

Wednesday 25 April 2018

'The God of War, Illusory Money and Royalty' Message April 25th 2018

Quoting the last line of the previous message:

'In the name of Yahushua, Lord God Almighty be guided in the Spirit of Truth in Jesus name - and I will hear you with this focus always and faithful' (Spirit of  the Lord Almighty)

Today another message was given just after reading the previous message when inspired to document the words above yet again for you to consider. Do this carefully.

Message 25th April 2018
Start time: 10:50 am
End time 11:23 am

'I will always be in the presence of those who serve me in truth for I am a sincere God of the Masters of the Universal Order of Truth. 
I will not entrust my power to those who abuse, manipulate and mislead my people. 
The god of war is warring against me in defiance of the truth. He cannot win the war. The war is won already.
He is a raging animal wanting to get his own way knowing he is not chosen by me for the people and he is angry.
He will pretend yet he is angry and his way to hurt the people consolidates his lack of power and authority from me. I did not give it. I let it happen for the people are rebellious in your land. They want to be Christians and are not. They are royalists or not. 
There are a remnant few who are Christians; the rest use his name to justify good works and say 'Look at me, Look at me, Look at what I have done for Jesus' instead of doing it anyway. 
They try to impress and instead of impressing antagonise. 
They say 'Look how the Lord is generous with money' and yet it is not money at all. Those pieces of paper became plastic and the durability is they can be wiped clean. They are illusory money and the powers that be know it. 
They know the people are perishing and others are in hope that all is good because they have illusory wealth and yet they are poor. 
Without the love of God people are poor. 
Without a Christ centred marriage how can people hold together for he is the only third person to bind the people in love - not one to divide the two who have been brought together in circumstance. 
How many long for love and then seek to divide another? This is not Christ centred. 
And the man who has the roving eye and never satisfied - using one woman and another; another time he would have been castrated - not circumcised.
The celibate marriage is a marriage based on a higher foundation; and the union with lust is what it is. Lust that is all.
The animal behaviour is with looking after the young from the vultures and yet people do not see the vultures around them masking as having an authority over their parents and children. 
The children are taken away and strangers take care of the elderly because love is not enough in the family. Who pays for this?
The prison threats to those who do not pay should be enough to see that the enemy is with no moral conscience.
As long as there is enough money and gains is there, people are being looked after by the authorities and the families.
Who is loving and caring for their family without expectation of payment? 
Do you not know my people that you have the disabled and limited people in your land for your reason? 
Where is your compassion and care?
The calculations to get more and dependant on more is with this coming from somewhere. 
You reject God the Lord Almighty and do not see the value of a holy life with pure intentions for all. 
You give when asked resentfully without sharing from your heart naturally and then wonder why I the Lord Almighty hold back from you. 
You have no value for the Word of the Lord past or present and no interest in the warnings given too.
You cannot see the saving grace given to you because you are rejecting the Lord of Grace in truth too. 
How can He give what you do not value and understand to be proof that Your Lord and God is a living and patient God with you.
Hashem waits; Yahushua waits and the almighty angels  of the heavenly realms  wait for they all know what you do.
The day the population returns to righteousness, there will be a celebration in the heavenly realms. 
The lowly have cried tears and been petrified and terrorised in their own homes.  Their saviour was not the police who run and hide, duck and dive to avoid documenting crimes against humanity.
What use are they who are not ensuring that the system is founded on preserving? 
That which has no regard for the authority of God, shall it be destroyed? 
Shall I destroy it or not?  
They would destroy with the people in it as they have done before.
I will do a new thing but first they must relinquish power and oaths of loyalty to those who go against me. 
The old lady must recognise you in truth as my chosen one in this land. She will not and perhaps someone else will or not. But it has to come from her family. 
My royal handmaiden has done without  to see what is being done to you to your detriment. I gave her My Word and she was chosen because she did not seek to defy me and corrupt my law.
Mistakes are made!
The calculation to corrupt the law to the detriment of an entire population is to the calculation to go against the LORD. 
Hang your heads in shame you rebellious ones.
You who thrive on death and oppression will do so no more.
The Lord Yahushua is here for the people.
Be gone you demons from my people.
You have no authority, not now; not ever before. Be Gone!
And so it is; the Lord sees and knows everything.
The Lord Almighty is Sovereign; He Rules and Reigns.' 
Of the times the message given scriptures are identified:

 …49Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” So they called the blind man. “Take courage!” they said. “Get up! He is calling for you.” 50 Throwing off his cloak, Bartimaeus jumped up and came to Jesus (Mark 10:49-50)

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. (Luke 11:23)

 The Lord answered Moses, “Is the Lord’s arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you.”(Numbers 11:23)

When he arrived and saw what the grace of God had done, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. (Acts 11:23)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Monday 23 April 2018

Grace: Evil of The Wicked Rejecting The Majesty of The Lord

Just after the previous message, a few words came to mind - to see what is written in the scriptures and post on Facebook.

