building. I am so glad that jesus showed you our ministry before it cunstructed. All glory to jesus. I am inviting you and all those who want to do gospel in India. We utilise your messages and your prayers to save our people. Please pray for our ministry its depend upon only on faith. Thanking you all who read and understand our ministrial hard work. Special thanks alot to our beloved sister and known us by the holy spirit pauline maria.
