

Sunday 6 October 2019

'Who Will Calm The Storm?' Message 5th October 2019

Message: 5th October 2019
Start time : 16:11 pm
End time: 16:38 pm

'Don't worry about a thing I am here now
Who will call an end to the war?
The lands are suffering turmoil with change and resistance to what is right.
The waves flow high as a reminder of what was before.
Who will calm the storm?
I will calm the storm in the hearts of my followers for they know who they are.
I will ease the suffering in their souls for I am the great one who knows their truth; and I will comfort the lowly broken widow for she has no one to care for her anymore.
The children are grown and flown the nest.
She is forgotten in their quest.
You see what you see and yet God the Lord Almighty opens your eyes; and you understand what you understand when God opens your mind
It is better to be an empty vessel receptive to the Lord of Truth than to be filled with nonsense.
It is better to be weak and sought by the Lord - strengthened in His love than strong for a competition. 
The Lord does not compete.
He waits and waits.
The sincere hearts are many waiting and receptive for Him who was chosen long ago.
The Lord Almighty does not seek battle.
The mirror of consequence attracts the obvious.
If you call out to me, I hear and when you need me, the Lord your God is near.
Draw near to me and I will draw near to you; and when you love your neighbour she loves you too.
When you forgive your brother you give him another chance to repent with remorse and if he does not that is his choice.
Poison not your hearts and souls with those who do evil for they serve a purpose and have to learn their lessons too.
The suffering suffer and there will be those who suffer no more.
Be clear in your truth and let them know your request for the mind of the anointed is not the same as one who is paid to conform in a land the school of higher consciousness is hidden.
My people stand out like a sore thumb.
My people are criticised and condemned, but does the Lord your God condemn you by this?
Does the heart of the tender one still beat strong when by the act of mind and his wicked deed it should stop?
The anxiety of the soul is with mission incomplete but it will be done.
The Lord Your King is here and soul to soul you listen to Him.
You are not alone dear ones wherever you are.
The silence of the lambs renders a terrible truth and the birds and bees gone. 
Who can send them back to pollinate the earth?
The waters rise to be a reminder of ages gone by and the Return of the Lord. 
By the power of Satan he will impose distraction and untruths and yet what does not change is the Lord of all ages.
When the Spirit of the Lord speaks who can deny Him?
If the heavens close and there is no rain to fall, who can provide in famine?
The man made laws to control forget to include the God Almighty.
Tell them not to test Him.
The demons tremble because the time is short.
They do not know consequence.
The banishment of demons before set the people free; but if not their soul is imprisoned forever.
Let my people go from this power of temptation to mislead the world; for without me your Lord and King, all is lost.
Who can save the people's souls but the ones whom have been anointed for this role. 
Come to me my people and I will show you the gate ahead.
There are many tribes of people Israel to whom do you belong?
The Lord your God is One
Does He look upon one above the other?
He picks the lowliest of people to show His Grace and the children of whom their soul belongs to him - do not forget.
Many of you are asleep and in a moment you will wake.
The Holy Spirit will bring all to you to remember
And remember God loves His children'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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