This led me to discover this scripture that is most appropriate given the message that had come from the Spirit of the Lord just before.

What came to my mind yesterday, was particularly the promoting of people who are no longer alive who include ie Paedophiles - alleged or not, actual or falsely accused - who are DEAD. Even Diana, GOD KNOWS the truth.

In using Google to search for specific words in the Holy Bible, I expanded on this particular scripture that is a prophetic word - a surely timely find.

In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah:

We have a strong city;
God makes salvation
its walls and ramparts.
Open the gates
that the righteous nation may enter,
the nation that keeps faith.
You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you.
Trust in the Lord forever,
for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.

He humbles those who dwell on high,
he lays the lofty city low;
he levels it to the ground
and casts it down to the dust.

Feet trample it down—
the feet of the oppressed,
the footsteps of the poor.

The path of the righteous is level;
you, the Upright One, make the way of the righteous smooth.

Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws,[a]
we wait for you;
your name and renown
are the desire of our hearts.
My soul yearns for you in the night;
in the morning my spirit longs for you.
When your judgments come upon the earth,
the people of the world learn righteousness.
But when grace is shown to the wicked,
they do not learn righteousness;
even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil
and do not regard the majesty of the Lord.

Lord, your hand is lifted high,
but they do not see it.

Let them see your zeal for your people and be put to shame;
let the fire reserved for your enemies consume them.
Lord, you establish peace for us;
all that we have accomplished you have done for us.
Lord our God, other lords besides you have ruled over us,
but your name alone do we honor.
They are now dead, they live no more;
their spirits do not rise.
You punished them and brought them to ruin;
you wiped out all memory of them.

You have enlarged the nation, Lord;
you have enlarged the nation.
You have gained glory for yourself;
you have extended all the borders of the land.
Lord, they came to you in their distress;
when you disciplined them,
they could barely whisper a prayer
As a pregnant woman about to give birth
writhes and cries out in her pain,
so were we in your presence, Lord.
We were with child, we writhed in labor,
but we gave birth to wind.
We have not brought salvation to the earth,
and the people of the world have not come to life.
But your dead will live, Lord;
their bodies will rise—

let those who dwell in the du
wake up and shout for joy—
your dew is like the dew of the morning;
the earth will give birth to her dead.
Go, my people, enter your rooms
and shut the doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while
until his wrath has passed by.
See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling
to punish the people of the earth for their sins.

The earth will disclose the blood shed on it;
the earth will conceal its slain no longer.

(Isaiah 26)

When looking for an image to quote specifically what led me to discover the above scripture, the following Bible quote actually covers it all.

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This is another scripture reminder that God actually knows what is going on, when, where and why....also by who. These prophesies were written long ago and perhaps predictive consequences of rebellious children one can see certain behaviour. The establisment was founded with vast numbers of peopel who take oaths to serve those they go against God too?

The only saving grace is to return to God..
Yet many officials do not believe in God...
The message yesterday identified the new Pharaoh - so see the pattern taking place. Has there been massacre of innocents? Wars based on lies?
Have there  been plagues of various sorts like before?
Signs of the time...these are all documented. 
Peace  be with youPauline Maria

'Hearts of Men, Spirit of Darkness and The Light' Message 22nd April 2018

Message 22nd April 2018
Start time 12:36 and 12:38
End time 13:11

'Hear me dear one'

