

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Do Not Doubt Your Purpose - Message 13th July 2020

Personal revelation message

Message: 13th July 2020
Start time: 3:35 am
End time: 3:53 am

'My dear one,
Hear the word of your Lord and King in your heart and know however fragile you may seem, your God watches over you.
Be bold in your spirit and forthright in your word; diplomatically reminding people you have your limitations and your strengths but it is not as they demand.
The traitors in your land cannot do right by you because they would rather boast about what they do.
Why in a time did not one see you had food from the government?
Because they continue to not care about a selected few that you are one who does not fit into their criteria.
While they stuff their faces and want more, more is wasted; but not one you know was moved enough to help you and in the end all have shown their true colours.
Bless those who Bless you but resist to judge in this time because all are learning lessons.
All are being tested and the opportunity to change is given too.
Lord knows the heart and mind of everyone and the Lord guides the heart and mind of the righteous ones.
If they are told they are righteous they are not
The Lord alone knows who is righteous and pure in their heart and intention.
They murdered you with intention to cause loss and suffering and the Lord will take back the Crown Authority for what they do to my people.
The Lord will right wrongs where you are concerned.
You are placed in a hardship role for you to live a life the opposite what your life prepared you for.
Be alive my love.
Be alone until those who do right by you are revealed alone for who they are.
Be at one with your soul my love and focus on the one who loves your soul because he does.
Be sure of the man who saves you over and over again with your suffering and struggle and violations so many times - Yes the Lord Your God knows.
There is nothing lost in all this and time moves on to a young foolish girl for a wiser woman who was born to serve everyone.
As your prayers are mild in manner, so the mildness of manner will be manifested in this world; and in your determination with Will you are meeting the force of God in this too.
Dear one remember The Master of all ages and know you are an initiate of the Mysteries of Light - not without preparation.
Lord Jesus Christ, your Yeshua is tried and tested too.
He had to be prepared in the world to meet who he was meant to meet too.
Your life prepared you with dignitaries and success yet you were thrown to the ground to meet the lowliest of people.
You are a soul incarnate; not a body of lowliness and nothing else.
My dear you have accomplished so much when you think you have accomplished nothing at all.
The Lord decides everything and the Lord prepares everyone.
Your Teacher is the Lord Almighty and the Holy Spirit of  Truth so why take notice of those who do not know you?
The slave drivers will make you a slave and you will be abused, oppressed and killed by the life they expect of you.
Your soul lives for me.
Let your soul be free to seek me at all things.
Do not doubt your purpose.
Your worth is precious in my eyes but many will exploit you and take everything they can.
You are my pottery creation reformed and transformed.
You will shine for me'

It is written:

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one.” John 10:27-30

Sharing learning and spiritual revelation to inspire faith and prayer

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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