

Saturday 1 December 2018

'Sound of The Alarm Bells Ringing Loudly' Message 29th November 2018

Message: 29th November 2018
Start time:  7:35 am
End time: 8:12 am

You will hear from me soon - the sound of the alarm bells ringing loudly and you will know it is me in your heart because I have you on my side.
The enemy of the people is real and he really does hate the people seen as a drain on society. 
He wants the world in his possession but it is not his to possess and the trickery to take people's lands and possessions goes on and on.
What can you do dear Pauline is to sit and wait until this phase is over. 
He who hates you hates the Lord Almighty over all.
What can you do? Nothing at all.
I will be done when I am done and not before; and you are almost done in your mission. 
Hold on just a little while longer dear and you will see everything transform in front of your eyes.
Hold on dear one to the truth and hold onto me with your life because not one can injure or kill me dear one.
Precious child your wait has been too long and the worry over all this is with the end of all to be renewed in some. 
The way I show you is not for the faint hearted.
Even though you feel weak and faint - I will show you again and again the truth so that you know the truth about me.
You are loved all of you so loved and yet you cannot see the terror about to befall mankind. I will avert where you live and those who provoke me are provoking the Father over all.
I have had enough of the hypocrisy and the ways of men who hate the holy order I established long ago.
Who treats a woman like a dog is not worthy of anything than the gutter from where he chooses to belong.  
I never taught hate or rape and I never will. 
The murderous mind are many in this timeline.
I will not forget who harmed my anointed and chosen one. 
When the world lives and nourishes itself all who live on the earth are nourished too.
I will find you again and I can find anyone easily with the Father guiding me.
Listen to the emptiness and voices of nothingness.
See what you see and leave them be.
Seek the Spirit of the Lord for company and Spirit filled women who love to pray in harmony.
Avoid antagonists and I will keep the ones who deliver you from the hand of the evil one far away from you.
My dear hold onto truth as you know it and I will hold onto you in your soul for we are interwined in this cosmic tapestry called Life, in the Spirit and in Truth.
My love I have beholden your soul for my purpose if you be willing to help me.
I will give you life as you gave me life again in your life that is hidden without agenda.
You seek and with hope you speak for me but I am a man cursed by many even now so be prepared to take the back lashing of everything else.
I am with simplicity in my heart for my people and you are one of my simple people who has much more to let go of.
Cast your burden onto me Pauline, cast your burden onto me for I am your Rock and Master in truth; Your Rabbi and Your King.
 As I gave you the offering of my heart long ago so I will love in the same way you understand in the core of your being.
Love precious one love and keep loving as you break forth from this prison life at a time when all is against you.
The burden is too heavy for you to carry alone.
Walk lightly in the Spirit of the Lord for He never changes for anyone.
Trust in the Lord Almighty for He has made the life of all so quietly and he will remove the enemies of the people eventually.
The burden of the people is to discover that not one would see your case and help you in your desperate state.
You are tired; you are weak.
You must trust now for the Lord gives rest to whom He will and He will not take lightly to what is happening.
Let the Lord guide you rightly and write down everything;  then you will see the faithful one of all humanity I love.
Hate rules this world and egos who talk figures without soul serve.
This is the way of the world.
The rebels rebel and the righteous ones who strive to be in their hearts and soul will be purified.
And when the stumbling and falling is over then it will be the time of the wrath of God in your land.
Tell them this and know I do not forgive murder of my people as this is what they deny so many of them.
And the Father will curse the wicked that never will they rise no more.
Will they by authority have power?
Trust is gone.
Done is the deal to destroy humanity.
Their fate returns on their own head.
Worry not for the future; live out your days or years as you can with love and light shining from your inner being.'

Of the times scriptures have been identified:

This I say for your own benefit; not to put a restraint upon you, but to promote what is appropriate and to secure undistracted devotion to the Lord. (1 Corinthians 7:35)

Then the Jews said to one another, “Where does he intend to go so we won’t find him? He doesn’t intend to go to the Jewish people dispersed among the Greeks and teach the Greeks, does he? (John 7:35)

But Wisdom is justified of all her children (Luke 7:35)
 This Moses whom they refused, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge? the same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush. (Acts 7:35)

For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have. (2 Corinthians 8:12)

Then the fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars were struck. So a third of them became dark, and a third of the day was without light, and also the night. (Revelation 8:12)

Again therefore Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life. (John 8:12) 

Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation – but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it.(Romans 8:12)

As as footnote to repeat one scripture:

Then the Jews said to one another, “Where does he intend to go so we won’t find him? He doesn’t intend to go to the Jewish people dispersed among the Greeks and teach the Greeks, does he? (John 7:35)

My mother Athena was Greek, born in Athens Greece to a father who was Greek from Athens in Greece. Queen Elizabeth II wrote to my mother in person after she became paralysed. My mother never relinquished Greek Citizenship.

My father retired early to Greece where he lived legally domicile. He died there in 2001. Why was Greece and Greek inheritance law magnified.
Only now through this message and the scripture time did I even know about this scripture. Did Jews at the time know Jesus would teach the Greeks?
Jesus is identified as King of the Jews. More to the point, His mother Mary being Jewish is why Jesus is Jewish. We cannot love Jesus and his mother and reject Jewish people. God knew what He was doing when the Prophets were born in certain lands with their role to reconcile man to God too
So many people struggle to comprehend an invisible God - even I did not really think about that. Still many are unsure about there being a God.  History shown a God of power that can part waters and drown armies while his people were saved. Jesus showed us a God who loves and is merciful too.

History has shown when anyone goes against God, in some way He will bring the truth to His people and bring the people back on track again to.

All who sincerely love Jesus are in some way connected spiritually to each other. There are those who hate Jesus. The Son of manking who gave up his life so that we could all know God. In his resurrection; when taken up -> He took our focus to God in heaven too. Jesus had to be removed from this world so he was not contaminated. There is much we were not ready to understand then.
His return to His people is when we are ready!
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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