

Thursday 6 June 2019

'Divine Mission To Be Accomplished' Message 26th May 2019

Message: 26th May 2019
Start time: 16:24-25 pm
End time: 16:51 pm

'Even though you feel tired hold on'

'My dear one you are so tired, so fatigued and forced to rest so please rest.
Your body is saying rest and in sleeping heal and restore your soul to brighter days ahead.
See the sun is shining; the birds singing.
The nettles are many but not stinging you because you stay away.
See the transforming from good to nourishing the heart and soul.
See the people hurting, sorrowful and sad because they cannot see what you see yet, but they will.
And the angry painful people are expressing their truth even if not rightfully blaming.
Many cannot cope in these days of confusion; 
And the traitors of mine are clear who neither care about me or my people,
The preservers of the lie are many who do not care about the truth or consequence either to their soul as people perish in your land by the mulititudes because no one can save them.
The focus to earn well to pay bills comes before doing right by everyone and the wood cracks with insects that destroy are slowly exposed.
Where is nobility in your land? 
There is none. Even the police protect their wage and pension.
Where is justice in your land and the rectification of decades of wrongs to my people who are chosen by God the Father to sing his song?
And where is mercy in the land that has no care for God the father and the Son as they who reject the Holy Spirit of truth are quick to condemn you even in their corrupt courts.
Well no more will the wicked rise when all this is destroyed and it will be and the one who rises with death and smiles will not be for much longer.
The hypocrites want to be seen as important but no one is more important than the ant and the bee and the birds that fly freely.
The hypocrites kill for sport both humans and the animal kingdom.
It is a game of power and control; yet the gun could go off in their face and that will happen if any of my anointed ones are touched by them.
Who preserves the Kingdom for Jesus Your Lord and King? - for they do not.
They have divided plots for gains of the people and my people are enslaved by idiots who have not evolved. 
A stupified people who are ruled over by a primitive go getter willing to sell her soul will make a stupified population who are scared to rock the boat.
You see and hear the treachery in local government and this is happening on a grand scale as the short term visionaries for gains cannot see the divine plan unfolding time and time again.
My people who are called by my name were baptised in the immersion to be returned to the Lord God Almighty, the Father of all Creation; and with this the golden opportunity to serve Him, the Father and work with me praying and serving.
This is how the Kingdom of God will be made manifest.
The rebellion against the Father is with rebellion against the Son and the Divine Mission to be accomplished; and it will be no matter what.
If you cannot make the next obstable and go the distance, the Lord will raise up Ten more who will. 
And the more Children of God are oppressed, He will rise up more and lift their voices.
Where is He who the Lord God Almighty has anointed and appointed to be leader of the nations?
It is written, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord' and it is also written 'All who came before him came and killed and destroyed.'
What power is gained this way other than unholy and oppressive when expecting loyalty too.
Am I expected to give loyalty and allegience to traitors?
No my dear.
You are all warned not to worship false idols.
All must repent from wicked ways until too late.
Be baptised in holiness children.
Sin no more my child for you are in the role given mercy from me and tenderness from my heart to yours.
I am humble and gentle.
I am Your King Pauline.
Go forth and tell them 'This King lives forever in your soul.'
Thank you.'

Image result for do not worship false idols
Many people have forgotten or just do not know 'Jesus is alive'.
Jesus was taken up out of this world and promised to return. Never being taught this, experiences of personal revelation have been shared and learning from this is with also praying while cupping the Holy Bible in my hands. Accellerated learning was necessary living here in UK.
Much has been revealed in recent years..
The learning is never ending
We are told 'ask and you shall be and you shall find'
'Knock and the door will be opened to you....'
Validation is given as when prayers are answered.
Seeing Jesus crowned standing at an open gateway is not something to be ignored for in the finest of details, what is revealed is not because of deserving, but by the Grace of God to not give up despite struggling - I am being brought to understand what I am meant to understand.
Is Queen Elizabeth II the Custodian of the Crown of David?
Jesus is a descendant of David the King of the United Kingdom of Israel.
The United Kingdom was named...
Did Jesus visit England in ancient times?
He appeared several times to children and adults 2012-2013
Why would he do this other than to remind people here
Just after the police locally said 'this land is ruled by dark forces'
Jesus said he will return when The Father sends him
so we know God knows...and there is reason too.
The mystical revelation is with preparation..
Many people are having mystical experiences even visitations from Jesus
with people sharing their experiences when instructed to.
In the precision of any messages here, each is written exactly
nothing added or taken away..
no interruption whatsoever...just penning each word given
now dating and timing...
what foretold will come to pass..nothing new, it is already written
even in translation, how everything comes to pass might not be clear.
yet when events happen, that prophesy is fulfilled,
to show again God is the God of Truth..
and is doing everything to gather his people back..
We are to beware of false prophets...for prophesy is written
with God's written plan, small childen still babies seeing Jesus
and He speaks to the little ones
who tell the adults and prepare them......
It is written Jesus said 'My sheep hear my voice'
Jesus knows who you are and where you live
He knows our trials and tribulations
He knows our sins and if we are sincere in repentance.....
and those who cause much suffering and death
The Man who speaks the Word of the Father
with the Spirit of God within...
will deliver the Word of the Father clearly
and Validate the truth too.
A physical vessel for God to dwell and speak to His people
without changing anything...God does not change
We can ask and ask and ask again...
Being like a child wanting to learn and be guided rightly
We can ask even as adult - children of God
'Please God guide us so that we can clearly understand
Help us...'
No one can trick God but there are those who trick people
and when people reject God tyrants can rise up and rule
yet for the preservation of souls Jesus arrives
and makes his living presence known...
The words are written in the scriptures to refer to
to contemplate and to see they are written for a reason.
God has warned us and also has shown through the prophets over time, He is not a myth and He has given us many lessons that we can learn from and know He did not forget us.
The message above is titled 'Divine Mission To be Accomplished.
as the message says....and it will be.
'Not by power nor by might'....
find what is written about this...
The Holy Spirit brings everything to our remembrance.
And this will be written too.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria