

Friday 23 February 2018

Dream Jesus Homeless Man in USA? 19th February 2018

On 19th February feeling really tired, I slept early and woke just before midnight from a dream. Because of the content I wrote this down.

I was looking on as an observer seeing a man standing wearing long white clothes. He was looking towards another man sitting on the ground.

The sky was dark with street lamps alight. The ground appeared to be wet as if it had been raining or was raining at the time. The man standing looked like Jesus as I recognise him in appearance. His hair was wet, mid length and wavy, with a short beard. His clothes looked as if thin, possibly wet also he was not wearing any coat or covering.

I could not see the person sitting on the ground - what they looked like or any other detail other than darkness over this person who was wearing dark clothes - while the other man, Jesus was wearing white/cream. His clothes were not seen to be illuminating bright light (the light and glory of God)

I woke up realising Jesus is here 'somewhere'. Also 'America' came to mind. 

Immediately after writing notes about the dream, I looked to see an email had arrived from someone. Reading the email - he sent a message.

'I'm coming to you with a question of do you know of any places or anyone that Our Season Fishers Of Men can get Bible donations to us as we will be going out this summer to bring the Gospel of Jesus and feeding the homeless.. we are in need of Bibles to hand out to the homeless and those that are in need of one... I know that GOD will open a door in his perfect timing and I also know if I seek I will find.. thank you for taking the time to read this. God bless you'

Antonio Sanchezjr lives in FLORIDA US

Jesus is filled with the Holy Spirit and speaks the Word of God...It is certainly no coincidence while this man is praying Jesus has shown himself to be 'in America' I shared my dream experience and offered some practical advice.
Sometimes charity shops - goodwill stores have Bibles donated and might be willing to give and help out. Also a prayer ministry underneath the heavens outside came to mind last week knowing God is watching everything.

The timely message from Antionio, came where he prayed for me too because my situation and health is not good.  God knows his helpers even if they are in other lands and God reveals his truth even if in other lands too.

Was Jesus in Florida with the people over there?
In the gathering and strengthening of people of prayer, linking around the world is bringing God's presence here on this earth now too. There are Mighty Prayer warriors in Florida. A people with focus on God and prayer.

If Jesus was seen in Florida USA - this is showing that he is also hearing the prayers of the people who are sincere in their heart and prayer too. 

The presence of Spirit of the Lord is where he is wanted and where he is needed the most. The physical presence of Jesus Christ has reason in this time too.

Florida has had hurricanes and shooting incidents; with the massacre of the innocents, even political influences put people to the test. 

In a time when there is evil thriving, God is also make his living presence known in some way too...with prayers being answered; rejoice and be comforted.
With the connection to Florida USA I could not ignore that perhaps there is one person somewhere who is repenting  for Jesus to appear and be seen. One who might be ready to seek forgiveness for what he has said and done.

In Bolton where I live in UK,  ORLANDO BRIDGE is named and this is over TRINITY Street Train Station. Orlando is in Florida USA.

Trinity Church was named and closed for some years. One day walking around the building - thinking something must be done, perhaps restore the church yet God is rejected by so many people here in UK. The excuse is changing blaming church doors closed because of theft - God knows the truth! Soon building work a conversion with an extension of flats - re-named TRINITY COURT.

Is this HOLY TRINITY..or Unholy Trinity? Not sure!

Names are not by accident? Nothing is coincidence. Soe names are inspired others are purposeful...
 We are in the time approaching Passover and Pashca, Easter - even the mystery of the Easter egg is not known by all. The commemoration of The Passover, and when Jesus the Christ was crucified - yet we are remembering Jesus resurrected from dead to alive. Jesus is alive. The Holy One of Israel lives.

God has and will continue to use the lowliest of people and even the greatest of repentant sinners for his plan to fulfil scriptures too. Jesus has chosen people who turned and became the ones who brought many to the truth too. 

When the repentant sinner is saved, he is not silent.

The shepherd goes to find his lost sheep...
When looking for an image of Jesus with homeless people I learned of sculptures made of Jesus being homeless being installed in different locations. 
With Lent beginning, Jesus reminds me of the Homeless and so has Antonio in his request. The dream showed me Jesus being with the homeless. Jesus said, when two or more gather in his name he is amidst. When two or more pray together in Jesus name he is amidst.  Do/would you pray with the homeless?
Something is going on when Jesus is seen...
What is happening in Florida USA?
A 2011 article writes of The Holy Land theme park in Florida.
Also a growing cult, a man claiming to be Jesus. The headquarters based - MIAMI. He is collecting 10% tithes and more is given 'trusting' him.
There are oter people claiming to be Jesus and all I can say about this is there is a prophesy being fulfilled with this where Jesus warns of deception and many people claiming to be him who are not..How would we know?
The Spirit of God within Jesus knows everything - Reading about the Samaritan lady at the well is proving this in scripture. et in my experience Jesus is validating his truth very clearly so I am to take notice too. 
 When Jesus appeared to a four year old child in 2013 he identified me by name; knows where I live and instructed the child to give me a very important message. If someone claiming to be Jesus does not know anything about you, how can he be God?  How can he be Jesus the Christ. Jesus said no one comes to the Father except by me and the Father - The Lord God Almighty knows everything. 
So with the rise of killing by guns and and also a rise of people who are praying to God with sincere heart - there is light and darkness side by side
Jesus has said where two or more are gathered in my name I am amidst them' - yet if it was Florida Jesus is revealing himself to be at that time, that had reason beyond what we might not know or actually understand. 
The homeless who are Christians; believing in Jesus are all known to him and with being connected to Jesus they will be connected with each other.
Is Jesus inside the megachurches? I have only ever seen him revealed in humble circumstances except once. A child spoke of another incident - Jesus reinforced this - People living in humble conditions in their heart too. Being homeless is the most humbling condition to live and endure in the western world. 
With Jesus stating he is The King to children, has the crown wearer in England got anything to do with Florida USA with Orlando Bridge named in the heart of England? The Queen having underneath the coronation throne a stone placed that is named Jacobs Pillow or the Stone of Scone' - where Jacob who was given the name Israel laid down and had a dream of the stairway to heaven. This experience has been painted and referred to as Jacob's ladder.
The Queen holding the title Supreme Governor of the Church of England is also connected for the Church of God woul be preserved to Him - perhaps.. This church has been referred to as the worldwide church and yet not everyone knows that traditionally a church refers to an assembly of people. 
 The man I saw who looked like Jesus probably was..In my dream  I am a calm observer - and seeing Jesus a few times, he does not change appearance. (though I do have reason to wonder if there is a body double from one dream that was odd a few years ago. However, whenever I have a dream seeing him, i have been instructed to share the dream and explain what I see...the other connections are incidental additions as shown here..Perhaps they relate, or perhaps not.
With the fake Jesus's we are reminded of this time...a time long foretold and one that is for many a great deal of dread..If we keep praying and keep our focus on God; the Lords Prayer was given by Jesus for a reason in it's entirety.  
God cannot be killed so easily...
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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