

Friday 7 August 2020

'Come With Sincere and Contrite Heart' - Message 6th August 2020

Personal Revelation Message
Message: 6th August 2020
Start time : 5:54 am
End time : 6:15 am

'Hear me now
My voice will shout over the nations; beyond the realms of the ignorant and yet only my people will hear.
The rest will be deaf to the Guidance of Truth from me your Lord and King.
The Lord of Creation does not reward the wicked with holy blessings; and those who do not respect the holy order of things will not know the truth either.
They will want and search and will never be satisfied for something so precious is out of their reach.
I cannot have abusers ruling with authority over my people and the rich can easily become abusive and take people as fools.
My people will make fools of those who are insincere and the oppressors will know the Lord will not tolerate this at all. 
If my people will resist loyalty to popularity and seek the truth from the Lord and King chosen by God the Father - He will not let them down and He will not forsake them. 
The utterly selfish cause of suffering with ease yet do not see their own; and the ones who deprive people of their rights will know the meaning of being deprived too.
All the ill gotten gain will not be worth anything at all and when the day of Judgment comes.
 The realisation the Lord knows will hit like a thunderbolt.
Those who attend church and then go sin every other day to hurt my people will find their party will give them a hangover.
The Lord knows who are his and who are sincere too. 
The situation where you live is with many changes taking place and hypocrisy too. 
The running away from responsibility when people suffer does not mean suffering will be known. 
To bow down to lift people up is not such a difficult thing to do, but the egos who seek adoration and not to serve selflessly will be exposed.
The family once respected is no more and the extended family have few that are flawed - flawed in the way they operate and assume a lofty role. 
In me Your Christ Jesus all are equal and the Lord has raised up women for such a time as this.
The Lord has raised up the most broken man who went through so much; yet he is grateful to serve in the preservation of faith and worship.
The Spirit guided man of God will not err if he keeps his mind focussed and heart clean from sin.
The man who was hated even after his transgression is a chosen vessel to lead other men the right way who have sinned. 
Too many are judging and assuming not knowing the mind or heart of the Lord.
I will show myself to be true to everyone and yet I will not hate people.
I hate what some people do but even I would not force people to change. 
If people want me they will find me but first they must seek me with their heart rightfully aligned. 
I will not allow my people to exploit the body and soul of my people - for the body is a temple for the Holy Spirit of God.
As you pray you are being cleansed and refining your soul in alignment to the Light and Truth from your God.
You are being washed clean with the Word of God given to you and through you.
Now tell my people: Come with sincere and contrite heart'
I listen, 
I know
I am waiting'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Do not doubt your purpose

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