

Monday 2 July 2018

'I Forgive The Most Tremendous Sins' Message 26th June 2018

This is a message initiated by the Spirit of the Lord exactly as written. The times are noted and scriptures identified.

In this message I was instructed to go outside - the sun was shining. I was aware of being seated under the heavens and penned everything' - unaware of exactly why instructed to write this has never happened before.

It is with acceptance and in spiritual training, that I am learning to Trust, God is in control and He knows everything. Everything has reason and purpose. As it is I am on land that is ' leasehold' and talked out of buying the Freehold long ago so perhaps God is reminding us of this Kingdom - land in Jesus name; with my feet being firmly on the ground. Jesus was standing on ground underneath the water in the River Jordan in his baptism. This had precise purpose.

God's Kingdom is not a myth, turning hearts and minds to God is the work of the Spirit of God working through men....who can fathom this phenomenon?

Message:  26th June 2018
Start time: 14:38-39
End time:  15:14

'Go outside and write for go outside.'

'Now hear me dear one in the Spirit and in truth. I will talk to the quietness of your soul and you will see me when I need to talk to you. 
I know you are compromised now you see the truth who rejects me and so do what you have to do and no more.
Live your life as you are to live your life - no more.
There are believers and those who say they are who are not. You prod their memory and they sometimes feel put out by this. Do it anyway and walk away.
Do not enter into argument and debate. 
Many want to be apostles and assume the right to hold the role of 'teacher' and 'preacher'; yet many are right in trying to find their way back home - seeking me to help them. 
I forgive the most tremendous sins against me in verbal attack and condemnation. I do not forgive those harming and injuring my people by loss destitution and death. 
Your role was never to be an easy one; but without what you now know and were shown you would be completely lost and subject to those who defy me over and over again. And they have no regard for the people.
There is no regard for the Lord God Almighty, the Father of all Creation.
They know no other way than what they know and who is to blame in this present age for the Lost Sheep of Israel?
They can blame God but they did not listen to the warnings. 
They did not seek the truth. 
They did not consider the Spirit of the Lord at work in all things and all people can call to the Lord in righteousness too. 
Yet who does righteousness and is pure in their intention to approach the Lord? 
The Christians who will not listen to you will not hear the Holy Spirit from me and if they reject My Truth from Me that is given to them to guide in truth , then what is their church? 
My Church is not about money making and showing off a wealthy life. 
I said: become like me and renounce the way of the world and more.
I told them clearly in ways they will understand: Do not rob my poor people  - yet in the land where you live, this is what they do.
The segregation of the cosmos is with the black and white and different nationalities. There is a battle for supremacy and yet there is none.
There is a want for money and yet the want will never be satisfied; there will always be someone with so much more.
The ill gotten gains are not from me. 
When you buy a home do you go and buy the most expensive beyond what you can afford, and then expect the poor people to pay for it?
This is what they do to show contempt for the poverty way and yet they who create it are the cause of wanting more. 
The Kingdom of God is within and yet why is it strangers who are from other parts of the land and world gave and share with you, yet those who preach they are furthering the Kingdom of God are watching you suffering. They are no army of mine with strong hearts to beat out the demon in your land. They say they belong to Christ and then ignore the mission. 
I do not need arrogant men who will not listen to women. The women were given the role of the crown of their husbands and the women aligned with me are guided by me in their hearts. 
So many forgive and forgive and forgive; yet the men who think they are the authority over all are wrong. 
The Father entrusted me with the souls to guide righteously and the Father has made himself unavailable to those who are abusing and oppressing my people. 
They who hold onto religion as a weapon and deny me - my spiritual role to preserve the refined man in truth and righteousness will not know me at all. 
If they want to call themselves Christians do not go to war in my name. 
Pray to the Father and Pray in righteousness for right guidance, peace and protection. If you fight with the enemy he will hate you. Tell them this and tell them the new Christians are not an  authority over those who were prepared long ago
I give you the role to demonstrate Holy Orthodoxy and I give you the open door. You have seen me and I am your King. There is none on earth who have authority over you for the betrayers in the land you live fell into a trap.  You gave them chances; many chances to correct their crimes of corruption of the court and they refused.
Try one more time and bring your situation to Amaal. 
Do not hope for outcome. Remember you are the instrument of the Lord to put them all to the test where you live.
Those who exploit my people by a deceptive teaching are not in a united Church. The gathering is taking place.
Those who stray need to be very careful with what they do. Those who set up a church to misuse - yet cannot see the Church is people - praying people who worship and fellowship together as the elimination of loneliness, might not see the vital role of  responsibility of all the ministers I choose for my people to lead them to me. 
I am waiting - I shall find my Apostles and teach them too.'

Of the times the following scriptures are identified

38Watch and pray so that you will not enter into temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” 39 Again He went away and prayed, saying the same thing. (Mark 14:38-39)

The Plague of the Ten Spies

38Of those men who had gone to spy out the land, only Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh remained alive. 39 And when Moses relayed these words to all the Israelites, the people mourned greatly.  (Numbers 14:38-39)

Then the priest shall go out of the house to the door of the house and shut up the door and shut up the house for seven days (Leviticus 14:38)

And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they shall come out with great possessions. (Genesis 15:14)

And if a stranger sojourn with you, or whoever be among you in your generations, and will offer an offering made by fire, of a sweet smell to the LORD; as you do, so he shall do. (Numbers 15:14)

13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  14 And concerning you, my brethren, I myself also am convinced that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, and able also to admonish one another. (Romans15:13-14)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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