

Monday 9 July 2018

"Cover Yourself In The Presence of The Lord" 7th July 2018

Rousing from sleeping in the early hours of 7th July 2018, the words were clear

"Cover yourself in the presence of the Lord"

At the time still in bed I was covered, with my foot hanging out the side of the bedcover...Thinking if this is a message initiation, if it is important the message will follow and yet not sitting up to write, but accepting what was given.

Moments later another utterance came that could not be ignored. The same - exact words were  given and so this twice given word has emphasis.

"Cover yourself in the presence of the Lord"

Upon sitting up and contemplating the reason this was given, on this day in particular, I began writing notes...notes what came to mind.

Remembering someone telling me they always sleep naked - and a scripture about being covered and why. In case we are taken up to be in the presence of the Lord (as my thought process was reasoning this is written)

Also I had the impression in my minds eye of Muslim women covered and veiled in black.

Presently we have  hot weather in England (for England) and the temptation to wear less might seem practical in bed.

Yet the reminder to remain covered is given for when we are sleeping, the Presence of the Lord is over us. And if we are to see and He be revealed we would feel embarrassed and even ashamed.

On this spiritual journey of enlightenment, there is much lea\rning for personal understanding and increased awareness too.

We might not be given truths as we know as mortals - yet trusts are revealed in other ways i.e. dreams reveal.

In a dream last night, a neighbour who has been very out of order - as has more than one - never shows remorse or apologises. Yet last night in the dream he was sitting while apologising. This I take, in his soul he admits his wrong.

Some people feel as mortals they want to hear and have proof.

We are on the process of soul salvation and not endless battles. While I have my problems and burdens - he might have greater concerns and all I can do is go about my life quietly until the time the next chapter of my life begins.

I want a peaceful stress free life and have not got this presently - but as I place my trust in God and ask for his help and protection - I also know people have been thoughtless in what they say and do. In as far as taking action or threatening people - this might also backfire.

I am resilient only because I do not enter into battle.

This spiritual journey has become more significant by circumstance and not by choice and my plans. I embrace the learning and personal revelation and am very remorseful for my mistakes and poor errors in judgement over the years.

Learning to trust God is not blindly. He opens our eyes - He helps us to take notice and to understand.

There have been fires in the distance and held back. If there was a calamity  to flee wherever we are  and we are naked - we will be exposed.

In prayer we are asked to be covered. Our head to be covered though there is a scripture about long hair  being a covering. I have long hair.

As much as I can, often I bring my focus on God. 

My daily prayer is to be  guided in the right way and also to clearly understand what I am meant to understand. As I pray for Global peace and healing, unfortunately there are those  who continue to contribute to war and the lust for power is very real.

We are in a time when 'cover ups' of a sinister nature are being exposed - yet we really do not need to know anything other than to be careful of giving trust to anyone who has not their heart and mind aligned with pure intentions.

When a people and a management structure of administration; including the courts are rightfully aligned with their focus on God, we will see righteous justice and peace in our world.

To place focus on someone as a leader - who is a distraction from God, we can be influenced and even led to false hope.

It is a new understanding of the power and protection of God - yet most people do not know of that which is hidden from our eyes; or danger that is not usually obvious.

The discovery of realisation that Christ is  given all Power and Authority s to avert this malevolent energy.

Being covered when sleeping, nothing can disturb the body - nothing can invade the body (spirits)

And there are those who instead of being guided by the Holy Spirit, try and force their will and do what is called remote viewing.

How is this possible?

Do not want gifts or abilities to invade anyone's space or place, or to compromise anyone's free will.

The invasive presence of any entity is known by God.

The preservation of privacy - I cannot say if this is done. Yet in the eyes of God nothing is hidden, seen or unseen (by our eyes). The truth that is written in each soul will also be exposed in this time of awakening consciousness.

It is written:

.... clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the desires of the flesh ( Romans 13:14) 

Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. (Colossians 3:12)

6He will bring forth your righteousness like the dawn, your justice like the noonday sun. 7 Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him; fret not when men prosper in their ways, when they carry out wicked schemes. 8Refrain from anger and abandon wrath; do not fret—it can only bring harm.… (Psalm 37:6-8)

There in the presence of the LORD your God you and your households shall eat and rejoice in all you do because the LORD your God has blessed you. 8You are not to do as we are doing here today, where everyone does what seems right in his own eyes.… Deuteronomy 12:7-

Peace be  with you
Pauline Maria

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