

Friday 13 July 2018

'Operating At a High Level of Stress Is Bad for You' - 13th July 2018

Waking up very early this morning and deciding to rest more, I was later woken by the words given spiritually; precisely as written. Time was noted.

Following this I prayed and with focus on God continued to pen each word until this message had come to the end. I am also stressed now so to be given this reminder was also relevant and necessary to be given today.

Message 13th July 2018
Start time 10:57 and 11:01

'Operating at a high level of stress is bad for you'

'You must rest and be calm. 
The world is screaming and energy is rising higher. 
Be calm and quieten down. Do not be caught in the frenzy that is being created to stimulate the senses of populations.
The football and games, the competitions rile up moods and turn people from reasoning to being manipulated and they cry when their team lose.  This is insane. 
Stop the insanity in your land.
The experts who know are too scared to speak the truth. 
You are a nation of brainwashed people and the puppet masters laugh at the ignorance of the people who pay highly for their state of being.
The Head of State is Who?
Now listen to the stillness in your soul. 
Your heart is racing and you are calming. The birds are singing and you are sensing something. Do not ignore your senses. 
When something is wrong you will know.
Do not be caught in the games to take sides. The conquerer thrives with this. 
Unite to me and with me; I am the Lord Almighty of your soul.
The Creator of the Universe gave you a spark of truth within you to reason with me. Your prayers are heard when you ask sensible things and your needs met specifically as shown I am listening.
Do not be a tool of manipulation by those who reject me and do not stand to defend your enemy if you are asked. 
I wait for justice to be done in your land and still there is reluctance.
The lies to the people are magnified and a tangled web they weave to exercise control over my people too.
Go tell them you are a daughter in Christ and the Lord God Almighty is your God. 
Go remind them of that woman who took an oath to say she serves me and protects my people in your land with My Word.
I will prove myself to those who seek me sincerely, but those who do not will be exposed. 
The system that rejects the Lord God Almighty is harming my people and their souls. 
Let the truth be known and point people to the scriptures to read. 
Let them search as you have searched for truth. Do not do the work for them.
Studying the Torah for 10 minutes is not enough. 
If the medics did not study anatomy and physiology as well as psychology, then they will find it hard to understand for the soul and the preservation of life.
The God who speaks with his people is not accessible to those who reject him and the truth.  Tell them this.
There are many drugged people who if they say they have experiences, they will be condemned insane. 
The truth about the Lord God and His Christ returning is not known.
The one who awakens with the Holy Spirit alerts the people gently; and prepares you for what is to come.
You see earthly matters and you see the Spirit of the Lord. 
If the Lord Jesus wants to draw you to him now - no man can stop him. 
It is too late. The enemy lost the war. 
Those who are given the Holy Spirit in Truth are marked and sealed already. 
The next generation are prepared. 
If the wicked are to stop their ways and consider the consequences they face, they might repent before it is too late. 
The soul deemed not precious to my people now is a plan to take souls away. 
You fall and tumble; yet your soul is preserved by the Grace I give you more and more to show the ones who misuse my name.
The charlatans will fall. And if the bank accounts close, all their ill gotten gains will be gone. 
The expensive paintings and hyped up transactions to hide monies and move that which is not so valuable around; a game is being played with possessions and people are falling into a trap to be involved. 
I tell you, people have more when they have nothing but a loaf of bread and some soup. They are grateful and share everything. 
Those who want more and try to hide ill gotten gains are never satisfied. 
I know who serves me in truth. The homeless guy,  the leper I healed and the fallen woman who was forgiven her sins. 
Do not be like Jezebel who has no regard for The King and do not be like the judge whose mind is swayed by an offering; and do not be like the priest who prays for gains, or the preacher who asks for tithes to maintain a luxury lifestyle. 
Open your house of prayer and accept offerings of food and grain and distribute to the poor. 
In your land all who have a home can be provided for and yet the State is making people homeless.
What scolding nation that will deprive a woman her right to thrive and to take away the children from nursing breasts. 
They take the rights away from the people and stir up strife. 
A volatile society will fight even if at home. 
They blame and blame but do not seek me the Lord Almighty.
I am merciful and patient with everyone who repents and mends the breach. 
I am not forgiving those who deprive my people of life and liberty to speak about me. 
I am not forgiving of the judge who accepts bribes. How can he serve in my kingdom when he is in the place of the prosecutor of the one who bribed him. 
I will raise up my formidable judges who will serve judgement righteously and if there is a mistake and error of judgement they will not hide, or bury the evidence to hide it. 
I know everything about these people and you.
They have no right to know anything about my people to make them trip up and fall. 
You who studied to help people have been ridiculed. 
If the woman who wants to be queen over all was set up by me, she would have embarked on a more serious course of studies.
Pray for my people and tell my people to pray.
Forgiveness of sins comes with prayer and repentance
Tell them this too my love'.

Of the times - I did not record the end of message time. However, it is enough what is written and serious enough message to consider we who are stressed. We are warned for a reason and reminded God already knows.

You are more fortunate than most people, only a few have the reputation of the God Most High that you have (2 Esdras 10:57)

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” (Luke 11:1)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria


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