'I am that I am that hears the hearts of men who say they are mine. They cannot serve one or another in the spirit of darkness. 
They are either with me in truth or not.
If they who protect the powers of darkness at work in this world continue as they do, they will be condemned like no other before them.
I will not tolerate those who masquerade as beings of light yet thrive with death and killing mine who are chosen to preserve truth in righteousness, or they will be damned forever for what they do; 
To You there have been acts to your detriment and intercessory prayer to preserve you too. 
Look not to the people in your land who do not recognise you in truth.
They who want more will get less and they who have nothing will get more.
Why the traitors to my people in your land work in government office when they should be serving me to serve you all, but they do not.
They do not question what is wrong and ignore the wrongs done to other people. The wages paid justify so many excuses. 
You call Doctors to visit the elderly and they are too busy. You call Social Services to help and they are too busy. They are lazy too. They expect wages.
You are deprived of an income to survive by the traitors to my people; the courts too have to now face what they have done.
They chose war and death, illness and oppression instead of healing my people, uplifting my people and freeing them from the new pharaoh's snare.
He is not mine because he was promised to someone else at his birth. His conception was not with pure intention but the life that is has reason.
The enemy thrives with reason to test those who are pure in their faith or not. 
I do not want fanatics and the elation of a sect that does not allow truth to filter into the minds and hearts of those who join the group.
Quiet prayer, reflection of holy light; prayer and especially praying for those in difficulty that they may know the strength that comes from prayer to endure these times. 
I will be visiting the elderly in your heartland that they may know the Spirit of Truth and in knowing you all will know me too.
I cannot endure the suffering of my people in the Satanic regime. 
They who seek me with sincere heart will find me in truth; and they who consolidate their prayer focus on me I will bring them through the difficulty the soul is facing to survive this holocaust of all.
Absolutely the evil will fall in the time never to rise again and it will be by their own hands, even if they cannot see it.
I will endure with my love and the passions that burn within the men will kindle like the embers of the flame of the fire that has died down.
The raging bull is ready to charge at any time and yet who can bring him to his knees? 
It is utter cruelty to the minds of the people what is going on but I will stop it. And once my people unite in truth there will be no contradictory rule.  
There will be no tyrannical rule because the people allow one side or another now and divide and conquer is how the adversary rules.
There is their way and my way.
Help if you can and feel inclined to. Do not give your power away to anyone. The Queen does not vote. You are not to vote for decisions made to your detriment and the detriment of my people.
They have been covering up their corruption for far too long and the abuses to the people would terrify those who do not know what is going on.
They who push for capital punishment will find themselves facing death and the horrors of what is to follow.
Those who promote peace and caring for the community, even one or two people and reach to care for the ones who are near them - the barriers are breaking down. 
Those who reject Christ My Son and the slain for the truth are so hardened to what happened that the Spirit of the Lord is working in them and through them in different ways you cannot fathom now. 
Just be patient for the most hardened hearts have a shield of armour and the distrust is with you belonging to the Lord Almighty in truth with the propaganda against all believers. 
In the unity faithful community in the world there is no religion. There is spiritual unity to Christ and the Father, the heavenly Father of all souls; the Creator, And I am He. 
Let he who is hungry eat of my food and in prayer seek me in sincere heart and in truth. When they are ready and relinquish their idols they will know me too.
The idols stop them and block them.
Those who are thirsty drink of the spiritual waters in truth. 
Be ready at any time for me. I will speak and you will know my voice.  You will be surprised at first.  
Test the Spirit and ask in the name of 'Yahushua, Lord God Almighty be guided in the Spirit of Truth in Jesus name' and I will hear you for with this focus always and faithful too.
Pray for you and your community and gather together as a healing family. 
Let people come together in prayer in their own time. 
Do not force doctrine.'

Of the message times these scriptures are identified: 

36 And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.
37 Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.
38 And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. (Luke 12:36-38) 

36 But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. 37 For by your words you will be  acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”
38 Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from you.” (Matthew 12:36-38)

The Day is Near 
11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. (Romans 13:11)

And I will visit upon the world their evil, And upon the wicked their iniquity; And I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, And will lay low the haughtiness of the tyrants. (Isaiah 13:11)

Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you. (2 Corinthians 13:11) 

When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. (I Corinthians 13:11) 

Peace be with you 
Pauline Maria

Monday 16 April 2018

Would You Eat Human Meat Knowingly - Clean Meat?

A few days ago on Facebook, someone posted on their page and experience that was enough to write about....inviting me to quote and write more.

To quote the original text published:

'Some vegan just argued with me that "the best meat for humans would be human meat".

Now I did actually present this to someone I know and sadly noticing quite a few people agreeing - with a concern of the influence they are under to even think this. The concern is if people would be hungry that they would be willing to kill to eat and I believe that my concerns are justified and sound.

There is also the discovery by reading and identified in the Holy Bible of people eating humans - there are apparently ritual practices to kill humans  and consume flesh and blood too. Not that I am in any way involved and never would be inclined to knowingly consume human flesh either. However, lets just say with the raging lust for power, people are eager for human death - and let's just assume in rituals consuming flesh and blood is for power too, if YOU are under the influence of those persons, would you not be influenced too?

