

Monday 2 September 2019

'Hear The World Shouting Out' - Message 1st September 2019

Message: 1st September 2019
Start time: 11:25 am
End time: 12-51 am

'Hear the world shouting out and many stand in silence with what is going on. 
The world will wait for the Lord Almighty; the peers do not.
The world will cry out in tears and spew out it's ashes. 
The peers do not know why this is happening.
The Lord will cry out to His people to come back - Will they listen?
Many do not.
Many do not know the Lord of Righteousness and the King of all Creation.
The Lord waits patiently for the people who rebel in one last chance of rescue from damnation. 
Oh dear my people you cannot see what you do and you cannot hear what you say.
You follow blindly the leader who plays a game on the world stage. 
Who loves your soul?
Do you even know?
The Lord your God is waiting for the sound of silence so you know.
All over there is chaos and confusion in the world.
In the Lord of Creation there is peace. 
All over there is pain and suffering behind closed doors.
Since when is this healing?
My people are frightened of the leaders of force and yet My Son of Creation is gentle in his ways.
He waits; he waits patiently for you all.
Can the Holy Spirit reach you if your heart is impure. 
If you are full of hate and vengeance how can you hear the voice of the Lord?
The Spirit of the nations will call out yet who is listening to the call of the Lord of all Creation?
If you go here or there and led here and there, how are you following the Spirit of Truth who is guiding you?
You want and want never satisfied always restless because you have been trained this way. 
The way of the world is not the way of the Lord.
Creation is His by the day being formed.
The light is given to illuminate and yet people desire to live in darkness.
The electricity from the heavens and earth is given to power up in your lands; industry and creation to do more than before and with speed.
The price you will pay who claim power and control is high, yet the Lord gives Light at no cost.
My friends and enemies, my children of light can you not see what you are doing?
The way of the world is not the way of the Lord Creation.
As you turn your hearts and minds to righteousness and service, your life choices must change. 
The pressure is on that people will make choices to compromise their soul. 
The West cares neither for God and the East have forgotten the soul in their essence. 
The West will learn from the East and the East from the West.
Who learns from the Lord of Creation? 
Who wonders what is of the Lord?
Who looks at their fellow human being and sees a precious soul; and holy creation is formed to live and breathe and speak?
Who loves the Lord their God so much they will let go of the false idols leading all astray with their game?
The Lord scolds the evil doers but you do not know He mixes up their plans and creates confusion too.
The Lord Creator of the Universe is in control.
Do you look at your leaders and the magicians of old; or do you look at the masquerade that is not a holy ball.
You are God's chosen they will say but he is not.
She is a rebel of the Lord who corrupts the law for gain.
And she who sold her soul for power did not gain any at all.
The empty vessel is many a void space to be filled.
The glittering gold and sparkling gems will not buy entrance to heaven.
The earthly social climbing game is void of integrity and reasoning.
Let love be your guide whether rich or poor and the Lord will lead you in righteousness kindred souls.
Let forgiveness be your heart mission as the Lord has forgiven many more times than you can imagine.
Let mercy be your belt of righteousness tied tightly around your waist and remember everyone is learning lessons.
The Lord is the eternal Father who chose your mother for a reason.
Did you learn righteousness and consideration?
Did she know God's Grace to show you?
Did you learn some other way?
Even painful lessons can bring joy and hope.
Remember the Lord and He will remember you and have mercy on your fellow human being.
The bonds of the wicked will be broken.
The ways of the Lord are not of this world.
Your Lord and King did not forget you.
Be merciful and you will be shown mercy too.'