

Saturday 5 January 2019

Lawless One, Reconnect the Jewish People - Guardian Angel Message Revisited

Looking through some papers, I came across a message penned in 2015. Precisely my process is documented and word for word what was given is written. This can be reflected on as the heavenly realms to not lie.

At the end of the message a scripture is identified.
Before this message I prayed to God. Our Guardian Angel is assigned to us by God as messengers and protectors as we navigate our way in this world. We are being protected by a veil to prevent us seeing the unseen evil. While we do not see the battle taking place in the invisible realms it is going on.

 Guardian Angel, Please guide me with what I need to know in my life now. Strengthen me in faith and protect me from any ills, harm and evil influence. Help me to understand your truth and what God wants me to do in this life. Lead me in light truth and enduring faithfulness. I trust God's Will and plan in my life and the future of humanity to be saved. Thank you.

Saturday 25th April 2015
Time 14:40 pm

Dear one, You are a light, a beacon of light for the heavenly order and yet you are nervous for your role. You are not alone dear one. 
You belong to the keepers of truth and this is your role. 
Preserve what is and clarify what is unknown to all you meet for many have questions and you seeking answers is a role that you must embrace and encourage others to do.
Do not rely on anyone and do not create dependency on you as you know this will limit the searcher for truth to a dead end when you are not there.
The teachers teach the pupils to learn to discover the truth from themselves.
You have chosen to learn to teach to learn and follow the light of truth since the ancient times. This has never changed.
The people who try to change have agenda or are influential to change.
What use is making a penny or two or a few pounds if this is to distract people from seeking the truth and this is what happens.
There are people who know God chooses His helpers to restore order on earth and there are those who corrupt the law creating disorder in this world. 
The wars invite reactions and oppression
Is a tyrannical mind of one that wants to be in control; he is to the blind but the enlightened ones are divine within their spirit to be in union and communion with the Father God.
Live your life knowing you are caught between two camps of warring tyrants who do not want to give up control, and in the end they will or will be removed.
This has happened before. 
The blocks to the stairway to heaven is deliberate to control and oppress. 
The gains to be had by control of land and resources supercede logic and logistics. 
The future is not preserved.
The plan to create a conforming workforce that must pay the fines and laws to the lawless one cannot go on. 
For humanity to thrive true liberty must be allowed and the freedom to grow, opportunity for learning and development must prevail to enable expanding minds and evolving souls to consider possibilities.
Why is it that some lands, your mother's land, build homes for their children and future generations to keep the family together. 
Yet in England people are deprived. They do not focus to do right by the children to provide security for all. 
There is a mentality that do not care and the vultures to take the inheritance of the children cannot be returned.
What is yours is yours.
Your greedy politicians and lawyers seek to gain and maintain control but they have nothing of value. 
A bomb can destroy their home.
An earthquake can destroy buildings.
A great flood over your land and what will they do?
You know this can happen and you know the turn of tides can happen too.
You must think about what you want to do and pick up the pieces of your life.
The house you saw could be yours if circumstance change.
You need money - an income; You need independence and freedom and You need to reconnect the Jewish people so that they can be free in their homeland.
The Lord will guide you in all you do and guide people to you.
The suffocation of your life is with the distractions and those who do not vale your spiritual essence.
Live among the faithful and you will see your life change; and stay away from those who do not value you and you will see that your time and energy will prevail with more to do
Time will be free to do as you feel guided to.
The opportunity awaits you when you are ready.
The refusal to do rightly by you and resistance you feel is a reflection of the higher order in this world.
You meet those who do not respect you. Those who do and those who do not understand you do not waste your time and energy.
People who wait for you are exclusive to the learning to evolve and you are their validating lamp.
You are their confirmation.
You are the one who has written the truth and validated the scriptures.
This is all you can do.
Your journey is not about making money or pleasing some overlord. 
You are serving God and Christ and We are your helpers.
So keep going and do not give up.
Remember we have spoken before now.
Our truth is what it is - unchangeable for you.
Write it down - reflect on the message and look back in months to come.
God bless you'
Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40)

The lawless one is identified in the message.

The Man of Lawlessness

For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, but the one who now restrains it will continue until he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of His mouth and abolish by the majesty of his arrival. The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder,… and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them.… (2 Thessalonians 2:-10)

A Promise of Restoration

I will surely gather My people from all the lands to which I have banished them in My furious anger and great wrath, and I will return them to this place and make them dwell in safety. They will be my people and I will be their God. (Jeremiah 32:37-38)

Regarding belonging to the keepers of truth - back in 2012 after prayer to God asking for help to do all I can to assist peace between Muslims and Christians - I had a dream seeing prophet Muhammad. This dream is documented. The next morning an email arrived pointing me to Prophet Muhammad's letter' and here is the Monastery this document is located. (I am Greek Orthodox)

God chooses the most unlikely helpers and Muhammad was actually illiterate so not expected to write anything. He was unlikely seen as a threat. It is also taught that he was taken up out of this world and came face to face with the Lord who instructed him for the people. We know by this experience the Lord is alive and communicates clearly. Also if Muhammad was summoned to the Throne Room, God had his purpose in this too. No one can enter the Throne room unless summoned....having seen the Crowned King on his throne; I believe.

Returning people to God has been a long process.

Warnings and promises are written in the scriptures. If you renounce God what protection do you have? As I suffer, people have said to me face to face it is not better to forget God and Jesus - ha the enemy at work influencing.

I do not expect to live forever....

My soul will go on...
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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