Just at thought with again sound reasoning with this.

So in reply to the quote above, I wrote considerations:

Disturbing as this is...
1) would you eat human meat knowingly?
2) how would you feel if you ate human meat unknowingly?
3) if mass demand for human meat, would you jusify contribute to murder for more people be killed to supply the demand?
4) are you aware of what you consume is energy? If an animal or human experiences fear, terror, pain, shock in death you eat that too? (a foreign body DNA - expression is also literal too as with vaccines) what you consume is in you as with what is put in you too.
5) Are you aware of the term 'pea brain' - would you rather eat peas and PULSES - or justifying murder of people for human meat eating.
6) if offered a blood transfusion, blood that came from someone who justified murder or was a murderer, would you take it?
7) if your life more valuable than anyone else's, to justify murder?
8) This is just for meat eaters - if you had to do without meat, how long can you do without?
9) could you easily give up meat entirely
10) do you know if you eat a meat substitute, the fact you are telling your brain it is are feeding your addiction to meat.
* when the troops go off to the army, they are vaccinated tool
** recalling the mad cow disease...the cows were killed and since have treatments...are they vaccinated too?
*** the primitive mindset who thrive with war for conquest, still exist today but masquerade as more superior mindset. If you survive their war and vaccination programmes, the war on the mind is a very real concern but few people are accepting this is really going on.
**** Many people in England cannot stand to hear about God and even show repulsion at the mention of Jesus Christ, as many justify injustice and corruption, war based on lies cannot be even fully comprehended because the lie pays their wages. They might justify eating meat one day or be silenced eventually while millions are slaughtered in wars.
***** When you go and buy meat is an addiction for many people - do you trust what you are buying is what it is? Would you buy human meat if it was displayed and labelled in the supermarket?
****** Pea brains and Carnivores, even war mongers and the eugenics degenerates, would you eat human meat knowingly?
******* do you keep the company of anyone who would justify taking your life to feed their hunger ...addiction to wanting more..
When Jesus set out the example for 40 days and nights fasting, he did so for many reasons...Above all (other than highlighting Satan offering all the Kingdoms to someone willing to bow down and worship him) is the deal with the devil with mass human sacrifice too?
What to do with all those dead bodies..the enemy of the people is very real and while war is profitable..the meat industry is profitable too.
If you have read so far and think this is a load of rubbish, at least i tried and did not remain silent. I do not agree with the wars based on lies.
Jesus showed us all that we do not need to consume three meals a day and decomposing meat especially. We are to be aware...
Learning to be a pea brain is with it's advantages. <3 span="">
While I am not perfect...the human meat issue came with concern to my awareness in 2012. Something we can no longer ignore.
For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. (Romans 8:6)
For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. (Romans 8:7)
There is more:
Judgment against Jerusalem
…9'And because of all your abominations, I will do among you what I have not done, and the like of which I will never do again. 10Therefore, fathers will eat their sons among you, and sons will eat their fathers; for I will execute judgments on you and scatter all your remnant to every wind. 11'So as I live,' declares the Lord GOD, 'surely, because you have defiled My sanctuary with all your detestable idols and with all your abominations, therefore I will also withdraw, and My eye will have no pity and I will not spare.…(Ezekiel 5:9-11)
"Then you shall eat the offspring of your own body, the flesh of your sons and of your daughters whom the LORD your God has given you, during the siege and the distress by which your enemy will oppress you. (Deuteronomy 28:53)
The Distress of Zion
…9Better are those slain with the sword Than those slain with hunger; For they pine away, being stricken For lack of the fruits of the field. 10The hands of compassionate women Boiled their own children; They became food for them because of the destruction of the daughter of my people. 11The LORD has accomplished His wrath, He has poured out His fierce anger; And He has kindled a fire in Zion Which has consumed its foundations.…(Lamentations 4:10)
Something to think about.

So we are informed with the above in Deuteronomy 28:53 that OUR ENEMY is real and this is clearly identified as one who is oppressing us too.

So many people talk of fasting and yet during this Lenten period, I realised Jesus set the example not to eat or drink anything for 40 days and 40 nights for a reason we are to take notice of even now. Satan tempted him too.

There have been reports that suggest raising awareness of human meat consumption and yet back in 2012, walking through the supermarket, I suddenly felt off. A thought came to mind to be aware from now on that human meat could be consumed or even sold in some point.

First to come to terms with the human flesh consumption might meet even ridicule and even people saying they would or would not eat human meat. In fact my writing is to invite you to consider personal safety too.

