

Thursday 8 March 2018

The Message of Lent, Prayer, Preparation and Warning

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Out in the wilderness all alone, being at one with God...enduring hardship with prayer to God....being quiet within to receive instruction from God, no food, no water, no distractions, for 40 days and nights being in the Spirit of the Lord and so it is, even temptation was given in this time. Yet in this most significant time of prayer focus and ready to receive and listen to instruction Satan tried his best to distract and tempt Jesus away yet he was Rebuked.

Of this we must never forget the Spirit of the Lord that dwells within as Jesus rebukes the devil, must we also resist him too?

No matter what we will face in life, tremendous hardship and difficult, suffering, poverty, pain, loss, illness and even death, God allows it but in Christ we know He was raised up again. It is written for a reason; understand the reason Jesus lives.

So many people are alone and feel lonely because they think they are lacking something that someone else has. If you are alone, you have already the time and space to be alone with God and to pray without distraction.

If you are alone and carrying a heavy burden in life, it might be that God wants your prayers and is using you to serve him in this world - without the burden you might not pray every day. In the heart of anyone who is sincere in prayer, their heart and mind are being purified and prepared.

The willingness to let go of selfish desires and endless wants of this world, makes easier attainment of spiritual treasure from heaven. When we are no longer here...we will not be taking anything with us.

Jesus had to completely die to self and still he trusted God The Father completely knowing his life had purpose. That purpose is not one reason or two. In the wilderness with no one, Jesus was being prepared and even tested.

Why was Jesus given all power and authority? This is something to consider too. Be careful not to let ego blind us from the truth.

The man who endured, prayed unceasingly, taught in the Spirit of Truth, did without so we could have. Jesus raised up a woman facing death; then he suffered a grave miscarriage of justice. To plan ahead to corrupt; the court today are faced to see the cause of innocents death - in illegal wars too.

Jesus rejected Satan's offer of all the kingdoms...however with Jesus we know that Satan has no power over him as he has a role as the tempter. Jesus rejected his offer. To serve The Lord God alone, this is the lesson Jesus has also given us. To worship the Lord God alone, this we are instructed to for there is no power, man or beast who rules over God.

The enemy knows if people reject God they are easily taken away. In history people have held onto their faith like nothing else - because the temptation, pressure, or terror to convert or die was placed in front of them.

People were told not to idol worship - by the Commandment of God and to worship Jesus is seen by many Jews is idol worship.

The distinction between Jesus the Son and God the Father he, Jesus has given so remember this...Anchor yourself in God the Father and he will entrust you to his son and if you are born in the family of Jesus Christ you are automatically family that God decided. Being Family by adoption God also long prepared.

With the Father and the Son who loves, he might allow someone to hurt us and as we are warned for repentance, those who refuse to repent hurting God's people to tempt them to retaliate will invite consequence on themselves.

In history the prophets and messengers of God have been killed and they have been rejected from where they live. it is by no accident, that Jesus is known and loved globally now and not just from a people from one physical location.

Such as it is, the people who are called and chosen to serve God are often rejected by the people in their land yet this is exactly as it is meant to be. God is not demographic with limitations. He will choose and uses the most unlikely people. While there are those who are gathering with lots of noise - praying for the Holy Spirit to come - God is giving abundance to those sincerely seeking his guidance even giving up everything.

God does not charge a fee to speak with hear his voice he is not charging you a fee, but if you are called and chosen, you will be expected to follow through his instruction. If you want too much...what is it you are prepared to do for him?

And if we sincerely want to know Christ and to serve by helping him in truth, we can although expect persecution - Expect to be resented and even hated for this path is not easy to walk..

To keep going - to keep walking even in pain, is with focus on the one who heals and the one who asks for healing.

A Fast that is with focus on God - without food or water for 40 days, how many of us can say we sincerely do? Yet there are people who are living the same Fast in our world who are not hypocrites; These people are praying for us all.

We are in a time to contemplate the time of the Great Fast and be reminded why God always carefully chooses who is to be preserving his people.

Jesus was tried and tested for this role.

God has forbidden false idol worship. Remember this!

Attempts to silence his return were not successful at all.

Be careful of causing injustice and condemning anyone to death.

God knows everything. Everything is written!

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Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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