

Friday 12 April 2019

Ruth Stout: Growing Fruit Vegetables Without Work; No Pesiticide

Ruth Stout, Wish I discovered this lady a few years ago as my attempts to grow food have not been successful. Even potatoes...but my fruit trees in pots have blossoms this year.  Limited space is an issue and also labor intensive work is not possible at this time....

There are people calling this 'Back to Eden' gardening but I like to give credit to people particularly when they offer sound advice and especially advice that works.

"Only do what you have to do"

No digging or hard work and no watering either. Some people would  think this being hard work however so much digging, preparing the soil, adding compost, spending a small fortune on preparation and maintanance, still has people running to the stores because food might be cheaper.

Growing our own fruit and vegetables would surely plant a seed to have a greater appreciation of the food we eat that is grown....(the preparation of foods to store is something else).

Provision - For some years I have felt it is vital to address the dependancy of stores for everything. We also need to consider beyond cultivating for survival.

Loving hands and caring people emit energy. Once we fully grasp intentional energy in all things, we will appreciate even more our role in life and taking care of our planet as guardians.
In times of plenty it is a mindset choice to share...

In ancient times Tithing was identified as 10% ...

There are people growing abudandly with intention to share freely.

There really is no excuse for lack...there are too many blocks and obstacles.

With territorial control - even over small patches of land just sitting - this could be cultivated and instead of waste, providing free food and nourishing the earth naturally too.

Allotments were for a purpose... 
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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