Other than there being some serious nut cases in our world - and I am a trained therapist; in this moment I cannot think of quite a few possible classifications - I am not a psychiatrist to diagnose, but still hope in human reasoning.

Aware of the power to influence one way or another: it has been a long time people are being caught in the psychological warfare unaware.

When people state we/they would eat human meat...I also ask face to face in the next question, would you kill me to eat my flesh if you were hungry....

And I make it very clear I could never kill anyone to eat their flesh. The thought absolutely repulses me of both the killing and eating too.

When needing a possible transfusion..I refused that too! Our blood carries our DNA and with hair dye, nail damage from treatments, false teeth, the mixing up of DNA might be with a calculated adverse sinister agenda too.

The Identity of people since the ancient times is through this and even now, a great many people are eager to pay to have their blood tested to find out where they come from. Is the significant Royal bloodline under threat?

One man told me seriously they would kill me to eat. So I walked away to hear others. Forced to accept living in a society, being not much more than a stones throw away - there exists a mindset who argued I would do the same.

My heart is heavy to share this truth with you.

The other day someone else I asked, stated they would not kill me to eat me but they would eat human meat if there was nothing else to eat...This is honestly of who lived in the aftermath of war overseas. There was no money, little food to eat: picking elderberries, eating green leaves....

One day the materialistic hunger bubble will burst.

We all have to face  the truth of who we are...

Just finding this image is to raise awareness,


If you saw a label that wrote 'CLEAN MEAT' - What would that mean for you? Would you trust this to be something you could be sure was clean.

Clean could mean disease free...

While consuming animal DNA, to consume someone else's DNA - does this have any other consequences? I am not a scientist to examine this.

Since a child I love fruits, vegetables and then a specific cheese. Then my own voice aired 'I could live of this alone..' The soul within a child knows.

A friend said to me yesterday, 'you should buy meat substitute'...I did not bother explaining if we set out to buy and eat a substitute 'of meat' - we will still be feeding our mind and body with the addiction to meat.

If you would like me to explain how adults become addicted to sweets and chocolate, this begins with conditioning; habitual reinforcement. 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Friday 13 April 2018

The Talmud: A Reference Guide - came to me 11/4/2018

To quote again what I have written on Facebook

Date 11th April 2018

Nothing happens without reason...Today I went to drop some things to the charity shop. While looking around the store; my favourite part the bookshelf, there waiting for me was a book. The Talmud - now this is surely Providence and timing too. Nothing happens before the right time. This time is now.
On the book cover it is written: A REFERENCE GUIDE
There is slight damage to the cover and external structure of
the spine - a bit like me with damage to my spine. Also I wonder, would those who are serious about the law, sit and justify the corruption of the law in England and the court too?

No answer needed, God watches the traitors to the people!
The BBC website writes: The Talmud is the comprehensive written version of the Jewish oral law and the subsequent commentaries on it. It originates from the 2nd century CE. The word Talmud is derived from the Hebrew verb 'to teach', which can also be expressed as the verb 'to learn'.
The Talmud is the source from which the code of Jewish Halakhah (law) is derived. It is made up of the Mishnah and the Gemara. The Mishnah is the original written version of the oral law and the Gemara is the record of the rabbinic discussions following this writing down. It includes their differences of view.
Read more:…/texts/talmud.shtml
And while I have not opened the pages yet...I knew the book was waiting and I was meant to go to that shop today for this.
Now this book will not be easy for me...but I will respect it.
"The Talmud is the central pillar supporting the entire spiritual and edifice of Jewish life" Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz -from the introduction.'

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In recent years I have thought it would be so much easier if I knew the Hebrew alphabet as far as recognising each letter would be a start. This would allow me to read Hebrew text and yet there are translations too.

My interest is especially of the Holy books and the layers of understanding yet to be revealed will in itself prove to be renewed understanding for all

Yesterday a Facebook friend sent a link to type Hebrew letters, that I did not ask for; certainly timely. He is also following this study. By circumstance, we found ourselves most naturally, as this reference guide seemingly asks, to question more. My friend quoted from what is found in the Holy Bible and also questioned the  LAWS OF HEAVEN and this also was revealed text to me.

Explaining I do not want to dishonor the Hebrew text and misquote, I identified the page number, topic/subject matter and quoted paragraphs that stood out for me in their entirety and had written (.......) for Hebrew insert.

