

Friday 20 December 2019

'The Lord of Grace Gives Abundantly' Message 19th December 2019

Message: 19th December 209
Start time: 10:54 am
End time: 11:20 am

'Let the Word begin
And so it is as in the beginning of time;
The Word created everything and through the Word all things came into being.
But the Spirit of the Lord, the Lord of Truth and Spirit of Truth, the Son of Man was born to be He who would one day rule the Nations.
The suffering suffer and the perishing perish and you who are ill will be ill because of what is happening. 
Turn to me my children and see the Lord of All Creation did not change; 
And He who formed you in your mother's womb formed you with His mission accomplished too.
The Lord prevails over all Courts and all Governments; 
And if the Courts and Governments fail you - look up to the heavens for there is The Throne high over the earth where man cannot reach, unless he is called to his purpose.
Why do you not know the Lord of Truth has never forgotten His people?
The Lord of Truth will validate His Truth and yet who seeks me in their quest for more and ego competing?
The mind of the masses is distracted to conform  and see the world in a cloak of materialism.
What if there was nothing to buy and nothing to do?
Where would your focus be now?
Will you think of me?
Will you contemplate life and the reason for creation as you know it to be?
My friends and children The Lord does not give you tasks to distract but a mind and heart to positively create and sustain life. 
The quest of giving is beneficial to those who appreciate but the gift out of obligation is not well received as it is known to be a token of misplaced energy.
If you go through your home and belongings, what you have there is energy.
The clothes you wear carry energy from the point of being made. 
You will throw away the valuable without realising and keep that which has no value at all. 
Are you influenced?
Do you have misplaced sentimental value in something that was a symbolic gift? 
You bring sweetness to a home with your heart in kindness and care and the gift of sweet is symbolic.
You give a sweet to consume and remember you by; yet the sweetness of life is often forgotten.
Let your words and deeds be with the sweetness of love of Lord Jesus Christ My Son, Yahushua who is the Lord of all Nations.
They seek to rise up against him in this time because the passion runs high to be seen and praise.
So who are the lowly handmaidens I have chosen and who are the humble gentlemen with Prue heart and pure intention to all?
For I tell you unless they purify their heart and intention, the world will plummet into darkness some more. 
The world has become a dangerous place for innocent women and children;
Young boys are vulnerable too.
If anyone taken from my wing of Salvation to cause him to fall - so they will fall in the river of blood or the river of tears.
'No regret' they say who harm my children.
I see what happens in their corrupt courts but they do not see the Lord of Creation in the final Judge over all.
There are many violations and the greatest of all is to deny my children to live in peace under the umbrella of the Lord who loves them all.
'Have Mercy' they say, 'Have Mercy' and then everyone laughs in their face.
'Have Mercy' they say and feed the children; and they laugh as the people tumble and fall.
'Have Mercy' they say who are perishing to death - that death becomes the easiest option because the struggle to survive is too much.
The people in the wicked generation are surely divided.
The Lord will have Mercy on whom He will and there will be many cries for joy and gladness; and there will be many who gnash their teeth.
Want not more material possessions; for the Lord of Grace gives abundantly;
His truth sustains the world as you are called to remind the world of the Lord of Creation who loves His people.
Turn to Him before too late'
Peace be with you

Pauline Maria

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