

Friday 27 December 2019

'Never be ashamed to mention the Lord God Almighty' Message 26th December 2019

Personal revelation message

Message: 26th December 2019
Start time: 22:36 pm
End time: 23:01 pm

'Hear me dear one
Daughter, you are strength dressed in weakness in a tired body strained with stress. 
Your soul soars to the mountains while your feet rest on the footstool placed at your feet.
My holy ones are blessed with My Word and my consecrated ones blessed at birth.
Let the ones who come to me with clean hearts and minds and pure intentions - I wait for them.
I wait 2000 years or more for my righteous ones to return to me again and they will; 
For the door will close to those who condemn the Lord of My choosing;
For the Son of God was blessed and consecrated at birth and blessed again and again for My people.
So who rejects him where you live?
For I tell you the truth - Many do without shame of remorse. 
There is hatred towards God who are those under the influence to do wrong;
For the blind sheep might mean well at the start - 
All fall short of the Glory of God and so reject Him who was born ruler of the nations with righteousness and Justice in his heart and soul.
For without the Lord God Almighty, who can say they have right to rule over God's people?
The ambition is great and devious ways all foretold.
The antichrist denied his maker and the demonic spirit takes over in rage and lust for power causing collapse of all that is standing righteously established from before.
The Lord will strip away the wealth and expose the characters for who they are and He will flood the waters like never before that they take notice.
Excuses they give over and over not seeing what is going on.
The Holy Christmas of sanctification is lost and the party with spending like no other is lost on those who cannot comprehend this way before.
There is no love for the people or sense of duty in the Royal house for if this is the case there would not be self serving and self promoting like never before.
Wickedness is thriving in this time and generation; lawlessness too.
There is no care for the people in the system that rejects the Lord. 
They who say they serve me are silent on the multitudes of deaths taken place in the land where you live. 
It is deliberate.
But never be ashamed to mention the Lord God Almighty as you are guided in this time and situation.
All who have denied me are already known.
Their confession and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit foretold; 
And the predatory men who seek to violate and violate some more are disgusting in the eyes of the Lord of Hosts. 
Oh they love to be seen respectable and important when inside they are vipers and opportunists on their prey.
You will know all by their fruits and when you feel sick to the stomach in the presence of the demonic influence - leave.
The end has come for a chapter in your life - swiftly and necessary.
Be patient until the Lord calls you again for you will be called to serve in another mission.
Your humbleness is with brokenness and your weakened state has to be.
The slave drivers in your land have no regard for the law nor justice in righteousness.
My people are not slaves to the unrighteous rule who steal from my people.
You shall not bow to them or serve them - you who are my people.
The false idols want to be seen as important yet they lack something to show they are not. 
The ambitious gain in the power game is enacted on the world stage.
The elite want to be elite.
My elect are my chosen ones called for a purpose.
This year you will see change like never before exposed.
There will be dramatic changes and everything that was taken from you was planned to be.
Let the Lord reveal His humble servants and look to those who are sincerely serving the Lord in the Holy Spirit in truth. 
Be at peace within waiting for him'

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ (Matthew 22:36-37)
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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