 P. 179 Lit: judgements; laws of heaven. A legal obligation which a human court of law is unable to enforce. There are many instances in Jewish law where a person is exempt according the the laws of man, but guilty according to the laws of Heaven. In such cases there is a moral obligation to conduct oneself in such a way as to satisfy even the laws of Heaven.

At first I thought this book would be too difficult to read..yet after quoting a few chapters with also my relevant experience, I was most surprised because the book really is presented clearly, for understanding and contemplation of the law to better understand from the perspective that enables my calling.

Now neither did I expect this book to appear in the local charity shop and with the three for £1 offer. This means the book cost 33.33 pence.

Number 33 is a significant number

Number 33 in Numerology is a Master number meaning 'The Master Teacher' -  With the price the paid, 33:33 pence reinforces that.

Referring back to a message given by the Spirit of the Lord, dated 4th April 2018. When truth is given from God, that we are meant to know, God will ensure that we know the truth is from Him and will validate this too.

The Holy Spirit of Truth is from God.

The Spirit of God is within Jesus Christ.

'Go unto The Wilderness and Speak With My People'

Also referring back to what is already published to see how this connects to the book that has come to me to refer to - the precision of 'A Reference Guide' is exact evidence of the purpose and for the reason it was written.

You do not serve the lower court of unrighteousness and crime.
You serve the Court of the Most High!
In the Court of the Lord Almighty there is no wicked intent or trickery to rob the people; as there is trickery to make people dependant on a city of war. 
No! No! No! I will not have the wicked ruling over my people.
My law is written and yet who has authority to interpret the law?
The lawyers study law and then refuse to work for Justice.

To refer again to the complete message, sharing again:

In serious study of Spiritual Theology, Divinity and Royal Law, gradual learning is with years commitment to understand without resentment. Over these years I have also shared some of what has been revealed and relevant.

Prayer is taken very seriously and also discovering that some prayers will not be heard and answered  'especially in Jesus name' - to our detriment.

Some articles are observations even looking beyond what is revealed too. With being told by the police in England that this land is ruled by dark forces - so the lower court when operating accordingly shows by it's sinister ways.

With every problem there is a solution and when man rejects God he shows he has lost his we can all do so easily. The divine plan is written.

The laws that are applicable are written but careful interpretation of the law requires also taking into consideration ie capital punishment. God has forbidden killing so we have no right to take a life of anyone.

Fate might take that life... wars take lives too.

But there is also a warning written in the Holy Bible if anyone harms the Jews they will surely come to ruin. If a Jewess was to seek to kill another Jewess, even by getting someone else to do the deed, she will be held accountable.

Page 210. One who despises, insults a scholar: showing contempt towards a scholar is considered tantamount to acting contemptuously towards the Torah itself . In Talmudic literature a person who acts this way is occasionally called and (..........) (lit. "heretic"). In Talmudic times, a person who acted contemptuously towards a scholar was subject to excommunication and/or a monetary fine (according to the Jerusalem Talmud "a litra (pound) of gold") In latter periods such fines were not imposed.'

William Squires Tyrants rule when the people are illiterate. The language is as foreign to them as the parables of Jesus.
Jhn 8:36
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.....'

 P. 211 Lit, an expert for the court. A scholar who has been granted permission by the Nasi (....) or Exilarch (.......) to rule on specific Halakhic questions as an expert. If such an "expert judge" rules incorrectly, and one of the parties in the case incurs a financial loss because of his decision, the judge is generally exempt from reimbursing him, since he had been granted permission to adjudicate the matter.'

 Page 251. oath. A statement implicitly or explicitly invoking the name of God in which the person confirms the truth of something or commits himself to do or not to do some act. Although there is a positive commandment n the Torah (Deuteronomy 6:13) to take oaths under certain circumstances, it was said that a person taking an oath must be worthy and that there must be no suspicion of falsehood, either intentional or unintentional, in an oath. For that reason the Sages almost completely abolished oaths from court procedure and substituted other regulations. The punishment for a false oath is very severe, since it involves the desecration of God's name (..............) Sometimes oaths were reinforced by being sworn on holy objects such as a holy book or a ritual article such as phylacteries (......)

  P. 149. Lit (mere) support. Sometimes, the Rabbis n the Talmud explicitly state that the Biblical verse cited as the basis for a law is merely an allusion to the law rather than its actual source; in such cases, the verse is called an (.........) - "support" - for the law. Since laws of this kind do not actually derive from the Biblical text (which serves, instead, as a sort of mnemonic for remembering them), they are generally Rabbinic decrees; in the Talmud's phrase (.....................................) - "the law is Rabbinic, and the verse is a mere (............)

P. 99 (...................) He incidentally teaches us. An expression indicating that a particular subject is not the main purpose of a scholar's argument, although we are able to derive a law relating to it from the way the scholar framed his statement (see Berakhot 2a)

On a final point today to conclude this:

P.113 (........................) How should the judges decide this case? This expression is used by the Gemara to introduce a legal dilemma: "What should the judges' decision be in such a case?" It usually continues by analysing the problems caused by each of the possible solutions (...........................) "If we decide this way, then the following difficulty arises, and if we decide in another way, then the following difficulty arises..." See Bava Metzia. See also the next entry

P. 113. .(.................) How should we act? The Gemara uses this expression when confronting a difficult choice between two possible lines of action, both of which are liable to be dangerous or unpleasant. It then suggests both are to be avoided (see Megillah 12b)

And so it is, perhaps because the error is made known the system  woudl rather I perish and even endure homeless  threats and implied death threats, wile all these years it is not known how many millions of people have been killed, whether in wars based on lies for profit or preventable illness, the murderous mindset also are at ease with being paid to kill, because the person who orders the murder of someone is the one who is held accountable.

To realise God is ten steps ahead of this wickedness is not just with seeing what is happening is also written...So we wait and see, what will be too.

If I was a lawyer with my own lawfirm, I would be working to free all the innocent people who have been put in prison. One Judge agrees.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Greek Orthodox Easter, Red Egg and Holy Fire Miracle in Jeruslaem

Sharing a few days later, from my Facebook page.

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May the light of Christ shine in your heart and may the truth that has been hidden be made known and set us all free.

May God bless you this Holy Orthodox Easter: Yes Christ is Risen -if you forgot this from a week ago, you can join with our Holy commemoration. The Holy Light is taken to the churches. Never doubt your sincere prayers are heard, just notice they are answered. Christ The King, makes his truth known to us. He has made sure we know he is alive, God is not a myth - The Holy Spirit of Truth reveals all things when we are ready.

May the Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ fill our hearts and may the Real Kingdom of God be with divine justice and reparations. May Tyranny and oppression Be-Gone; and all those who are serving God in truth come together in peace and unity, brothers and sisters, so we may together live in peace in this Our World.

Over the generations God has revealed His truth in ways our souls cannot deny. So many chosen helpers from all walks of life are being now prepared and instructed what to do. Back in 2012 I spoke with a local Catholic priest and asked him if he is teaching and preparing for Jesus return (he became defensive with me) I told him this is the time for unity in Christ. His reply 'we tried that before with the reformation and it did not work'. It did not work with man's plans/agenda. See God is in control.

We are all tested and chosen for our unique purpose. One day I have a small task, the next day rest. The day after a bigger task and then rest. A simple task it seems is most important.

The miracle of the red egg is a sign to always remember even the emperor who doubted Jesus had risen had to think twice. The chosen woman to tell Tiberius of the Living Christ was Maria Magdalena; The significance of the egg turning red is commemorated. The Red Egg is a Symbol of His Resurrection in our Church. People from different lands decorate the eggs some beautifully ornate - even as a precious gift to keep. We do not boast how many chocolate eggs we get, we are called to be reminded of the horrors of history and to be shown again in this time line that Jesus Christ conquered death, so we can live.

The Holy One of Israel was born for humanity so everyone can be reconciled to God. Truth prevailing though the generations.

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Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Wednesday 4 April 2018

'Go Unto The Wilderness and Speak To My People' Message 4th April 2018

Utterance: Today while in the kitchen making a drink, words came through me speaking audibly - so while I was speakng in my voice, the flow of words came through me with the following in precsion:

'And the Spirit of the Lord said unto me: Go unto the wilderness and speak to my people for me'

With documenting the words, I proceeded to pray to God; in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of Truth will guide me in truth, in Jesus name.

Message 4th April 2018
Start time 13:53-55
End time 14:26

Hear me dear one, I am the I am that always was and will be in the presence of the ones who are serving me in truth. I am far away from those who misuse and oppress my people for gain. 
I came before to show the people that I am that I am spoken about long before and I come again to show my Spirit and my power in truth.
Not by force will I rule over the nations but by removing strongholds over my people. 
Who defies me is against me and who is against you is against me in truth.
They forgot me largely in your land and not one week has passed in their commemoration of my Son being raised up in the resurrection.; and they snigger when you remind them. 
I scold these people for who will save them in the last day?
They will not be saved those who do not listen to reason and do not do right by my people. 
You do not serve the lower court of unrighteousness and crime.
You serve the Court of the Most High!
In the Court of the Lord Almighty there is no wicked intent or trickery to rob the people; as there is trickery to make people dependant on a city of war. 
No! No! No! I will not have the wicked ruling over my people.
My law is written and yet who has authority to interpret the law?
The lawyers study law and then refuse to work for Justice.
Every corrupt contract for trickery is void.
Every corrupt contract to entice my people into slavery has no power or authority at all. 
Every contract to entrap and entice people for ill gotten gains is not valid at all.
Every coercion on the part of the tax collector and to my people is marked down in the book of life and death.   
Do you align with the wicked or the righteous - you my people?
Look at what you do to each other for gains:
Some of you murder for gains and some of you cover up murder for gains; and many of you contribute to illness and stress.
Is the Father of All less important than the rebellious son?
He who hates my people does not rule over my people and my people in truth are not silent to what is going on.
You tyrants and robbers can you not see what is to come if you continue in your wicked ways? It will kill you in the end and you are already hated for what you do; But my people would rather ignore you than get blood on their hands.
Yes you are hated who calculate to rob my people and use trickery and deception to carry on.
No, I will be done and show the shame of she who has no regard for the people as they tumble and fall.. She will reap her just rewards;
I do not look up to the lowly or the mighty place with wealth. 
The stolen wealth is not lawful currency and the notes where you are, are they really currency at all?
The people who will watch each other suffer and tremble because of man's threats, if they were truly aligned with me they would not suffer and tremble at all.
You fear because of man and you doubt God.
The I am is with you as you face the enemy, your enemy and mine. 
You know the reason you are born; so do it and continue as your learning prepared you;
I crown you in Just law and the land that recognises legitimate birthright will support you and stand by you in truth too;
I crown you with the Holy Spirit of Truth; and the Father of souls does not kill his people as the father of lies does all the more;
I crown you in Justice that you may reason in the law in complicated situations.
The Crown of Life is not the cause of death!
Now rise up my people and support her who is right in your heart.
If you love your brother and sister - why do you murder your brother and sister at all? 
Yes the family is being murdered and you are silent - you who have been lied to by all. 
They who want to conquest and kill will be conquested and killed.
They who rule by injustice will be tried by the same rule; and when the enemy comes to make you tremble in fear what will you do?
When the heavens open to tear down all you have built - what will you do?
When the earth opens up and swallows you up - what will you do?
You build with agenda and you tear down with agenda.
You will not tear down My House for My House is chosen and preserved by my people in truth. 
Who are you my people?
Come again and commemorate  Holy Pascha on Sunday and come and find the Lord and King I have chosen to rule over the nations. 
Where are you?
Did you forget him already?
Oh my people who will save you on the dreadful day?
Ask that your sins may be forgiven and repent. 
Repent and come unto righteousness;
Leave your wicked ways behind you;
Come to me and I will give you your anointed King who will not lead you to war.
Break the bow of your wicked ways!
My people in truth can we reason?
Talk to me;  Pray.'   

(Pray - in context God is extending an invitation to talk to him)

Of the times given scriptures are revealed as identified:

A Prophet Without Honor

53 When Jesus had finished these parables, he moved on from there. 54 Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?” they asked. 55 “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? (Matthew 13:53-55)

 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria 

Tuesday 3 April 2018

In Memory of Palma Pascale Meeting Jesus

This testimony was sent to me today via email.
'Palma was a song writer, composer, singer of renown, and a beautiful person !
Video made on Long Island'

Palma was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and had surgery. Sharing her experience of prior learning and when Jesus 'showed up' - the gentle visitor who waits for you to be ready for him.

'He stands outside so patiently not selling anything'

He is the gentle visitor who makes no demands at all'

Surely such a beautiful voice was meant to be inspired to share these songs that we might resonate with the anointed words from this lady's heart and soul in Palma's prayerful song.
While poor video quality, I got tingles as soon as Palma started singing in this recording with teary eyes when Frank began singing. (a spiritually moving sign of sincerity of their heart and soulful message"

The prayer by Frank Rendo and Palma Pascale 

In listening to the second video - I wondered if the experience as given, to prepare Palma with her journey for going home and to trust in the experience of personal revelation and sharing her song.

Palma recognised the one who guides her life and he took her hand to lead her to the truth in a time when she was ready to listen and take notice of everything that was revealed to her.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria